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Name: 97903X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201058, SMID97903, Dionysos (in per. or.) Add 1, Monstra (Suppl. 2009) 41, earring, jewellery, Greece, gold, -60/-40, Tillya Tepe (Afghanistan)Tomb 6.2 – Dimensions: H: 6.5 cm, Afghanistan, Kaboul, Musée Archéologique, 04.40.53, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, rhyton, lion, cup, satyr, silen, Ariadne, Dionysos, Nike
Name: 58562X001.jpg
Keywords: Auf dem felsigen Plateau nördlich unterhalb der Akropolis verteilen sich über ein Areal von ca. 130 x 130 m etwa 40 Felsabarbeitungen Schrammen, J., Der grosse Altar, in: Pergamon III, 1 (1896) 7–90; Brückner, A., Wann ist der Altar von Pergamon errichtet worden?, AA (1904) 218–224; Napp, A.E. (Hrsg.), Der Altar von Pergamon (1936); Bruns, G., Der grosse Altar von Pergamon (1949); Bruns 101–111; Rohde, E. (Hrsg.), Pergamon. Burgberg und Altar (1961); Schmidt, E., Der grosse Altar zu Pergamon (1961); Simon, Pergamon und Hesiod (1975); Stähler, K., Untersuchungen zur architektonischen Gestalt des Pergamonaltars, in: Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens. (Festschrift für F.K. Dörner) (1978) 838–867; Callaghan, P.J., On the date of the Great Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, BICS 28 (1981) 115–121; Schalles, H.J., Der Pergamonaltar. Zwischen Bewertung und Verwertbarkeit (1986); Hoepfner, W., Zu den grossen Altären von Magnesia und Pergamon, AA (1989) 601–634 (= Hoepfner 1); Andreae, B. (Hrsg.), Phyromachos-Probleme. Mit einem Anhang zur Datierung des Grossen Altars von Pergamon (1990); Börker, C., Zur Datierung des Pergamon-Altars, in: Akten des 13. Internationalen Kongresses für Klassische Archäologie Berlin 1988 (1990) 591–592; Kunze, M./Kästner, V. (Hrsg.), Der Altar von Pergamon, hellenistische und römische Architektur (21990); Kunze, M., Neue Forschungen zum Pergamonaltar, in: Etienne/Le Dinahet, L’espace sacrificiel 135–140 (Kunze 1); Hoepfner, Bauliche Details am Pergamonaltar, AA (1991) 189–202 (= Hoepfner 2); id., Siegestempel und Siegesaltäre. Der Pergamonaltar als Siegesmonument, in: Hoepfner, W./Zimmer, G. (Hrsg.), Die griechische Polis. Architektur und Politik (1993) 111–125 (= Hoepfner 3); Kästner, V., Gigantennamen, IstanbMitt 44 (1994) 125–134 (= Kaestner 1); Gates, M.H., Archaeology in Turkey, AJA 100 (1996) 322–324; Kunze, Parthenon und Pergamonaltar. Das Bildprogramm am Pergamonaltar als Rückgriff auf den Parthenon?, Thetis 3 (1996) 71–80 (= Kunze 2); Hoepfner, Der vollendete Pergamonaltar, AA (1996) 115–134 (= Hoepfner 4); id., Zum Pergamon-Altar, Anadolou Anatolia 23 (1984–1997) 187–193 (= Hoepfner 5); Seiterle, Rückgabe des Zeusaltars – an Athena, AntW 28 (1997) 201–208; Heilmeyer, W.D., Der Pergamonaltar. Die neue Präsentation nach der Restaurierung des Telephosfrieses (1997); Kästner, The architecture of the Great Altar of Pergamon, in: Pergamon. Citadel of the goda. Archaeological record, literary description, and religious development (1998) 137–161 (= Kästner 2); Webb, P.A., The Functions of the Sanctuary of Athena and the Pergamon Altar (the Heroon of Telephos) in the Attalid Building Programm, in: Stephanos (Festschrift B.S. Ridgway) (1998) 244–254; Radt, Pergamon, Geschichte und Bauten einer antiken Metropole (1999) 168–180; De Luca, G./Radt, Sondagen im Fundament des grossen Altars. Pergamenische Forschungen 12 (1999); Kästner, Vorläufiger Bericht zu den Ergebnissen der Untersuchungen am Oberbau des Pergamonaltars, in: Bericht über die 40. Tagung für Ausgrabungswissenschaft und Bauforschung (Kongress Wien 1998) (2000) 64–78 (= Kästner 3); Stewart, Pergamo ara marmorea magna. On the date, altar, MID53203, SMID58562 – LIMC/ThesCRA: -175/-150
Name: 58421X001.jpg
Keywords: Greece, Delphi, Sanctuary of Apollon, Inventory:, manteion, Adyton, cultual installations – Dating: Greece Delphi Sanctuary of Apollon – Discovery: (not specified) – Description: Der Ursprung des Orakels von Delphi wird mit dem Kult der Gaia in mykenischer Zeit und den aus dieser Epoche stammenden Idolen angesetzt. – Über den Ablauf der Orakelbefragung liegen nur lückenhafte Nachrichten vor. Folgende Stationen werden mit dem Kultvollzug in Verbindung gebracht: 1. Die Kastalische Quelle. Das ältere, aus Porosquadern errichtete Brunnenhaus aus der 1. H. 6. Jh. v. Chr. nahm auf der Rückseite eines gepflasterten Hofs (5.75 x 5.68 m) einen mit 3 Reservoirs ausgestatteten Laufbrunnen mit 4 Wasserstrahlen auf. Im 2./1. Jh. v. Chr. wurde ca. 50 m tiefer in der Schlucht eine neue Brunnenanlage weitgehend aus dem anstehenden Fels herausgearbeitet. Das in einem Reservoir (11m lang, 2.25 m hoch) gespeicherte Wasser floss aus 7 Öffnungen. Zu dem tief gelegenen Brunnenhof führten 7 Stufen hinab. Dem Quellwasser der Kastalia wurde eine kathartische und inspirierende Wirkung und prophetische Kraft zugeschrieben. Das Wasser wurde für rituelle Waschungen der Orakelsuchenden, die Reinigung des Tempelinnern und Bäder der Pythia in Anspruch genommen. Abweichend von der übrigen Überlieferung schreibt Paus. X 24, 7 diese Wirkung dem Wasser des Kassotis-Brunnens oberhalb des Apollontempels zu. 2. Der grosse Altar vor dem Apollontempel. An ihm werden die der Orakelbefragung vorausgehenden Opfer vollzogen. Aus der Reaktion der Opfertiere (vornehmlich Ziegen) auf das Besprengen mit kaltem Wasser leitete man die Bereitschaft des Gottes zur Akzeptanz des Ratsuchenden ab. 3. Das Adyton des Apollontempels. In der schriftlichen Überlieferung werden als Ausstattung des Adyton, dem Ort der Orakelerteiliung, folgende Installationen und Geräte genannt: der Omphalos als Markierung des Grabes des Python, der Dreifuss als Sitz der Pythia, ein Lorbeerstrauch, eine goldene Statue des Apollon. In der durch die Ausgrabungen freigelegten Ruine des zwischen 366 und 320 v. Chr. errichteten Apollontempels VI können die Standorte nicht verifiziert und die Gesamtherrichtung des Adyton nicht
Name: 58515X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53159, SMID58515, architecture, temple, -510/-490, Aphaia-Tempel, Greece, Egine, Sanctuaire d’Aphaia, 7. Geraubte Metopen, AA (1985) 1-13; Sinn, U., Aphaia und die Aegineten. Zur Rolle des Aphaiaheiligtums im religiösen und gesellschaftlichen Leben der Insel Aigina, AM 102 (1987) 131-167; Knell 4, 37-40; Knell 5, 68-78; Oppermann 79-131; Bankel, H., Der spätarchaische Tempel der Aphaia auf Aegina (1993) (dazu Rez: De Waele, J.A.K.E., in: BABesch 72 [1997] 135-169 und Rumscheid, F., Gnomon 70 [1998] 240-247); Gruben 4, 122-127; Simon, E., Aias von Salamis als mythische Persönlichkeit. SBHeidelb XLI, 1 (2003) 20-26., Greece Egine Sanctuaire d’Aphaia
Name: 15923X202.jpg
Keywords: SbHeidelb (1969) 24; Fittschen, Sagendarstellungen 187. 191 SB 107 fig. 17; Hoffman, H., Early Cretan Armores (1972) 26 pl. 46, 2. 47, 2; Brandenburg, Studien zur Mitra (1966) 25 note 41–42. Bartels, OlympBerVIII (1967) 198–205 no. 5 fig. 74 pl. 102–105; Schefold, Sagenbilder 45; Hampe, R., Kretische Löwenschale des 7. Jh. v. Chr, mitra, Studien zur Mitra (1966) 25 note 41–42., Greece, Olympie, Musée Archéologique, Inventory: B 4900 (1. Inv.)
Name: 15923X203.jpg
Keywords: SbHeidelb (1969) 24; Fittschen, Sagendarstellungen 187. 191 SB 107 fig. 17; Hoffman, H., Early Cretan Armores (1972) 26 pl. 46, 2. 47, 2; Brandenburg, Studien zur Mitra (1966) 25 note 41–42. Bartels, OlympBerVIII (1967) 198–205 no. 5 fig. 74 pl. 102–105; Schefold, Sagenbilder 45; Hampe, R., Kretische Löwenschale des 7. Jh. v. Chr, mitra, Studien zur Mitra (1966) 25 note 41–42., Greece, Olympie, Musée Archéologique, Inventory: B 4900 (1. Inv.)
Name: 10078X003.jpg
Keywords: MID9870, SMID10078, A, Aphrodite 1491, Artemis 1427, Athena 105, Diomedes I 28, Helene 202, Hermes 585, Marsyas I 37, Mousa, Mousai 115, Theano I 5, II. 5. Kultbilder 659, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18e, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, clay, -360, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81392, H 3231, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), Palladion, sanctuary, priestess, rape of the Palladion, architecture, temple key, track (trace?) of blood, capital: Ionic, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, pediment, acroterion, door: double-door, Athena, Diomedes I, Hermes, Nike, Odysseus
Name: 10078X102.jpg
Keywords: MID9870, SMID10078, A, Aphrodite 1491, Artemis 1427, Athena 105, Diomedes I 28, Helene 202, Hermes 585, Marsyas I 37, Mousa, Mousai 115, Theano I 5, II. 5. Kultbilder 659, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18e, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, clay, -360, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81392, H 3231, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), Palladion, sanctuary, priestess, rape of the Palladion, architecture, temple key, track (trace?) of blood, capital: Ionic, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, pediment, acroterion, door: double-door, Athena, Diomedes I, Hermes, Nike, Odysseus
Name: 10078X104.jpg
Keywords: MID9870, SMID10078, A, Aphrodite 1491, Artemis 1427, Athena 105, Diomedes I 28, Helene 202, Hermes 585, Marsyas I 37, Mousa, Mousai 115, Theano I 5, II. 5. Kultbilder 659, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18e, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, clay, -360, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81392, H 3231, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), Palladion, sanctuary, priestess, rape of the Palladion, architecture, temple key, track (trace?) of blood, capital: Ionic, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, pediment, acroterion, door: double-door, Athena, Diomedes I, Hermes, Nike, Odysseus
Name: 10078X105.jpg
Keywords: MID9870, SMID10078, A, Aphrodite 1491, Artemis 1427, Athena 105, Diomedes I 28, Helene 202, Hermes 585, Marsyas I 37, Mousa, Mousai 115, Theano I 5, II. 5. Kultbilder 659, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18e, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, clay, -360, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81392, H 3231, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), Palladion, sanctuary, priestess, rape of the Palladion, architecture, temple key, track (trace?) of blood, capital: Ionic, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, pediment, acroterion, door: double-door, Athena, Diomedes I, Hermes, Nike, Odysseus
Name: 10078X106.jpg
Keywords: MID9870, SMID10078, A, Aphrodite 1491, Artemis 1427, Athena 105, Diomedes I 28, Helene 202, Hermes 585, Marsyas I 37, Mousa, Mousai 115, Theano I 5, II. 5. Kultbilder 659, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18e, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, clay, -360, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81392, H 3231, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), Palladion, sanctuary, priestess, rape of the Palladion, architecture, temple key, track (trace?) of blood, capital: Ionic, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, pediment, acroterion, door: double-door, Athena, Diomedes I, Hermes, Nike, Odysseus
Name: 10078X107.jpg
Keywords: MID9870, SMID10078, A, Aphrodite 1491, Artemis 1427, Athena 105, Diomedes I 28, Helene 202, Hermes 585, Marsyas I 37, Mousa, Mousai 115, Theano I 5, II. 5. Kultbilder 659, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18e, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, clay, -360, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81392, H 3231, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), Palladion, sanctuary, priestess, rape of the Palladion, architecture, temple key, track (trace?) of blood, capital: Ionic, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, pediment, acroterion, door: double-door, Athena, Diomedes I, Hermes, Nike, Odysseus
Name: 10078X301.jpg
Keywords: MID9870, SMID10078, A, Aphrodite 1491, Artemis 1427, Athena 105, Diomedes I 28, Helene 202, Hermes 585, Marsyas I 37, Mousa, Mousai 115, Theano I 5, II. 5. Kultbilder 659, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18e, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, clay, -360, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81392, H 3231, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), Palladion, sanctuary, priestess, rape of the Palladion, architecture, temple key, track (trace?) of blood, capital: Ionic, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, pediment, acroterion, door: double-door, Athena, Diomedes I, Hermes, Nike, Odysseus
Name: 10078X307.jpg
Keywords: MID9870, SMID10078, A, Aphrodite 1491, Artemis 1427, Athena 105, Diomedes I 28, Helene 202, Hermes 585, Marsyas I 37, Mousa, Mousai 115, Theano I 5, II. 5. Kultbilder 659, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 18e, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, clay, -360, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81392, H 3231, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), Palladion, sanctuary, priestess, rape of the Palladion, architecture, temple key, track (trace?) of blood, capital: Ionic, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, pediment, acroterion, door: double-door, Athena, Diomedes I, Hermes, Nike, Odysseus
Name: 12002X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X002.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X003.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X004.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X005.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X006.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X007.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X101.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X102.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X103.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X104.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X105.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X106.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X107.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X108.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X109.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X110.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X111.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X112.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X113.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 12002X202.jpg
Keywords: MID11719, SMID12002, Amazones 384, Apate 1, Aphrodite 16, Apollon 919, Artemis 686, Asia I 1, Athena 462, Athena 604, Gorgo, Gorgones 188, Hellas 5, Nike 245, Nike 263, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 187c, Poseidon 219, Zeus Add 206, III. 6.d. Hikesie 130, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Darius Painter, -335/-330, Canosa di Puglia, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81947, H 3253, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, herm, sceptre, helmet, shield, tree, spear, cult image, cult statue, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, bukranion, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, plant, horse, demon, warrior, soldier, winged figure, Amazon, mitra (belly guard), altar: monolithic block, fight, battle, rider, Apate, Aphrodite, Apollon, Artemis, Asia I, Athena, Erinys, Gorgones, Hellas, Nike, Poseidon, Zeus, Pegasos, Amazones
Name: 13044X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12735, SMID13044, Melampous 4, Proitides 4, II. 3.a. Reinigung gr 81, II. 5. Kultbilder 426, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 131a, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 133d, nestoris, vase painting, red figured, Lucania, terracotta, Brooklyn-Budapest Painter, -380, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, H 1760, 82125, altar, tripod, spear, cult image, cult statue, gesture of prayerXXX, gesture of supplicationXXX, polos, kalathos, tablet, pinax, purification, suppliant branch, narthex (stalk of giant fennel), Melampous, Proitides
Name: 1349X001.jpg
Keywords: MID1441, SMID1349, Nephele II 1, Phrixos et Helle 26, Skylla I (S) 5, Tritones 120, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 82411, H 3412
Name: 25628X001.jpg
Keywords: MID24427, SMID25628, A, Hermes 100, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 93, II. 5. Kultbilder 383, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 130d, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 105, crater: column crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Orchard Painter, -470/-460, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, H 3369, 81295, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, herm, procession, branch, herm cult, kanoun, offering basket, tablet, pinax, altar: volute altar, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?), Hermes
Name: 25628X101.jpg
Keywords: MID24427, SMID25628, A, Hermes 100, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 93, II. 5. Kultbilder 383, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 130d, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 105, crater: column crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Orchard Painter, -470/-460, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, H 3369, 81295, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, herm, procession, branch, herm cult, kanoun, offering basket, tablet, pinax, altar: volute altar, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?), Hermes
Name: 25628X102.jpg
Keywords: MID24427, SMID25628, A, Hermes 100, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 93, II. 5. Kultbilder 383, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 130d, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 105, crater: column crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Orchard Painter, -470/-460, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, H 3369, 81295, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, herm, procession, branch, herm cult, kanoun, offering basket, tablet, pinax, altar: volute altar, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?), Hermes
Name: 25628X103.jpg
Keywords: MID24427, SMID25628, A, Hermes 100, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 93, II. 5. Kultbilder 383, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 130d, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 105, crater: column crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Orchard Painter, -470/-460, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, H 3369, 81295, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, herm, procession, branch, herm cult, kanoun, offering basket, tablet, pinax, altar: volute altar, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?), Hermes
Name: 25628X104.jpg
Keywords: MID24427, SMID25628, A, Hermes 100, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 93, II. 5. Kultbilder 383, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 130d, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 105, crater: column crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Orchard Painter, -470/-460, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, H 3369, 81295, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, herm, procession, branch, herm cult, kanoun, offering basket, tablet, pinax, altar: volute altar, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?), Hermes
Name: 2663X001.jpg
Keywords: MID2640, SMID2663, Diomedes I 27, Helene 201, Olympos I 3, Ourania II 2, Simis, Simon, Simos 13, Thaleia IV 5, Tyrbas 1, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81401, H 3235
Name: 2663X002.jpg
Keywords: MID2640, SMID2663, Diomedes I 27, Helene 201, Olympos I 3, Ourania II 2, Simis, Simon, Simos 13, Thaleia IV 5, Tyrbas 1, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81401, H 3235
Name: 2663X003.jpg
Keywords: MID2640, SMID2663, Diomedes I 27, Helene 201, Olympos I 3, Ourania II 2, Simis, Simon, Simos 13, Thaleia IV 5, Tyrbas 1, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81401, H 3235
Name: 2663X004.jpg
Keywords: MID2640, SMID2663, Diomedes I 27, Helene 201, Olympos I 3, Ourania II 2, Simis, Simon, Simos 13, Thaleia IV 5, Tyrbas 1, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81401, H 3235
Name: 2663X005.jpg
Keywords: MID2640, SMID2663, Diomedes I 27, Helene 201, Olympos I 3, Ourania II 2, Simis, Simon, Simos 13, Thaleia IV 5, Tyrbas 1, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81401, H 3235
Name: 2663X101.jpg
Keywords: MID2640, SMID2663, Diomedes I 27, Helene 201, Olympos I 3, Ourania II 2, Simis, Simon, Simos 13, Thaleia IV 5, Tyrbas 1, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81401, H 3235
Name: 2663X102.jpg
Keywords: MID2640, SMID2663, Diomedes I 27, Helene 201, Olympos I 3, Ourania II 2, Simis, Simon, Simos 13, Thaleia IV 5, Tyrbas 1, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81401, H 3235
Name: 2663X103.jpg
Keywords: MID2640, SMID2663, Diomedes I 27, Helene 201, Olympos I 3, Ourania II 2, Simis, Simon, Simos 13, Thaleia IV 5, Tyrbas 1, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81401, H 3235