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Imageview: 21 images comply with your query "Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 263ad"
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Name: 2047X117.jpg
Keywords: MID246, SMID2047, Aias II 61, Aithra I 68, Astyanax I 23, Athena 88, Ilioupersis (S) 12, Kaineus 7, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 111, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 263ad, Priamos 129, III. 3.b. Konsekration 203, III. 6.d. Hikesie 53, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Niobid Painter, -475/-450, Bologna, Felsina, Bononia, Italy, Museo Civico Archeologico, Pell. 268, helmet, shield, cult image, cult statue, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, greaves, touching of cult image, warrior, soldier, centaur, Ilioupersis, Aias II, Aithra I, Astyanax I, Athena, Kaineus, Kassandra I, Priamos