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Name: 25752X102.jpg
Keywords: MID379, SMID25752, Achilleus 486a, Automedon 38, Briseis 23, Briseis 42, Hektor 116, Idaios 8e, Mercurius 309, Thetis 45, sarcophagus, relief, Attica, marble, 200/210, Ladochori (near Igoumenitsa, Epirus), Greece, Ioannina, Musée Archéologique, 6176, kerykeion, caduceus, helmet, shield, chariot, gesture of supplicationXXX, greaves, servant, mourning, horse, corpse, Achilleus, Automedon, Briseis, Hektor, Idaios, Hermes/Mercurius, Thetis
Name: 25752X103.jpg
Keywords: MID379, SMID25752, Achilleus 486a, Automedon 38, Briseis 23, Briseis 42, Hektor 116, Idaios 8e, Mercurius 309, Thetis 45, sarcophagus, relief, Attica, marble, 200/210, Ladochori (near Igoumenitsa, Epirus), Greece, Ioannina, Musée Archéologique, 6176, kerykeion, caduceus, helmet, shield, chariot, gesture of supplicationXXX, greaves, servant, mourning, horse, corpse, Achilleus, Automedon, Briseis, Hektor, Idaios, Hermes/Mercurius, Thetis
Name: 58361X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53018, SMID58361, IV. 1.a. Kultorte gr 38, heroon, cultual installations, -300/-290, Greece, Kalaureia (Poros), Nécropole, unknown
Name: 59322X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53916, SMID59322, III. 6.b. Gebet gr 38, lekythos, vase painting, black figured, Greece, Le Pirée, Musée Archéologique, 7339
Name: 25418X001.jpg
Keywords: MID24224, SMID25418, Hermaphroditos 38, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Greece, Patras, Musée Archéologique
Name: 96569X001.jpg
Keywords: MID91092, SMID96569, statuette, sculpture in the round, Olynthus, terracotta, -400/-390, Olynthus (Chalcidice), Greece, Polygyros, Musée Archéologique, Olynth VII 271, 38, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, herm, pillar, Adonis, Aphrodite, Eros
Name: 45366X001.jpg
Keywords: MID43153, SMID45366, Athena/Minerva 38, lamp, Greece, Samos, Pythagorion, Collection Archéologique, L 152
Name: 19990X001.jpg
Keywords: MID19112, SMID19990, Heros equitans (vol. VI) 38, votive relief, relief, marble, -350/-325, Greece, Thèbes, Musée Archéologique, BE 408, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, petasos, rock, cliff, horse, heroine, Heros equitans
Name: 12436X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12144, SMID12436, Alexandros 54a, Aphrodite 190, Helene 154, Peitho 27, lekythos, pottery, terracotta, -375/-350, Olynthus (Chalcidice)house of Ariston, Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, Olynth 38.381, Olynth XIII 82, pillar, Alexandros, Aphrodite, Eros, Helene, Peitho, Paris
Name: 12436X002.jpg
Keywords: MID12144, SMID12436, Alexandros 54a, Aphrodite 190, Helene 154, Peitho 27, lekythos, pottery, terracotta, -375/-350, Olynthus (Chalcidice)house of Ariston, Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, Olynth 38.381, Olynth XIII 82, pillar, Alexandros, Aphrodite, Eros, Helene, Peitho, Paris
Name: 12436X003.jpg
Keywords: MID12144, SMID12436, Alexandros 54a, Aphrodite 190, Helene 154, Peitho 27, lekythos, pottery, terracotta, -375/-350, Olynthus (Chalcidice)house of Ariston, Greece, Thessalonique, Musée Archéologique, Olynth 38.381, Olynth XIII 82, pillar, Alexandros, Aphrodite, Eros, Helene, Peitho, Paris
Name: 5244X301.jpg
Keywords: MID5157, SMID5244, Lykourgos I 38, Lyssa 16, Thrake 2, mosaic, Greece, Trikala, Musée
Name: 6643X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6509, SMID6643, Nymphai (S) 38, relief terracotta, Hungary, Budapest, Musée des Beaux-Arts (Szépmüvészeti Múzeum), T 515
Name: 28255X201.jpg
Keywords: MID26897, SMID28255, Hades/Pluto 38, sarcophagus, Israel, Ascalon, Parc National
Name: 43436X001.jpg
Keywords: MID41335, SMID43436, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 38, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Israel, Jerusalem, Markt
Name: 40178X001.jpg
Keywords: MID38202, SMID40178, Artemis (in per. or.) 29, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Israel, Jerusalem, Rockefeller Museum, 38.1634
Name: 40178X102.jpg
Keywords: MID38202, SMID40178, Artemis (in per. or.) 29, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Israel, Jerusalem, Rockefeller Museum, 38.1634
Name: 6892X101.jpg
Keywords: MID6750, SMID6892, Phthonos (S) 17, lamp, Israel, Jerusalem, Rockefeller Museum, 38.1791
Name: 6893X101.jpg
Keywords: MID6751, SMID6893, Phthonos (S) 18, lamp, Israel, Jerusalem, Rockefeller Museum, 38.1792
Name: 19449X001.jpg
Keywords: MID18596, SMID19449, Moirai 38, sarcophagus, Italy, Agrigento, Duomo
Name: 17130X001.jpg
Keywords: MID2962, SMID17130, Venus 38, statue, sculpture in the round, marble, Italy, Baia (Bacoli), Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei, 222738
Name: 15910X101.jpg
Keywords: MID15415, SMID15910, Aithra I 43, Klytaimestra 38, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Meidias Painter, -420, Bologna, Felsina, Bononia, Italy, Museo Civico Archeologico, V.F. 423, altar, sword, youth, Aithra I, Klytaimestra, Theseus
Name: 15910X102.jpg
Keywords: MID15415, SMID15910, Aithra I 43, Klytaimestra 38, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Meidias Painter, -420, Bologna, Felsina, Bononia, Italy, Museo Civico Archeologico, V.F. 423, altar, sword, youth, Aithra I, Klytaimestra, Theseus
Name: 26542X101.jpg
Keywords: MID25279, SMID26542, Hermes 656, II. 4.a. Bankett gr 38, skyphos, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, -510/-490, Italy, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, C 44, Pell. 131, 28665
Name: 26542X102.jpg
Keywords: MID25279, SMID26542, Hermes 656, II. 4.a. Bankett gr 38, skyphos, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, -510/-490, Italy, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, C 44, Pell. 131, 28665
Name: 38296X101.jpg
Keywords: MID36420, SMID38296, Ariadne/Ariatha (vol. III) 38, Artemis/Artumes 58, Athena/Menerva 160, Dionysos/Fufluns 54a, mirrors, Italy, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, It 746, Univ 276
Name: 38296X102.jpg
Keywords: MID36420, SMID38296, Ariadne/Ariatha (vol. III) 38, Artemis/Artumes 58, Athena/Menerva 160, Dionysos/Fufluns 54a, mirrors, Italy, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, It 746, Univ 276
Name: 6956X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6813, SMID6956, Helios/Sol 283, Mithras 180, Mithras 441, Mithras 510, Mithras 617, Planetae (S) 23, Sarapis 197, Saturnus (S) 38, II. 4.a. Bankett röm 22, relief, Bononia, Italy, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, G 1051, Pal 1623
Name: 6956X101.jpg
Keywords: MID6813, SMID6956, Helios/Sol 283, Mithras 180, Mithras 441, Mithras 510, Mithras 617, Planetae (S) 23, Sarapis 197, Saturnus (S) 38, II. 4.a. Bankett röm 22, relief, Bononia, Italy, Bologna, Museo Civico Archeologico, G 1051, Pal 1623
Name: 100525X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203424, SMID100525, VIII. Tiere und Pflanzen etr 38, throne, sculpture in the round, Etruria, marble, Italy, Bolsena (Volsinii), Museo Territoriale del Lago di Bolsena, unknown
Name: 48475X001.jpg
Keywords: MID46051, SMID48475, Antaios I 38, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, -325/-50, Catania, Italy, Museo Civico del Castello Ursino, fight, battle, Antaios I, Herakles
Name: 23793X001.jpg
Keywords: MID22705, SMID23793, Kadmos I 38, sarcophagus, Italy, Chiusi, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 303
Name: 23793X102.jpg
Keywords: MID22705, SMID23793, Kadmos I 38, sarcophagus, Italy, Chiusi, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 303
Name: 98759X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201781, SMID98759, Herakles/Hercle Add 38, pediment, sculpture in the round, Greece, terracotta, -500/-475, Italy, Civita Castellana (Falerii), Museo Archeologico dell’Agro Falisco, 7299 + 7301 + 7269 + 7267
Name: 16806X001.jpg
Keywords: MID16175, SMID16806, Helene/Elina 38, Lasa 11, mirrors, Italy, Como, Civico Museo Archeologico Paolo Giovio, Gerhard V p. 142, 107a
Name: 36277X101.jpg
Keywords: MID34485, SMID36277, Eros 104, vase painting, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 38
Name: 8326X002.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X003.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X004.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X005.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X006.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X101.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X102.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X103.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X104.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X105.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X106.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X107.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X108.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus
Name: 8326X206.jpg
Keywords: MID8140, SMID8326, Alope 572pa, Amphiaraos 38, Argonautai 33, Athena 601, Baton I 15, Bousiris 27, Epigonoi 3, Eteokles 11, Eumolpos 26, Herakles 2796ante, Hippothoon 8, Septem 40, Septem 56, Sthenelos II 3, Thersandros II 4, Theseus 301, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 605, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Bologna 279, -460/-450, Spina, Italy, Ferrara, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 3031 (T 579 VT), sword, knife, tripod, kithara, cup, bow, human sacrifice, kanoun, offering basket, spit, obelos, lionskin, knife case, arrow, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, frieze with metopes and triglyphs, Alope, Amphiaraos, Argonautai, Athena, Baton I, Bousiris, Eteokles, Eumolpos, Herakles, Hippothoon, Sthenelos II, Thersandros II, Theseus