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Name: 9521X105.jpg
Keywords: MID6202, SMID9521, fronton ouest, Aglauros, Herse, Pandrosos 39, Aktaios I 1, Amphitrite 32, Athena 234, Attike 4, Boreadai 40, Boutes Add 1, Chione I 2, Chthonia 1, Dodekatheoi 4d, Erechtheus (vol. IV) 75, Eridanos II 1, Eridanos II 2, Erysichthon II 4, Eumolpos 2, Hermes 451, Ilisos 1, Ion 1, Ion (Suppl. 2009) 1, Iris I 104, Iris I (Suppl. 2009) 104, Kallirrhoe II 1, Kekrops (vol. VI) 28, Kephalos 29, Kephisos I 3, Kranaos I 1, Kreousa I 1, Melikertes 13, Melikertes 14, Melite II 3, Metion (Suppl. 2009) 1, Oreithyia I 27, Poseidon 139, Poseidon 223, Praxithea 4, Prokne et Philomela 8, Prokne et Philomela 13, Prokris 7, Zeuxippe 3, III. 3.b. Konsekration 56, pediment statue, sculpture in the round, Attica, marble, -438/-432, AthensAcropolis, Greece, Athens, Acropolis, Parthenon, Frontons, chariot, charioteer, ketos, sea monster, Aglauros (Agraulos), Aktaios I, Amphitrite, Athena, Attike, Boreadai, Boutes, Chione I, Chthonia, Dodekatheoi, Erechtheus, Eridanos I, Erysichthon I, Eumolpos, Hermes, Ilisos, Ion, Iris I, Kekrops, Kephalos, Kephisos I, Kranaos I, Kreousa I, Melikertes, Melite I, Oreithyia I, Philomele, Poseidon, Praxithea, Prokne, Prokris, Zeuxippe, Kallirrhoe I, Metion