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Name: 43861X001.jpg
Keywords: MID34173, SMID43861, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 145, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 96
Name: 43952X001.jpg
Keywords: MID24456, SMID43952, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 160, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 127
Name: 43953X001.jpg
Keywords: MID23837, SMID43953, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 161, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 128
Name: 43954X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35872, SMID43954, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 162, statuette, sculpture in the round of metal, bronze, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 129, 14.12.2010, 17
Name: 43960X001.jpg
Keywords: MID25164, SMID43960, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 166, statuette, sculpture in the round of metal, bronze, Tartus, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 125, 9.12.2010, 195
Name: 43988X001.jpg
Keywords: MID29027, SMID43988, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 167, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 124
Name: 44055X001.jpg
Keywords: MID22184, SMID44055, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 204, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 87
Name: 44075X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35839, SMID44075, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 219, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 103
Name: 44076X001.jpg
Keywords: MID41896, SMID44076, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 220, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 104
Name: 45610X001.jpg
Keywords: MID43375, SMID45610, Abundantia 10, statuette, sculpture in the round, bronze, 200/300, Tartus, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 287, cornucopia, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, Abundantia
Name: 5171X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5082, SMID5171, Tyche 64, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 325
Name: 5174X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5085, SMID5174, Tyche 85, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 323
Name: 6000X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5896, SMID6000, Venus 108, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 10
Name: 6002X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5898, SMID6002, Venus 175, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 56
Name: 6003X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5899, SMID6003, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 126, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 128, Venus 180, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 121
Name: 6012X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5909, SMID6012, Tyche 38b, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 318
Name: 14606X001.jpg
Keywords: MID14185, SMID14606, Kephalos 27, Klymene III 2, vase painting, Collections privées, Collection Pisareff
Name: 42307X001.jpg
Keywords: MID40221, SMID42307, Argos III 3, gem, Collections privées, Collection Pourtalès-Gorgier, Furtwängler, AG pl. 21, 8
Name: 100026X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202993, SMID100026, Astarte (vol. III) 13, coin, coinage, Roman, 221/222, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, temple, cult image, cult statue, Men, Alexander Severus
Name: 100295X001.jpg
Keywords: MID50355, SMID100295, Astarte (vol. III) 34, Astarte (vol. III) 37, II. 5. Kultbilder 594a, II. 5. Kultbilder 594b, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 930, coin, coinage, bronze, 116/117, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, (), palm tree, cult image, cult statue, baityl, meteoric stone, capite velato, tensa (cart for cult images), urn, canopy, baldachin, Astarte, Tyche
Name: 100473X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203375, SMID100473, III. 6.i. Magie 51, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1597, coin, coinage, Greek, -400/-300, Krannon (Thessaly), Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, wheel, krater: volute-krater, bird, cult vessel on wheels (Kesselwagen)
Name: 38110X001.jpg
Keywords: MID36242, SMID38110, Ariadne (vol. III) 106, relief terracotta, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées
Name: 57433X001.jpg
Keywords: MID52184, SMID57433, III. 3.b. Konsekration 86b, coin, coinage, -27/217, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown
Name: 98382X001.jpg
Keywords: MID50298, SMID98382, Men 121, coin, coinage, bronze, 238/244, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, altar, pedestal, socle, gesture: dextrarum iunctio, dexiosis, Antiocheia, Men, Nike, Gordianus III
Name: 98424X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201455, SMID98424, Perinthos II (S) 5c, coin, coinage, Roman, bronze with gold and silver inlay, 238/244, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, temple, apple, purse, temple model, Perinthos II, Tyche, Gordianus III
Name: 99725X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202706, SMID99725, Astarte (vol. III) 11a, coin, coinage, Greece, 177/192, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, column, temple, cult image, cult statue, gesture: crowning with wreath, Astarte, Nike
Name: 99731X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202712, SMID99731, Nikomedeia 18, coin, coinage, Greece, 238/- Discovery: (not specified), Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, helmet, temple, temple model, wall, Town wall, seat with back-rest, Nike, Nikomedeia, Roma, Gordianus III
Name: 99751X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202731, SMID99751, Tyche 68, coin, coinage, Greece, 238/240, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, cornucopia, column, temple, cult image, cult statue, rudder, naïskos, aedicula: with four columns, town-crown, Tyche/Fortuna, Gordianus III
Name: 99757X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202737, SMID99757, Tyche/Fortuna 116b, coin, coinage, Greece, 241/244, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, cornucopia, column, temple, cult image, cult statue, rudder, town-crown, Tyche/Fortuna, Gordianus III
Name: 39604X001.jpg
Keywords: MID37670, SMID39604, Eileithyia 78, Semele 11, Zeus/Iuppiter 314, III. 3.b. Konsekration 175, sarcophagus, relief, Croatia, Zagreb, Musée Archéologique de Zagreb, KS 139
Name: 58041X001.jpg
Keywords: MID52745, SMID58041, III. 3.b. Konsekration 61, Alsos, cultual installations, -1300, Cyprus, Kition, unknown
Name: 58042X001.jpg
Keywords: MID52746, SMID58042, III. 3.b. Konsekration 62, Alsos, cultual installations, -700/-600, Cyprus, Kourion, Sanctuaire d’Apollon Hylates, unknown
Name: 18869X001.jpg
Keywords: MID18061, SMID18869, Ariadne (vol. III) 41, Minotauros 14, gem, Cyprus, Larnaca, Musée de la Fondation Piéridès, 974
Name: 16131X001.jpg
Keywords: MID524, SMID16131, Jugement des Néréides, Bythos I 1a, Doris III (S) 1, Galateia (vol. V) 42, Kairos 22, Kassiepeia (S) 11, Kleros 1, Krisis 2, Nereides 458, mosaic, Cyprus, Néa Paphos, Maison d’Aion
Name: 16131X003.jpg
Keywords: MID524, SMID16131, Jugement des Néréides, Bythos I 1a, Doris III (S) 1, Galateia (vol. V) 42, Kairos 22, Kassiepeia (S) 11, Kleros 1, Krisis 2, Nereides 458, mosaic, Cyprus, Néa Paphos, Maison d’Aion
Name: 357X205.jpg
Keywords: MID524, SMID357, Naissance de Dionysos, Ambrosia III (S) 1, Dionysos (in per. or.) 97, Hermes 374, Hyades 12, Mercurius 262, Nektar 1, Nysa I, Nysai (S) 3, Theogonia 1, mosaic, Cyprus, Néa Paphos, Maison d’Aion
Name: 357X206.jpg
Keywords: MID524, SMID357, Naissance de Dionysos, Ambrosia III (S) 1, Dionysos (in per. or.) 97, Hermes 374, Hyades 12, Mercurius 262, Nektar 1, Nysa I, Nysai (S) 3, Theogonia 1, mosaic, Cyprus, Néa Paphos, Maison d’Aion
Name: 6959X003.jpg
Keywords: MID6816, SMID6959, Achilleus 3, Ambrosia II 1, Anatrophe 1, Ariadne (vol. III) 27, Hyades 13, Krete 4, Labyrinthos 1, Moirai 45, Nymphai (S) 93a, Peleus 213, Poseidon/Neptunus 95, mosaic, Cyprus, opus tessellatum, 290/300, Néa Paphos, Maison de Thésée, throne, sceptre, jug, vase, kline, bed, basin, stick, cane, child, volumen, scroll, bath, cave, halo, nimbus, spindle, distaff, wet-nurse, trident, nymph, velificatio, Achilleus, Ambrosia II, Anatrophe, Ariadne, Eros, Hyades, Krete, Labyrinthos, Minotauros, Moirai, Peleus, Poseidon/Neptunus, Thetis
Name: 6959X004.jpg
Keywords: MID6816, SMID6959, Achilleus 3, Ambrosia II 1, Anatrophe 1, Ariadne (vol. III) 27, Hyades 13, Krete 4, Labyrinthos 1, Moirai 45, Nymphai (S) 93a, Peleus 213, Poseidon/Neptunus 95, mosaic, Cyprus, opus tessellatum, 290/300, Néa Paphos, Maison de Thésée, throne, sceptre, jug, vase, kline, bed, basin, stick, cane, child, volumen, scroll, bath, cave, halo, nimbus, spindle, distaff, wet-nurse, trident, nymph, velificatio, Achilleus, Ambrosia II, Anatrophe, Ariadne, Eros, Hyades, Krete, Labyrinthos, Minotauros, Moirai, Peleus, Poseidon/Neptunus, Thetis
Name: 6959X005.jpg
Keywords: MID6816, SMID6959, Achilleus 3, Ambrosia II 1, Anatrophe 1, Ariadne (vol. III) 27, Hyades 13, Krete 4, Labyrinthos 1, Moirai 45, Nymphai (S) 93a, Peleus 213, Poseidon/Neptunus 95, mosaic, Cyprus, opus tessellatum, 290/300, Néa Paphos, Maison de Thésée, throne, sceptre, jug, vase, kline, bed, basin, stick, cane, child, volumen, scroll, bath, cave, halo, nimbus, spindle, distaff, wet-nurse, trident, nymph, velificatio, Achilleus, Ambrosia II, Anatrophe, Ariadne, Eros, Hyades, Krete, Labyrinthos, Minotauros, Moirai, Peleus, Poseidon/Neptunus, Thetis
Name: 6959X006.jpg
Keywords: MID6816, SMID6959, Achilleus 3, Ambrosia II 1, Anatrophe 1, Ariadne (vol. III) 27, Hyades 13, Krete 4, Labyrinthos 1, Moirai 45, Nymphai (S) 93a, Peleus 213, Poseidon/Neptunus 95, mosaic, Cyprus, opus tessellatum, 290/300, Néa Paphos, Maison de Thésée, throne, sceptre, jug, vase, kline, bed, basin, stick, cane, child, volumen, scroll, bath, cave, halo, nimbus, spindle, distaff, wet-nurse, trident, nymph, velificatio, Achilleus, Ambrosia II, Anatrophe, Ariadne, Eros, Hyades, Krete, Labyrinthos, Minotauros, Moirai, Peleus, Poseidon/Neptunus, Thetis
Name: 6959X201.jpg
Keywords: MID6816, SMID6959, Achilleus 3, Ambrosia II 1, Anatrophe 1, Ariadne (vol. III) 27, Hyades 13, Krete 4, Labyrinthos 1, Moirai 45, Nymphai (S) 93a, Peleus 213, Poseidon/Neptunus 95, mosaic, Cyprus, opus tessellatum, 290/300, Néa Paphos, Maison de Thésée, throne, sceptre, jug, vase, kline, bed, basin, stick, cane, child, volumen, scroll, bath, cave, halo, nimbus, spindle, distaff, wet-nurse, trident, nymph, velificatio, Achilleus, Ambrosia II, Anatrophe, Ariadne, Eros, Hyades, Krete, Labyrinthos, Minotauros, Moirai, Peleus, Poseidon/Neptunus, Thetis
Name: 6959X202.jpg
Keywords: MID6816, SMID6959, Achilleus 3, Ambrosia II 1, Anatrophe 1, Ariadne (vol. III) 27, Hyades 13, Krete 4, Labyrinthos 1, Moirai 45, Nymphai (S) 93a, Peleus 213, Poseidon/Neptunus 95, mosaic, Cyprus, opus tessellatum, 290/300, Néa Paphos, Maison de Thésée, throne, sceptre, jug, vase, kline, bed, basin, stick, cane, child, volumen, scroll, bath, cave, halo, nimbus, spindle, distaff, wet-nurse, trident, nymph, velificatio, Achilleus, Ambrosia II, Anatrophe, Ariadne, Eros, Hyades, Krete, Labyrinthos, Minotauros, Moirai, Peleus, Poseidon/Neptunus, Thetis
Name: 6959X211.jpg
Keywords: MID6816, SMID6959, Achilleus 3, Ambrosia II 1, Anatrophe 1, Ariadne (vol. III) 27, Hyades 13, Krete 4, Labyrinthos 1, Moirai 45, Nymphai (S) 93a, Peleus 213, Poseidon/Neptunus 95, mosaic, Cyprus, opus tessellatum, 290/300, Néa Paphos, Maison de Thésée, throne, sceptre, jug, vase, kline, bed, basin, stick, cane, child, volumen, scroll, bath, cave, halo, nimbus, spindle, distaff, wet-nurse, trident, nymph, velificatio, Achilleus, Ambrosia II, Anatrophe, Ariadne, Eros, Hyades, Krete, Labyrinthos, Minotauros, Moirai, Peleus, Poseidon/Neptunus, Thetis
Name: 6959X302.jpg
Keywords: MID6816, SMID6959, Achilleus 3, Ambrosia II 1, Anatrophe 1, Ariadne (vol. III) 27, Hyades 13, Krete 4, Labyrinthos 1, Moirai 45, Nymphai (S) 93a, Peleus 213, Poseidon/Neptunus 95, mosaic, Cyprus, opus tessellatum, 290/300, Néa Paphos, Maison de Thésée, throne, sceptre, jug, vase, kline, bed, basin, stick, cane, child, volumen, scroll, bath, cave, halo, nimbus, spindle, distaff, wet-nurse, trident, nymph, velificatio, Achilleus, Ambrosia II, Anatrophe, Ariadne, Eros, Hyades, Krete, Labyrinthos, Minotauros, Moirai, Peleus, Poseidon/Neptunus, Thetis
Name: 24677X001.jpg
Keywords: MID23508, SMID24677, Herakles (Cypri) 4, sculpture in the round, Cyprus, Nicosie, Cyprus Museum, 1934/III-16/1/60
Name: 24677X202.jpg
Keywords: MID23508, SMID24677, Herakles (Cypri) 4, sculpture in the round, Cyprus, Nicosie, Cyprus Museum, 1934/III-16/1/60
Name: 24677X203.jpg
Keywords: MID23508, SMID24677, Herakles (Cypri) 4, sculpture in the round, Cyprus, Nicosie, Cyprus Museum, 1934/III-16/1/60
Name: 38321X001.jpg
Keywords: MID36445, SMID38321, Astarte (vol. III) 8, relief metal, Cyprus, Nicosie, Cyprus Museum, 1973/IX-19/1
Name: 57423X001.jpg
Keywords: MID52185, SMID57423, III. 3.b. Konsekration 86a, baitylos, varia, stone, Cyprus, Nicosie, Cyprus Museum, unknown