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Name: 58520X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53164, SMID58520, IV. 1.a. Kultorte gr 62, temple, architecture, -350/-300, Greece, Stratos (Acarnanie), Sanctuaire de Zeus, Temple hellénistique
Name: 58547X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53188, SMID58547, IV. 1.a. Kultorte gr 86, temple, architecture, -350/-325, Greece, Tégée, Sanctuaire d’Athéna Aléa, Temple classique
Name: 58430X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53075, SMID58430, IV. 1.a. Kultorte gr 7, cave, cultual installations, -400/-350, Greece, Thasos, Acropole, Grotte de Pan
Name: 19990X001.jpg
Keywords: MID19112, SMID19990, Heros equitans (vol. VI) 38, votive relief, relief, marble, -350/-325, Greece, Thèbes, Musée Archéologique, BE 408, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, petasos, rock, cliff, horse, heroine, Heros equitans
Name: 20345X001.jpg
Keywords: MID19439, SMID20345, Heros equitans (vol. VI) 350, altar, relief, Boetia, marble, Xironomi (Boeotia), Greece, Thèbes, Musée Archéologique, 189, cult image, cult statue, gesture: both arms raised (epiphany or?)
Name: 12436X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12144, SMID12436, Alexandros 54a, Aphrodite 190, Helene 154, Peitho 27, lekythos, pottery, terracotta, -375/-350, Olynthus (Chalcidice)house of Ariston, Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, Olynth 38.381, Olynth XIII 82, pillar, Alexandros, Aphrodite, Eros, Helene, Peitho, Paris
Name: 12436X002.jpg
Keywords: MID12144, SMID12436, Alexandros 54a, Aphrodite 190, Helene 154, Peitho 27, lekythos, pottery, terracotta, -375/-350, Olynthus (Chalcidice)house of Ariston, Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, Olynth 38.381, Olynth XIII 82, pillar, Alexandros, Aphrodite, Eros, Helene, Peitho, Paris
Name: 12436X003.jpg
Keywords: MID12144, SMID12436, Alexandros 54a, Aphrodite 190, Helene 154, Peitho 27, lekythos, pottery, terracotta, -375/-350, Olynthus (Chalcidice)house of Ariston, Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, Olynth 38.381, Olynth XIII 82, pillar, Alexandros, Aphrodite, Eros, Helene, Peitho, Paris
Name: 27818X001.jpg
Keywords: MID26485, SMID27818, Hera 261, votive relief, relief, marble, -350/-300, unknown, Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, 923, sceptre, helmet, stick, cane, aegis, Asklepios, Athena, Hera, Poseidon, Zeus
Name: 39859X001.jpg
Keywords: MID37904, SMID39859, Aphrodite 12, vase, varia, terracotta, -400/-350, Olynthus (Chalcidice), Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, Olynth 28.246, Olynth IV 372, herm, Adonis, Aphrodite, Attis, Eros
Name: 42695X001.jpg
Keywords: MID40604, SMID42695, Aphrodite 911, statuette, sculpture in the round of terracotta, marble, -400/-350, Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, 10359, riding, sea, Aphrodite
Name: 59470X001.jpg
Keywords: MID54055, SMID59470, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1272, bed, varia, wood, -350/-325, Vergina (Macedonia)Tomb of Philip II, Greece, Vergina, Musée, unknown, kline
Name: 20005X301.jpg
Keywords: MID19127, SMID20005, Heros equitans (vol. VI) 55, Hestia 19, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 96, votive relief, relief, Attica, marble, -400/-350, Pharsalos (Thessaly), Greece, Volos, Musée Archéologique Athanassakion, λ 391, diphros, horse, woman, man, Heros equitans, Hestia
Name: 31598X101.jpg
Keywords: MID30139, SMID31598, Eros 640d, Herakles 1692, pyxis, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, -400/-350, Hungary, Budapest, Musée des Beaux-Arts (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum), T 753.1, torch, fillet, taenia, tainia, wedding, loutrophoros, door: double-door, Eros/Amor, Cupido, Herakles
Name: 31598X102.jpg
Keywords: MID30139, SMID31598, Eros 640d, Herakles 1692, pyxis, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, -400/-350, Hungary, Budapest, Musée des Beaux-Arts (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum), T 753.1, torch, fillet, taenia, tainia, wedding, loutrophoros, door: double-door, Eros/Amor, Cupido, Herakles
Name: 31598X103.jpg
Keywords: MID30139, SMID31598, Eros 640d, Herakles 1692, pyxis, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, -400/-350, Hungary, Budapest, Musée des Beaux-Arts (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum), T 753.1, torch, fillet, taenia, tainia, wedding, loutrophoros, door: double-door, Eros/Amor, Cupido, Herakles
Name: 31598X104.jpg
Keywords: MID30139, SMID31598, Eros 640d, Herakles 1692, pyxis, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, -400/-350, Hungary, Budapest, Musée des Beaux-Arts (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum), T 753.1, torch, fillet, taenia, tainia, wedding, loutrophoros, door: double-door, Eros/Amor, Cupido, Herakles
Name: 31598X105.jpg
Keywords: MID30139, SMID31598, Eros 640d, Herakles 1692, pyxis, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, -400/-350, Hungary, Budapest, Musée des Beaux-Arts (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum), T 753.1, torch, fillet, taenia, tainia, wedding, loutrophoros, door: double-door, Eros/Amor, Cupido, Herakles
Name: 9053X003.jpg
Keywords: MID8851, SMID9053, Achilleus 742, Amazones 186, Penthesileia 48, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, Libation Painter, -350, Ireland, Dublin, National Museum of Ireland, 960.2, helmet, shield, tree, spear, horse, warrior, soldier, Amazon, Achilleus, Penthesileia, Amazones
Name: 9053X004.jpg
Keywords: MID8851, SMID9053, Achilleus 742, Amazones 186, Penthesileia 48, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, Libation Painter, -350, Ireland, Dublin, National Museum of Ireland, 960.2, helmet, shield, tree, spear, horse, warrior, soldier, Amazon, Achilleus, Penthesileia, Amazones
Name: 9053X101.jpg
Keywords: MID8851, SMID9053, Achilleus 742, Amazones 186, Penthesileia 48, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, Libation Painter, -350, Ireland, Dublin, National Museum of Ireland, 960.2, helmet, shield, tree, spear, horse, warrior, soldier, Amazon, Achilleus, Penthesileia, Amazones
Name: 9053X102.jpg
Keywords: MID8851, SMID9053, Achilleus 742, Amazones 186, Penthesileia 48, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, Libation Painter, -350, Ireland, Dublin, National Museum of Ireland, 960.2, helmet, shield, tree, spear, horse, warrior, soldier, Amazon, Achilleus, Penthesileia, Amazones
Name: 17496X101.jpg
Keywords: MID16828, SMID17496, Herakles 1345, Nike 274, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Varrese Painter, -360/-350, Italy, Agrigento, Museo Archeologico Regionale, R 180, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kantharos, branch, bukranion, kanoun, offering basket, Herakles, Nike
Name: 17496X302.jpg
Keywords: MID16828, SMID17496, Herakles 1345, Nike 274, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Varrese Painter, -360/-350, Italy, Agrigento, Museo Archeologico Regionale, R 180, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kantharos, branch, bukranion, kanoun, offering basket, Herakles, Nike
Name: 59485X001.jpg
Keywords: MID54069, SMID59485, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1342b, lamp, varia, Sicily, terracotta, -350/-300, Agrigentotemple of Zeus, (südlich des), Italy, Agrigento, Museo Archeologico Regionale, AG 2075
Name: 59520X001.jpg
Keywords: MID54099, SMID59520, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1400, statuette, sculpture in the round, Sicily, terracotta, -400/-350, Agrigentosanctuary, (der chtonischen Gottheiten), Italy, Agrigento, Museo Archeologico Regionale, S 121, torch, piglet, polos, kalathos
Name: 1837X002.jpg
Keywords: MID1925, SMID1837, Dodekatheoi 49, Zeus/Iuppiter 261, relief, Italy, Aquileia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 350
Name: 1837X101.jpg
Keywords: MID1925, SMID1837, Dodekatheoi 49, Zeus/Iuppiter 261, relief, Italy, Aquileia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 350
Name: 47715X302.jpg
Keywords: MID45329, SMID47715, Amymone 64, crater: bell crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -370/-350, Italy, Bari, Museo Archeologico Provinciale, 6332, hydria, rock, cliff, fountain, fountain house, cave, trident, satyr, silen, Amymone, Poseidon
Name: 47715X399.jpg
Keywords: MID45329, SMID47715, Amymone 64, crater: bell crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -370/-350, Italy, Bari, Museo Archeologico Provinciale, 6332, hydria, rock, cliff, fountain, fountain house, cave, trident, satyr, silen, Amymone, Poseidon
Name: 97793X199.jpg
Keywords: MID50185, SMID97793, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Ilioupersis Painter, -375/-350, Ceglie, Italy, Bari, Museo Archeologico Provinciale, 1394, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, helmet, shield, spear, amphora, basket, plant, grave stele, tray, lanx, catinus
Name: 47059X001.jpg
Keywords: MID44727, SMID47059, Amazones 778a, crater: volute crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -350, Italy, Barletta, Museo Civico, 912, kerykeion, caduceus, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, club, helmet, shield, spear, skin, plant, horse, warrior, soldier, winged boots, Amazon, Phrygian cap, Herakles, Hermes, Hippolyte I, Amazones
Name: 47059X102.jpg
Keywords: MID44727, SMID47059, Amazones 778a, crater: volute crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -350, Italy, Barletta, Museo Civico, 912, kerykeion, caduceus, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, club, helmet, shield, spear, skin, plant, horse, warrior, soldier, winged boots, Amazon, Phrygian cap, Herakles, Hermes, Hippolyte I, Amazones
Name: 10067X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9860, SMID10067, Andromeda I 23, Perseus 177, Phineus II 2, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, Sicily, terracotta, Hekate, -350/-325, Caltagirone, Italy, Museo Civico e Pinacoteca Luigi Sturzo
Name: 1679X101.jpg
Keywords: MID1767, SMID1679, Aktaion 32, Artemis/Artumes 67, Turms 82, crater: calyx crater, pottery, Faliscan, terracotta, -375/-350, Corchiano, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 6360, stag, dog, satyr, silen, nymph, Aktaion, Apollon/Aplu, Artemis/Artumes, Hermes/Turms
Name: 1679X102.jpg
Keywords: MID1767, SMID1679, Aktaion 32, Artemis/Artumes 67, Turms 82, crater: calyx crater, pottery, Faliscan, terracotta, -375/-350, Corchiano, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 6360, stag, dog, satyr, silen, nymph, Aktaion, Apollon/Aplu, Artemis/Artumes, Hermes/Turms
Name: 27492X001.jpg
Keywords: MID26187, SMID27492, Achvizr 6, Achvizr (Suppl. 2009) 6, Aphrodite/Turan 38ad, Hephaistos/Sethlans 19, mirror, engraving, bronze, -350/-300, CorchianoTomb 32, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 6617, petasos, wheel, Achvizr, Aphrodite/Turan, Hephaistos/Sethlans
Name: 40415X001.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X101.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X102.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X103.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X104.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X105.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X106.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X107.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X108.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X109.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 40415X202.jpg
Keywords: MID38430, SMID40415, Aktaion 33, Artemis/Artumes 66, oinochoe, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, Villa Giulia 1601, -375/-350, Penna, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 1601, club, dog, Aktaion, Artemis/Artumes, Pan
Name: 9028X101.jpg
Keywords: MID8827, SMID9028, Agamemnon 19, Apollon/Aplu 50ad, Telephos 65, stamnos, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, -375/-350, Corchiano, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 6208, altar, sword, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, youth, Agamemnon, Apollon/Aplu, Klytaimestra, Telephos
Name: 9028X102.jpg
Keywords: MID8827, SMID9028, Agamemnon 19, Apollon/Aplu 50ad, Telephos 65, stamnos, vase painting, red figured, Faliscan, terracotta, -375/-350, Corchiano, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 6208, altar, sword, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, youth, Agamemnon, Apollon/Aplu, Klytaimestra, Telephos