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Imageview: 4 images comply with your query "Frise de Bassai, Amazonomachie"
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Name: 24525X003.jpg
Keywords: MID21476, SMID24525, Amazones 101, Amazones Add 2, Antiope II 21, Herakles 2458, Herakles 3513, frieze, relief, Greek, -400/-350, Bassai, BassaeTemple of Apollon, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 531-542 + Athènes, Musée Archéologique National 3415, Frise de Bassai, Amazonomachie, sword, club, helmet, shield, spear, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bow, lionskin, horse, Amazon, fight, battle, Antiope II, Herakles, Theseus, Hippolyte I, Amazones