Overview: 48 images comply with your query 869
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Name: 21323X301.jpg
Keywords: MID20412, SMID21323, Hermes 950d, sculpture in the round, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, I 869
Name: 39268X001.jpg
Keywords: MID37356, SMID39268, Dioskouroi 186, III. 6.c. Verehrung 100, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Kadmos Painter, -410/-400, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IV 869, altar, tree, column, egg, altar: monolithic block, capital: Doric, gesture: both forarms raised, Dioskouroi, Leda, Tyndareos
Name: 39268X002.jpg
Keywords: MID37356, SMID39268, Dioskouroi 186, III. 6.c. Verehrung 100, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Kadmos Painter, -410/-400, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IV 869, altar, tree, column, egg, altar: monolithic block, capital: Doric, gesture: both forarms raised, Dioskouroi, Leda, Tyndareos
Name: 39268X103.jpg
Keywords: MID37356, SMID39268, Dioskouroi 186, III. 6.c. Verehrung 100, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Kadmos Painter, -410/-400, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IV 869, altar, tree, column, egg, altar: monolithic block, capital: Doric, gesture: both forarms raised, Dioskouroi, Leda, Tyndareos
Name: 40920X101.jpg
Keywords: MID38899, SMID40920, Artemis 869, Artemis/Diana 108, sculpture in the round, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1517
Name: 20982X101.jpg
Keywords: MID20082, SMID20982, Hermes 869, vase painting, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 4978
Name: 33077X001.jpg
Keywords: MID31472, SMID33077, Attis 16, relief, limestone, Narbonne, France, Musée Archéologique, 869.324.470, Attis
Name: 33078X001.jpg
Keywords: MID31473, SMID33078, Attis 17, relief, limestone, Narbonne, France, Musée Archéologique, 869.324.473, Attis
Name: 33079X001.jpg
Keywords: MID31474, SMID33079, Attis 18, relief, limestone, Narbonne, France, Musée Archéologique, 869.324.476, Attis
Name: 33083X001.jpg
Keywords: MID31478, SMID33083, Attis 23, relief, limestone, Narbonne, France, Musée Archéologique, 869.324.471, Attis
Name: 33084X001.jpg
Keywords: MID31479, SMID33084, Attis 23, relief, limestone, Narbonne, France, Musée Archéologique, 869.324.472, Attis
Name: 33958X001.jpg
Keywords: MID32321, SMID33958, Attis 334, relief, France, Narbonne, Musée Archéologique, 869.324.474
Name: 38938X201.jpg
Keywords: MID37041, SMID38938, Eros 869, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, S 4049
Name: 7426X005.jpg
Keywords: MID7277, SMID7426, Achilleus 200, Nereides 310, Odysseus 34, Pontia 1, Seirenes (S) 50, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 869
Name: 7426X301.jpg
Keywords: MID7277, SMID7426, Achilleus 200, Nereides 310, Odysseus 34, Pontia 1, Seirenes (S) 50, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 869
Name: 14740X001.jpg
Keywords: MID14316, SMID14740, Marsyas I 30b, ivory, bone, Germany, Trier, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, 09.869/70
Name: 4548X001.jpg
Keywords: MID4490, SMID4548, Dionysos 869, Kybele (S) 66, Sabazios (S) 1, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 88, I. 2.b. Libation 36, II. 3.c. Initiation 201, II. 4.b. Tanz 323, II. 4.c. Musik gr 186, II. 4.c. Musik gr 338, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 4i, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 851, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1429, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 102, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Polygnotos: undetermined, -440/-430, SpinaValle Trebba, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 2897 (T 128 VT), wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, lion, tympanon (tambourine), column, dance, diadem, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, fillet, taenia, tainia, liknon, vannus, winnowing-fan, sanctuary, thiasos, kymbalon, kymbala, cymbala, cymbals, maenad, architecture, altar: round altar, capital: Doric, Kybele, Sabazios
Name: 4548X002.jpg
Keywords: MID4490, SMID4548, Dionysos 869, Kybele (S) 66, Sabazios (S) 1, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 88, I. 2.b. Libation 36, II. 3.c. Initiation 201, II. 4.b. Tanz 323, II. 4.c. Musik gr 186, II. 4.c. Musik gr 338, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 4i, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 851, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1429, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 102, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Polygnotos: undetermined, -440/-430, SpinaValle Trebba, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 2897 (T 128 VT), wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, lion, tympanon (tambourine), column, dance, diadem, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, fillet, taenia, tainia, liknon, vannus, winnowing-fan, sanctuary, thiasos, kymbalon, kymbala, cymbala, cymbals, maenad, architecture, altar: round altar, capital: Doric, Kybele, Sabazios
Name: 4548X003.jpg
Keywords: MID4490, SMID4548, Dionysos 869, Kybele (S) 66, Sabazios (S) 1, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 88, I. 2.b. Libation 36, II. 3.c. Initiation 201, II. 4.b. Tanz 323, II. 4.c. Musik gr 186, II. 4.c. Musik gr 338, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 4i, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 851, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1429, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 102, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Polygnotos: undetermined, -440/-430, SpinaValle Trebba, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 2897 (T 128 VT), wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, lion, tympanon (tambourine), column, dance, diadem, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, fillet, taenia, tainia, liknon, vannus, winnowing-fan, sanctuary, thiasos, kymbalon, kymbala, cymbala, cymbals, maenad, architecture, altar: round altar, capital: Doric, Kybele, Sabazios
Name: 4548X004.jpg
Keywords: MID4490, SMID4548, Dionysos 869, Kybele (S) 66, Sabazios (S) 1, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 88, I. 2.b. Libation 36, II. 3.c. Initiation 201, II. 4.b. Tanz 323, II. 4.c. Musik gr 186, II. 4.c. Musik gr 338, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 4i, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 851, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1429, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 102, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Polygnotos: undetermined, -440/-430, SpinaValle Trebba, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 2897 (T 128 VT), wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, lion, tympanon (tambourine), column, dance, diadem, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, fillet, taenia, tainia, liknon, vannus, winnowing-fan, sanctuary, thiasos, kymbalon, kymbala, cymbala, cymbals, maenad, architecture, altar: round altar, capital: Doric, Kybele, Sabazios
Name: 4548X005.jpg
Keywords: MID4490, SMID4548, Dionysos 869, Kybele (S) 66, Sabazios (S) 1, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 88, I. 2.b. Libation 36, II. 3.c. Initiation 201, II. 4.b. Tanz 323, II. 4.c. Musik gr 186, II. 4.c. Musik gr 338, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 4i, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 851, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1429, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 102, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Polygnotos: undetermined, -440/-430, SpinaValle Trebba, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 2897 (T 128 VT), wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, lion, tympanon (tambourine), column, dance, diadem, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, fillet, taenia, tainia, liknon, vannus, winnowing-fan, sanctuary, thiasos, kymbalon, kymbala, cymbala, cymbals, maenad, architecture, altar: round altar, capital: Doric, Kybele, Sabazios
Name: 4548X105.jpg
Keywords: MID4490, SMID4548, Dionysos 869, Kybele (S) 66, Sabazios (S) 1, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 88, I. 2.b. Libation 36, II. 3.c. Initiation 201, II. 4.b. Tanz 323, II. 4.c. Musik gr 186, II. 4.c. Musik gr 338, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 4i, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 851, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1429, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 102, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Polygnotos: undetermined, -440/-430, SpinaValle Trebba, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 2897 (T 128 VT), wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, lion, tympanon (tambourine), column, dance, diadem, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, fillet, taenia, tainia, liknon, vannus, winnowing-fan, sanctuary, thiasos, kymbalon, kymbala, cymbala, cymbals, maenad, architecture, altar: round altar, capital: Doric, Kybele, Sabazios
Name: 1852X003.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X004.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X005.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X006.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X007.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X008.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X009.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X022.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X207.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X210.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X211.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X212.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X213.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X214.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X215.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X216.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X217.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X218.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X219.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X290.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X301.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 1852X399.jpg
Keywords: MID1940, SMID1852, Aphrodite 262, Apollon 869, Apollon/Apollo 424, Ares/Mars 343, Artemis 1193, Artemis/Diana 308, Athena/Minerva 308, Demeter (vol. IV) 426, Dodekatheoi 24, Hera 362, Hestia 16, Mercurius 361, Venus 369, Vulcanus 17, Zeus 197b, Zeus/Iuppiter 282, Zeus/Iuppiter 526, altar, relief, marble, 41/75, OstiaSanctuary of Attis, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 120, Aphrodite, Ares/Mars, Artemis/Diana, Athena/Minerva, Demeter, Dodekatheoi, Hera, Hestia, Hermes/Mercurius, Aphrodite/Venus, Vulcanus, Zeus/Iuppiter
Name: 58811X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53436, SMID58811, I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke röm 869, block, relief, stone, Henchir Bez (Vazitana Sarra), Tunisia, Henchir Bez, Temple de Mercure
Name: 17252X001.jpg
Keywords: MID16608, SMID17252, Leda 11a, sculpture in the round of terracotta, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 869, C 28
Name: 29368X001.jpg
Keywords: MID27965, SMID29368, Herakles 869, sculpture in the round, United States, Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, 23.74
Name: 13035X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12726, SMID13035, Priamos 134, vase painting, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 03.869