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Name: 17773X130.jpg
Keywords: MID17086, SMID17773, Herakles 1746, Herakles 1979, Herakles 2063, Herakles 2166, Herakles 2532, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique
Name: 17773X131.jpg
Keywords: MID17086, SMID17773, Herakles 1746, Herakles 1979, Herakles 2063, Herakles 2166, Herakles 2532, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique
Name: 17773X132.jpg
Keywords: MID17086, SMID17773, Herakles 1746, Herakles 1979, Herakles 2063, Herakles 2166, Herakles 2532, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique
Name: 17773X199.jpg
Keywords: MID17086, SMID17773, Herakles 1746, Herakles 1979, Herakles 2063, Herakles 2166, Herakles 2532, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique
Name: 17773X304.jpg
Keywords: MID17086, SMID17773, Herakles 1746, Herakles 1979, Herakles 2063, Herakles 2166, Herakles 2532, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique
Name: 24121X101.jpg
Keywords: MID23001, SMID24121, Hygieia 185, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2793
Name: 26725X001.jpg
Keywords: MID25454, SMID26725, Helios (vol. V) 296, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 195
Name: 26763X001.jpg
Keywords: MID25492, SMID26763, Apollon 1065, Dionysos/Bacchus 239, Gigantes 481, Helios (vol. V) 379, Hera 373, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 572
Name: 26763X002.jpg
Keywords: MID25492, SMID26763, Apollon 1065, Dionysos/Bacchus 239, Gigantes 481, Helios (vol. V) 379, Hera 373, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 572
Name: 26763X101.jpg
Keywords: MID25492, SMID26763, Apollon 1065, Dionysos/Bacchus 239, Gigantes 481, Helios (vol. V) 379, Hera 373, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 572
Name: 26763X102.jpg
Keywords: MID25492, SMID26763, Apollon 1065, Dionysos/Bacchus 239, Gigantes 481, Helios (vol. V) 379, Hera 373, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 572
Name: 26763X103.jpg
Keywords: MID25492, SMID26763, Apollon 1065, Dionysos/Bacchus 239, Gigantes 481, Helios (vol. V) 379, Hera 373, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 572
Name: 26763X104.jpg
Keywords: MID25492, SMID26763, Apollon 1065, Dionysos/Bacchus 239, Gigantes 481, Helios (vol. V) 379, Hera 373, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 572
Name: 26763X105.jpg
Keywords: MID25492, SMID26763, Apollon 1065, Dionysos/Bacchus 239, Gigantes 481, Helios (vol. V) 379, Hera 373, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 572
Name: 30133X101.jpg
Keywords: MID28724, SMID30133, Herakles 1346, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique
Name: 45253X001.jpg
Keywords: MID25155, SMID45253, Hermes 616, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1200
Name: 6125X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6006, SMID6125, Zeuxippos 2, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1024
Name: 6858X002.jpg
Keywords: MID6718, SMID6858, Hades 31, Persephone (S) 140, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 74-27
Name: 6858X101.jpg
Keywords: MID6718, SMID6858, Hades 31, Persephone (S) 140, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 74-27
Name: 6858X102.jpg
Keywords: MID6718, SMID6858, Hades 31, Persephone (S) 140, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 74-27
Name: 6858X103.jpg
Keywords: MID6718, SMID6858, Hades 31, Persephone (S) 140, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 74-27
Name: 843X001.jpg
Keywords: MID933, SMID843, Zeus 309, relief, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1449
Name: 20042X101.jpg
Keywords: MID19163, SMID20042, Heros equitans (vol. VI) 104, relief terracotta, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique
Name: 23640X101.jpg
Keywords: MID22555, SMID23640, Herakles 2970, relief terracotta, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, 6401
Name: 30500X001.jpg
Keywords: MID29078, SMID30500, Gigantes 74, relief terracotta, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, MF 8540
Name: 49157X101.jpg
Keywords: MID27442, SMID49157, Herakles 214, relief terracotta, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, MF 1979-40
Name: 39925X001.jpg
Keywords: MID37967, SMID39925, Aphrodite 66, statuette, sculpture in the round, Corinth, terracotta, -500/-475, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, KT 4-24, dove, flower, Aphrodite
Name: 40950X001.jpg
Keywords: MID38922, SMID40950, Aphrodite 303, statuette, sculpture in the round, marble, -150/-50, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 429, Aphrodite, Eros
Name: 41605X001.jpg
Keywords: MID39556, SMID41605, Aphrodite 631, statuette, sculpture in the round, marble, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2548, pillar, goose, Aphrodite
Name: 41687X101.jpg
Keywords: MID39639, SMID41687, Aphrodite 715, statuette, sculpture in the round, marble, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia CorinthiensisAsclepieion, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, Cor. Sc. 1510 + 1517, Aphrodite
Name: 46006X002.jpg
Keywords: MID33378, SMID46006, Achilleus 77, Cheiron 89, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, 210/220, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia CorinthiensisRoman theatre, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2804, centaur, Achilleus, Cheiron
Name: 46006X101.jpg
Keywords: MID33378, SMID46006, Achilleus 77, Cheiron 89, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, 210/220, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia CorinthiensisRoman theatre, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2804, centaur, Achilleus, Cheiron
Name: 46006X102.jpg
Keywords: MID33378, SMID46006, Achilleus 77, Cheiron 89, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, 210/220, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia CorinthiensisRoman theatre, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2804, centaur, Achilleus, Cheiron
Name: 46006X103.jpg
Keywords: MID33378, SMID46006, Achilleus 77, Cheiron 89, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, 210/220, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia CorinthiensisRoman theatre, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2804, centaur, Achilleus, Cheiron
Name: 46006X104.jpg
Keywords: MID33378, SMID46006, Achilleus 77, Cheiron 89, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, 210/220, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia CorinthiensisRoman theatre, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2804, centaur, Achilleus, Cheiron
Name: 46006X105.jpg
Keywords: MID33378, SMID46006, Achilleus 77, Cheiron 89, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, 210/220, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia CorinthiensisRoman theatre, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2804, centaur, Achilleus, Cheiron
Name: 46392X001.jpg
Keywords: G. M., AJA 52 (1948) 333; Weinberg, S., Hesperia 26 (1957) 306–308 no. 8–12 pl. 65–67, 74–75; Wallenstein, K., Korinthische Plastik des 7. und 6. Jhs. v. Chr. (1971) 161 VIII 3–6. Richter, pediment, Korinthische Plastik des 7. und 6. Jhs. v. Chr. (1971) 161 VIII 3–6., Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, Inventory: 1944–1948a (1. Inv.)
Name: 14972X101.jpg
Keywords: MID7729, SMID14972, Nemesis 216, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 427
Name: 16760X101.jpg
Keywords: MID16143, SMID16760, Mercurius 7a, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1080
Name: 16761X001.jpg
Keywords: MID16145, SMID16761, Mercurius 7b, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1065
Name: 16761X002.jpg
Keywords: MID16145, SMID16761, Mercurius 7b, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1065
Name: 19765X001.jpg
Keywords: MID18890, SMID19765, Hekate (vol. VI) 135, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2302
Name: 19766X001.jpg
Keywords: MID18891, SMID19766, Hekate (vol. VI) 136, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1211
Name: 19881X001.jpg
Keywords: MID19003, SMID19881, Hekate (vol. VI) 268, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 855
Name: 26043X001.jpg
Keywords: MID24812, SMID26043, Hermes 287, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 686
Name: 27849X001.jpg
Keywords: MID26515, SMID27849, Gorgones Romanae 173, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1456
Name: 27849X102.jpg
Keywords: MID26515, SMID27849, Gorgones Romanae 173, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1456
Name: 27849X103.jpg
Keywords: MID26515, SMID27849, Gorgones Romanae 173, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 1456
Name: 37137X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35304, SMID37137, Dionysos 126c, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 2503
Name: 37264X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35428, SMID37264, Dionysos 200a, sculpture in the round, Greece, Corinthe, Musée Archéologique, S 194