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Overview: 67 images comply with your query "Matres"
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Name: 5646X102.jpg
Keywords: MID5554, SMID5646, Matres, Matronae (S) 57, Mercurius 540, relief, Switzerland, Brugg, Vindonissa-Museum, FK 5876
Name: 5508X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5416, SMID5508, Matres, Matronae (S) 20, relief, United Kingdom, Carlisle, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Name: 5509X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5417, SMID5509, Matres, Matronae (S) 21, relief, United Kingdom, Carlisle, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Name: 5530X101.jpg
Keywords: MID5438, SMID5530, Matres, Matronae (S) 42, relief, United Kingdom, Carlisle, Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery
Name: 5504X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5412, SMID5504, Matres, Matronae (S) 16, relief, United Kingdom, Cirencester, Corinium Museum, C 2758
Name: 5527X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5435, SMID5527, Matres, Matronae (S) 39, relief, United Kingdom, Cirencester, Corinium Museum, B 2047
Name: 5534X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5442, SMID5534, Matres, Matronae (S) 46, relief, United Kingdom, Cirencester, Corinium Museum, C 2756
Name: 5505X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5413, SMID5505, Matres, Matronae (S) 17, relief, United Kingdom, Corbridge, Corbridge Roman Site Museum, 85-0889
Name: 5514X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5422, SMID5514, Matres, Matronae (S) 26, relief, United Kingdom, Grantham (Lincolnshire), Public Museum
Name: 5506X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5414, SMID5506, Matres, Matronae (S) 18, sculpture in the round, United Kingdom, Housesteads (Northumberland), Museum
Name: 5507X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5415, SMID5507, Matres, Matronae (S) 19, relief, United Kingdom, Housesteads (Northumberland), Museum
Name: 5515X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5423, SMID5515, Matres, Matronae (S) 27, relief, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1856.5-7
Name: 5510X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5418, SMID5510, Matres, Matronae (S) 22, relief, United Kingdom, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Museum of Antiquities of the University and the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1960.33
Name: 5511X201.jpg
Keywords: MID5419, SMID5511, Matres, Matronae (S) 23, relief, United Kingdom, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Museum of Antiquities of the University and the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Name: 5512X201.jpg
Keywords: MID5420, SMID5512, Matres, Matronae (S) 24, relief, United Kingdom, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Museum of Antiquities of the University and the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1925.1/9
Name: 5647X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5555, SMID5647, Matres, Matronae (S) 58, relief, United Kingdom, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Museum of Antiquities of the University and the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1858.4
Name: 5513X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5421, SMID5513, Matres, Matronae (S) 25, relief, United Kingdom, The Abbey, Fort Augustus