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Name: 24180X102.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 24180X301.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 24180X401.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 24180X402.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 24180X403.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 24180X404.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 24180X405.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 24180X406.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 24180X407.jpg
Keywords: MID23049, SMID24180, Apollon/Apollo 434, Artemis 1183, Dodekatheoi 63ad, Herakles 3195, pottery, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 95
Name: 3252X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3225, SMID3252, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 317, sculpture in the round of metal, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 49
Name: 33262X001.jpg
Keywords: MID31654, SMID33262, Helios/Sol 323, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 146
Name: 3674X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3637, SMID3674, Venus 342, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII 730
Name: 6698X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6562, SMID6698, Roma (S) 77, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 151
Name: 9034X001.jpg
Keywords: MID8833, SMID9034, Omphale 17, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 192
Name: 935X001.jpg
Keywords: MID1026, SMID935, Zeus 367, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, VII A 132
Name: 11876X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11598, SMID11876, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 101, vase painting, Belgium, Bruxelles, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, R 292
Name: 9839X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9634, SMID9839, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 96, Orpheus 109, Orpheus (Suppl. 2009) 109, mosaic, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Musée National de Bosnie-Herzégovine (Zemaljski Muzej)
Name: 11688X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11412, SMID11688, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 17, vase painting, Collections privées, Collection Canino
Name: 12977X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12670, SMID12977, Prometheus 90ad, gem, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, VII 682
Name: 12978X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12671, SMID12978, Prometheus 90ad, gem, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, VII 3135
Name: 21819X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6012, SMID21819, Phthonos (S) 11ad, jewellery, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, VII 1747-1749
Name: 41754X001.jpg
Keywords: MID39704, SMID41754, Aphrodite 659, intaglio, gem, cornelian, -210/-200, Amrit, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, VII 2841, Aphrodite
Name: 11777X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11500, SMID11777, Herakles/Hercle 300, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 35bis, gem, Collections privées, Collection E. Durand, Zazoff, EtrSk 660
Name: 11469X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11197, SMID11469, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 165, relief, Collections privées, Collection Jacob Hirsch, Vente 1957, 66
Name: 13093X002.jpg
Keywords: MID12784, SMID13093, Apollon/Apollo 373a, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 142, sarcophagus, Collections privées, Collection Woodyat
Name: 11453X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11183, SMID11453, Aias II 94, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 156b, scarab, gem, Etruria, Collections privées, Collection Wyndham Francis Cook, 50, Palladion, cult image, cult statue, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, Aias II, Kassandra I
Name: 13092X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12783, SMID13092, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 101, mosaic, Croatia, Split, fouilles sous la basilique épiscopale
Name: 11973X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11691, SMID11973, Mousa, Mousai 175, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 56, sculpture in the round, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1787
Name: 12487X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12194, SMID12487, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 58, sculpture in the round, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1564
Name: 12487X002.jpg
Keywords: MID12194, SMID12487, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 58, sculpture in the round, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1564
Name: 12487X003.jpg
Keywords: MID12194, SMID12487, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 58, sculpture in the round, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1564
Name: 12746X101.jpg
Keywords: MID12445, SMID12746, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 190, sarcophagus, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 853
Name: 13043X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12734, SMID13043, Aineias 42, Kapaneus 31, Nestor (vol. VII) 35, trozzella, vase painting, polychrom, Messapia, terracotta, -460, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 3417, shield, spear, warrior, soldier, fight, battle, Aineias, Athena, Diomedes I, Kapaneus, Nestor
Name: 13043X101.jpg
Keywords: MID12734, SMID13043, Aineias 42, Kapaneus 31, Nestor (vol. VII) 35, trozzella, vase painting, polychrom, Messapia, terracotta, -460, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 3417, shield, spear, warrior, soldier, fight, battle, Aineias, Athena, Diomedes I, Kapaneus, Nestor
Name: 13043X102.jpg
Keywords: MID12734, SMID13043, Aineias 42, Kapaneus 31, Nestor (vol. VII) 35, trozzella, vase painting, polychrom, Messapia, terracotta, -460, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 3417, shield, spear, warrior, soldier, fight, battle, Aineias, Athena, Diomedes I, Kapaneus, Nestor
Name: 8981X001.jpg
Keywords: MID8781, SMID8981, Apollon/Apollo 462, Leto/Latona 24, Marsyas I 14c, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 224, Olympos I 35, sarcophagus, Roman, marble, 138/192, Sidon, Saida, Sdn, Sidonia, Sidone, Colonia Aurelia Pia Metropolis Sidon, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 844, throne, knife, mask, torch, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, dog, griffin, river god, Phrygian cap, Apollon, Athena, Leto, Marsyas I, Melpomene
Name: 8981X101.jpg
Keywords: MID8781, SMID8981, Apollon/Apollo 462, Leto/Latona 24, Marsyas I 14c, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 224, Olympos I 35, sarcophagus, Roman, marble, 138/192, Sidon, Saida, Sdn, Sidonia, Sidone, Colonia Aurelia Pia Metropolis Sidon, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 844, throne, knife, mask, torch, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, dog, griffin, river god, Phrygian cap, Apollon, Athena, Leto, Marsyas I, Melpomene
Name: 11314X002.jpg
Keywords: MID11065, SMID11314, Aias II 41, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 92, lekythos, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Sappho Painter, -510/-500, Agrigento, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 390, sword, helmet, shield, spear, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, Aias II, Athena, Kassandra I
Name: 11314X003.jpg
Keywords: MID11065, SMID11314, Aias II 41, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 92, lekythos, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Sappho Painter, -510/-500, Agrigento, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 390, sword, helmet, shield, spear, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, Aias II, Athena, Kassandra I
Name: 11695X002.jpg
Keywords: MID11419, SMID11695, Iolaos 47ad, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 20, Lykaon II (Suppl. 2009) 2, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Oltos, Vulci, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 3877, riding, Herakles, Iolaos, Kyknos I, Lykaon II
Name: 10954X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10719, SMID10954, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 7, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 922
Name: 10954X102.jpg
Keywords: MID10719, SMID10954, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 7, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 922
Name: 10977X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10742, SMID10977, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 9, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 920
Name: 10977X102.jpg
Keywords: MID10742, SMID10977, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 9, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 920
Name: 10994X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10759, SMID10994, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 14c, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 529
Name: 10994X102.jpg
Keywords: MID10759, SMID10994, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 14c, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 529
Name: 11647X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11370, SMID11647, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 8, vase painting, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, H 543, 43
Name: 11787X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11509, SMID11787, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 41, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 814
Name: 11787X102.jpg
Keywords: MID11509, SMID11787, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 41, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 814
Name: 12462X101.jpg
Keywords: MID12169, SMID12462, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 46, intaglio, gem, Roman, cornelian, unknown, 0/200, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 532, club, column, kithara, Herakles, Mousai