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Name: 33496X001.jpg
Keywords: MID31883, SMID33496, Attis 260, sculpture in the round of metal, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2982
Name: 33768X001.jpg
Keywords: MID32150, SMID33768, Attis 348, sculpture in the round of metal, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional
Name: 33768X101.jpg
Keywords: MID32150, SMID33768, Attis 348, sculpture in the round of metal, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional
Name: 41129X301.jpg
Keywords: MID39094, SMID41129, Ares/Mars 39, sculpture in the round of metal, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2932
Name: 41129X302.jpg
Keywords: MID39094, SMID41129, Ares/Mars 39, sculpture in the round of metal, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2932
Name: 41935X001.jpg
Keywords: MID39876, SMID41935, Asklepios 19, sculpture in the round of metal, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2939
Name: 42740X001.jpg
Keywords: MID40649, SMID42740, Artemis 212, sculpture in the round of metal, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2863
Name: 14087X001.jpg
Keywords: MID13731, SMID14087, Silvanus 25, sculpture in the round, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2704
Name: 16264X001.jpg
Keywords: MID15733, SMID16264, Hera 111, Mens 4, sculpture in the round, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2737
Name: 1950X101.jpg
Keywords: MID216, SMID1950, Hypnos (S) 8, Hypnos/Somnus 7, sculpture in the round, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 1775
Name: 1950X102.jpg
Keywords: MID216, SMID1950, Hypnos (S) 8, Hypnos/Somnus 7, sculpture in the round, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 1775
Name: 28983X001.jpg
Keywords: MID27600, SMID28983, Herakles 438, sculpture in the round, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 33190
Name: 28983X101.jpg
Keywords: MID27600, SMID28983, Herakles 438, sculpture in the round, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 33190
Name: 32532X001.jpg
Keywords: MID31015, SMID32532, Dionysos/Bacchus (in per. occ.) (vol. IV) 83, sculpture in the round, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 34069
Name: 41739X001.jpg
Keywords: MID39690, SMID41739, Aphrodite 758, statuette, sculpture in the round, marble, Bulla Regia (Hammam Daradji, Tunesien), Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 2696, Aphrodite
Name: 35735X101.jpg
Keywords: MID33985, SMID35735, Eros 43a, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 3904
Name: 36483X101.jpg
Keywords: MID34674, SMID36483, Eros 198a, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 3289
Name: 56724X001.jpg
Keywords: MID51544, SMID56724, I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke röm 1006, cup, toreutics, silver, 100/200, Otanes, Castro Urdiales (Prov. Santander), Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, unknown
Name: 98884X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201897, SMID98884, Kentauroi et Kentaurides Add 1, Monstra (Suppl. 2009) 94, patera, toreutics, Greece, silver, -125/-75, Santisteban del Puerto/Casellar de Santisteban, Ilugo, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 28453, krater, tympanon (tambourine), kithara, torch, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, fruit, centaur
Name: 56851X001.jpg
Keywords: MID51670, SMID56851, I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke röm 911, votive object, varia, stone, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 3500
Name: 10141X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X002.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X003.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X004.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X005.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X006.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X101.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X102.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X201.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X205.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X206.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X207.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10141X208.jpg
Keywords: MID9932, SMID10141, Athena 538, Krommyo 13, Minotauros 32ad, Theseus 52, Theseus 240, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11265, L 196
Name: 10158X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9947, SMID10158, Theseus 73, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11021
Name: 10455X101.jpg
Keywords: MID10230, SMID10455, Theseus 176, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11267
Name: 10455X102.jpg
Keywords: MID10230, SMID10455, Theseus 176, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11267
Name: 11406X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11135, SMID11406, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 24, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11197
Name: 11430X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11159, SMID11430, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 35, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 10900
Name: 11430X102.jpg
Keywords: MID11159, SMID11430, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 35, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 10900
Name: 11541X002.jpg
Keywords: MID11267, SMID11541, Attike 2ad, Dionysos 494, Kekrops (vol. VI) 27, Nike 201, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 85, Poseidon 243, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, -360/-340, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11095, thyrsos, olive-tree, horse, Athena, Dionysios, Kekrops, Nike, Poseidon, Pegasos
Name: 11541X003.jpg
Keywords: MID11267, SMID11541, Attike 2ad, Dionysos 494, Kekrops (vol. VI) 27, Nike 201, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 85, Poseidon 243, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, -360/-340, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11095, thyrsos, olive-tree, horse, Athena, Dionysios, Kekrops, Nike, Poseidon, Pegasos
Name: 11541X101.jpg
Keywords: MID11267, SMID11541, Attike 2ad, Dionysos 494, Kekrops (vol. VI) 27, Nike 201, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 85, Poseidon 243, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, -360/-340, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11095, thyrsos, olive-tree, horse, Athena, Dionysios, Kekrops, Nike, Poseidon, Pegasos
Name: 11541X102.jpg
Keywords: MID11267, SMID11541, Attike 2ad, Dionysos 494, Kekrops (vol. VI) 27, Nike 201, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 85, Poseidon 243, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, -360/-340, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11095, thyrsos, olive-tree, horse, Athena, Dionysios, Kekrops, Nike, Poseidon, Pegasos
Name: 11541X207.jpg
Keywords: MID11267, SMID11541, Attike 2ad, Dionysos 494, Kekrops (vol. VI) 27, Nike 201, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 85, Poseidon 243, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, -360/-340, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11095, thyrsos, olive-tree, horse, Athena, Dionysios, Kekrops, Nike, Poseidon, Pegasos
Name: 12913X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12609, SMID12913, Peleus 112, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 10903
Name: 12957X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12653, SMID12957, Alexandros 71, Priamos 64, hydria, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Priam Painter, -510/-500, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 10920, tree, spear, chariot, horse, old man, Alexandros, Priamos
Name: 12957X102.jpg
Keywords: MID12653, SMID12957, Alexandros 71, Priamos 64, hydria, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Priam Painter, -510/-500, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 10920, tree, spear, chariot, horse, old man, Alexandros, Priamos
Name: 12957X301.jpg
Keywords: MID12653, SMID12957, Alexandros 71, Priamos 64, hydria, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Priam Painter, -510/-500, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 10920, tree, spear, chariot, horse, old man, Alexandros, Priamos
Name: 12957X302.jpg
Keywords: MID12653, SMID12957, Alexandros 71, Priamos 64, hydria, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Priam Painter, -510/-500, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 10920, tree, spear, chariot, horse, old man, Alexandros, Priamos
Name: 13116X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12808, SMID13116, Nereides 270, Peleus 198, vase painting, Spain, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 11018