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Name: 4712X101.jpg
Keywords: MID4651, SMID4712, Achle 121, Alkmene 12, Athena/Menerva 174, Briseis 33, Hektor 90, Herakles/Hercle 152, Iolaos/Vile 31, Iphikles 7, Uni 65, Zeus/Tinia 69, stamnos, vase painting, red figured, Etruria, terracotta, Settecamini Painter, -360/-340, Orvieto, Italy, Firenze (Florentia), Museo Archeologico, 70528, snake, sceptre, thunderbolt, lightning, child, Achilleus/Achle, Alkmene, Athena/Menerva, Briseis, Hektor, Herakles/Hercle, Iolaos/Vile, Iphikles, Hera/Uni, Zeus/Tinia
Name: 4712X301.jpg
Keywords: MID4651, SMID4712, Achle 121, Alkmene 12, Athena/Menerva 174, Briseis 33, Hektor 90, Herakles/Hercle 152, Iolaos/Vile 31, Iphikles 7, Uni 65, Zeus/Tinia 69, stamnos, vase painting, red figured, Etruria, terracotta, Settecamini Painter, -360/-340, Orvieto, Italy, Firenze (Florentia), Museo Archeologico, 70528, snake, sceptre, thunderbolt, lightning, child, Achilleus/Achle, Alkmene, Athena/Menerva, Briseis, Hektor, Herakles/Hercle, Iolaos/Vile, Iphikles, Hera/Uni, Zeus/Tinia
Name: 28205X101.jpg
Keywords: MID26848, SMID28205, Europe I 65, vase painting, Italy, Genova, Civico Museo di Archeologia Ligure, 1911 N. 72
Name: 59399X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53986, SMID59399, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1180, lasana, varia, Greece, terracotta, -500/-400, Himera (Sicily), Italy, Himera, Antiquarium, H 65.98; H 65.102, lasana (cauldron legs)
Name: 15651X001.jpg
Keywords: MID15172, SMID15651, Kirke 65, vase painting, Italy, Lecce, Università, Laboratorio di Archeologia, OR 502
Name: 15651X002.jpg
Keywords: MID15172, SMID15651, Kirke 65, vase painting, Italy, Lecce, Università, Laboratorio di Archeologia, OR 502
Name: 29735X001.jpg
Keywords: MID28330, SMID29735, Ganymedes 86, Ganymedes (Suppl. 2009) 86, crater: volute crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, Copenhagen 4223, -350/-300, Bari, Italy, Matera, Museo Nazionale Domenico Ridola, 164509, 65, dog, fillet, taenia, tainia, swan, Ganymedes
Name: 29735X101.jpg
Keywords: MID28330, SMID29735, Ganymedes 86, Ganymedes (Suppl. 2009) 86, crater: volute crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, Copenhagen 4223, -350/-300, Bari, Italy, Matera, Museo Nazionale Domenico Ridola, 164509, 65, dog, fillet, taenia, tainia, swan, Ganymedes
Name: 98182X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201265, SMID98182, Eos/Thesan Add 5, candelabrum, varia, Etruria, bronze, -410/-400, Ruvo del MonteGrab 65, Italy, Melfi, Museo Archeologico Nazionale del Melfese, 110076, Eos/Thesan, Kephalos, Tithonos
Name: 20955X001.jpg
Keywords: MID20055, SMID20955, Iris I 108, vase painting, Italy, Milano, Casa d’aste Finarte, 14.3.1963, 65
Name: 9705X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9500, SMID9705, Aphrodite 1496, Io I 95, Orpheus 18, II. 3.c. Initiation 65, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, terracotta, Italy, Milano, Collezione H. A., F.G.00110A-E/BI, 270 (ehem. A.O.)
Name: 98684X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201710, SMID98684, Bousiris Add 2, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Telos Painter, -380/-370, Italy, Napoli, Collezione privata (I), A 65, altar, club, garland, priest, branch, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, sacrificial assistant, piper, fluteplayer, auletes, tibicen, skaphe (big basin), procession: sacrificial procession, musician (man), basin with low foot, machaira, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?), chopping block, Bousiris
Name: 195X302.jpg
Keywords: MID410, SMID195, Iphigeneia 59, Thoas II 3, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 55b, wall painting, Campania, 65, Pompei I 4.5 (Casa del Citarista), Exedra 35, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 9111, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, temple, torch, cult image, cult statue, hydria, human sacrifice, priestess, altar: monolithic block, Iphigeneia, Orestes, Pylades, Thoas II
Name: 22595X001.jpg
Keywords: MID21619, SMID22595, Aigyptos 12, Hekatoncheires 2b, Hermanubis 268p, Io I 65, Isis 265, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 24, wall painting, Roman, 1/100, Pompei Temple of Isis, Ecclesiasterion, wall C, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 9558, Aigyptos, Hekatoncheires, Hermanubis, Io I, Isis
Name: 22595X102.jpg
Keywords: MID21619, SMID22595, Aigyptos 12, Hekatoncheires 2b, Hermanubis 268p, Io I 65, Isis 265, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 24, wall painting, Roman, 1/100, Pompei Temple of Isis, Ecclesiasterion, wall C, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 9558, Aigyptos, Hekatoncheires, Hermanubis, Io I, Isis
Name: 22595X103.jpg
Keywords: MID21619, SMID22595, Aigyptos 12, Hekatoncheires 2b, Hermanubis 268p, Io I 65, Isis 265, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 24, wall painting, Roman, 1/100, Pompei Temple of Isis, Ecclesiasterion, wall C, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 9558, Aigyptos, Hekatoncheires, Hermanubis, Io I, Isis
Name: 48721X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X002.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X101.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X102.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X103.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X104.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X105.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X106.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X107.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X110.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 48721X111.jpg
Keywords: MID9288, SMID48721, Adonis 1b, Boreas 65, Eros 817a, Oreithyia I 18, amphora, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 81951, H 3220, Adonis, Boreas, Eros, Oreithyia I
Name: 5818X002.jpg
Keywords: MID5717, SMID5818, Hermaphroditos 65, Pan (S) 205, wall painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 9264
Name: 1269X001.jpg
Keywords: MID1363, SMID1269, Amphitrite 65, Tritones 71, Tritones (Suppl. 2009) 71, mosaic, polychrome, Roman, opus tessellatum, 138/192, Fiumicino, Portus, Portus Ostiensis Augusti, Portus RomaeIsola Sacra, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 143, mirror, ketos, sea monster, kentron, Amphitrite
Name: 1269X202.jpg
Keywords: MID1363, SMID1269, Amphitrite 65, Tritones 71, Tritones (Suppl. 2009) 71, mosaic, polychrome, Roman, opus tessellatum, 138/192, Fiumicino, Portus, Portus Ostiensis Augusti, Portus RomaeIsola Sacra, Italy, Ostia, Museo Ostiense, 143, mirror, ketos, sea monster, kentron, Amphitrite
Name: 27582X001.jpg
Keywords: MID26271, SMID27582, Hera 65, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Italy, Paestum, Museo Archeologico Nazionale
Name: 31792X001.jpg
Keywords: MID30331, SMID31792, Gorgo, Gorgones 65, relief terracotta, Italy, Palermo, Museo Archeologico Regionale A. Salinas
Name: 6296X002.jpg
Keywords: MID6173, SMID6296, Dionysos 684, Midas (S) 41, Skylla I (S) 65, vase painting, Italy, Palermo, Museo Archeologico Regionale A. Salinas, 2170, 2552
Name: 6296X202.jpg
Keywords: MID6173, SMID6296, Dionysos 684, Midas (S) 41, Skylla I (S) 65, vase painting, Italy, Palermo, Museo Archeologico Regionale A. Salinas, 2170, 2552
Name: 14791X001.jpg
Keywords: MID14365, SMID14791, Marsyas I 65, sculpture in the round of metal, Italy, Perugia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale dell’Umbria
Name: 33909X001.jpg
Keywords: MID32284, SMID33909, Atlas 65, statue, sculpture in the round, -325/-50, Pietrabbondantetheatre, Italy, Pietrabbondante (Bovianum Vetus), Théâtre, Atlant, Atlas
Name: 3590X007.jpg
Keywords: MID3549, SMID3590, Aineias 157, Akis (S) 3, Ariadne (vol. III) 56, Daidalos et Ikaros 36ad, Dido (S) 5, Dido (Suppl. 2009) 5, Galateia (vol. V) 47, Polyphemos I (S) 65, wall painting, Roman, -15/63, Pompei IX 6, d, Italy, Pompei, IX 6, d-e, Casa di Dido ed Enea, Aineias, Akis, Ariadne, Askanios, Dido, Galateia, Polyphemos I, Daidalos
Name: 3590X303.jpg
Keywords: MID3549, SMID3590, Aineias 157, Akis (S) 3, Ariadne (vol. III) 56, Daidalos et Ikaros 36ad, Dido (S) 5, Dido (Suppl. 2009) 5, Galateia (vol. V) 47, Polyphemos I (S) 65, wall painting, Roman, -15/63, Pompei IX 6, d, Italy, Pompei, IX 6, d-e, Casa di Dido ed Enea, Aineias, Akis, Ariadne, Askanios, Dido, Galateia, Polyphemos I, Daidalos
Name: 23293X001.jpg
Keywords: MID22235, SMID23293, Iuno 152, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Italy, Pratica di Mare (Lavinium), Depositi della Soprintendenza Archeologica per il Lazio, Lavinio, 65/65
Name: 23294X001.jpg
Keywords: MID22236, SMID23294, Iuno 153, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Italy, Pratica di Mare (Lavinium), Depositi della Soprintendenza Archeologica per il Lazio, Lavinio, 65/2
Name: 2590X001.jpg
Keywords: MID2569, SMID2590, Iuno 65, Zeus/Iuppiter 498, lamp, Italy, Roma, Antiquarium Comunale, 4928
Name: 36453X003.jpg
Keywords: MID316, SMID36453, Honos 19, Populus, Populus Romanus 27, Roma (S) 65, relief, Roman, marble, Italy, Roma, Ara Pacis Augustae, Recinto, lato est, rilievo destro (Roma)
Name: 36453X203.jpg
Keywords: MID316, SMID36453, Honos 19, Populus, Populus Romanus 27, Roma (S) 65, relief, Roman, marble, Italy, Roma, Ara Pacis Augustae, Recinto, lato est, rilievo destro (Roma)
Name: 204X001.jpg
Keywords: MID419, SMID204, Salus 65, II. 5. Kultbilder 267, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 559, relief, Roman, marble, 117/138, Italy, Roma, Musei Capitolini, 615, snake, table, mensa, trapeza, vase, cult image, cult statue, fillet, taenia, tainia, olive-tree, offering, fruit, roll, Hygieia, Salus
Name: 27465X001.jpg
Keywords: MID26161, SMID27465, Eileithyia 10, Hephaistos 194, vase painting, Italy, Roma, Musei Capitolini, 65
Name: 27465X301.jpg
Keywords: MID26161, SMID27465, Eileithyia 10, Hephaistos 194, vase painting, Italy, Roma, Musei Capitolini, 65
Name: 27465X302.jpg
Keywords: MID26161, SMID27465, Eileithyia 10, Hephaistos 194, vase painting, Italy, Roma, Musei Capitolini, 65
Name: 4796X001.jpg
Keywords: MID4724, SMID4796, Alkestis 65, Athena/Minerva 402, Deukalion I 2, Helios/Sol 346, Kaukasos 3, Kyklops, Kyklopes 40, Mercurius 336, Moirai 55, Prometheus 79, Prometheus 105, Psyche 77, Tellus 85, Vulcanus 61, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, 300/310, Italy, Roma, Musei Capitolini, 329, base, helmet, chariot, branch, basket, child, statue, horse, winged figure, rudder, Alkestis, Athena/Minerva, Deukalion I, Helios/Sol, Kaukasos, Kyklopes, Hermes/Mercurius, Moirai, Prometheus, Psyche, Tellus, Vulcanus
Name: 4796X002.jpg
Keywords: MID4724, SMID4796, Alkestis 65, Athena/Minerva 402, Deukalion I 2, Helios/Sol 346, Kaukasos 3, Kyklops, Kyklopes 40, Mercurius 336, Moirai 55, Prometheus 79, Prometheus 105, Psyche 77, Tellus 85, Vulcanus 61, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, 300/310, Italy, Roma, Musei Capitolini, 329, base, helmet, chariot, branch, basket, child, statue, horse, winged figure, rudder, Alkestis, Athena/Minerva, Deukalion I, Helios/Sol, Kaukasos, Kyklopes, Hermes/Mercurius, Moirai, Prometheus, Psyche, Tellus, Vulcanus
Name: 4796X003.jpg
Keywords: MID4724, SMID4796, Alkestis 65, Athena/Minerva 402, Deukalion I 2, Helios/Sol 346, Kaukasos 3, Kyklops, Kyklopes 40, Mercurius 336, Moirai 55, Prometheus 79, Prometheus 105, Psyche 77, Tellus 85, Vulcanus 61, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, 300/310, Italy, Roma, Musei Capitolini, 329, base, helmet, chariot, branch, basket, child, statue, horse, winged figure, rudder, Alkestis, Athena/Minerva, Deukalion I, Helios/Sol, Kaukasos, Kyklopes, Hermes/Mercurius, Moirai, Prometheus, Psyche, Tellus, Vulcanus