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Name: 2112X002.jpg
Keywords: MID2101, SMID2112, Achilleus 498, Achilleus 538, Achilleus 544, Achilleus 555, Achilleus 608, Achilleus 679, Aineias 56, Aithra I 78, Antilochos I 23, Equus Troianus 33, Hektor 108, Helene 371, Idaios 3, Ilioupersis (S) 43ad, Nereides 326, Poseidon 263, Poseidon/Neptunus 136, tabula Iliaca, relief, Roman, marble, -27/68, Rome, United States, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 24.97.11, Tabula Iliaca, sword, ladder, shield, temple, chariot, corselet, gesture of supplicationXXX, weapon, wall, Town wall, horse, agon, contest, donkey, funeral games, corpse, fight, battle, Ilioupersis, Equus Troianus, kneeling (not ritually), Achilleus, Aineias, Aithra I, Andromache I, Antilochos I, Athena/Minerva, Hekabe, Hektor, Helene, Idaios, Menelaos, Poseidon/Neptunus, Priamos, Thetis, Nereides