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Name: 31187X002.jpg
Keywords: MID29733, SMID31187, Aphrodite 1459, Helene 121, vase painting, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 17223, Trendall AA 3
Name: 31187X302.jpg
Keywords: MID29733, SMID31187, Aphrodite 1459, Helene 121, vase painting, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 17223, Trendall AA 3
Name: 38097X301.jpg
Keywords: MID36229, SMID38097, Eros 584, vase painting, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 17951, Trendall U 3
Name: 3847X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3806, SMID3847, Ariadne (vol. III) 143, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 459, II. 3.c. Initiation 85, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 2698, cista mystica
Name: 3847X002.jpg
Keywords: MID3806, SMID3847, Ariadne (vol. III) 143, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 459, II. 3.c. Initiation 85, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 2698, cista mystica
Name: 3847X003.jpg
Keywords: MID3806, SMID3847, Ariadne (vol. III) 143, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 459, II. 3.c. Initiation 85, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 2698, cista mystica
Name: 3847X103.jpg
Keywords: MID3806, SMID3847, Ariadne (vol. III) 143, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 459, II. 3.c. Initiation 85, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 2698, cista mystica
Name: 3847X301.jpg
Keywords: MID3806, SMID3847, Ariadne (vol. III) 143, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 459, II. 3.c. Initiation 85, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 2698, cista mystica
Name: 3847X305.jpg
Keywords: MID3806, SMID3847, Ariadne (vol. III) 143, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 459, II. 3.c. Initiation 85, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 2698, cista mystica
Name: 3923X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3881, SMID3923, Aineias 164, Helenos (S) 6, Helios/Sol 168, Lar, Lares 93, Latinus 6, Victoria 175, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 387, II. 5. Kultbilder 589, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 8, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 144, altar, relief, Roman, marble, -25/-1, RomePalatine, (Nach Helbig4 nicht vom Palatin, wie mehrmals im LIMC steht.), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 1115, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, jug, shield, fire (on altar), tree, garland, column, cult image, cult statue, quadriga, offering, Vestal, seer, soothsayer, sow, apotheosis, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), vici magister, vicomagister, Aineias, Helenos, Helios/Sol, Lares, Latinus, Victoria
Name: 3923X006.jpg
Keywords: MID3881, SMID3923, Aineias 164, Helenos (S) 6, Helios/Sol 168, Lar, Lares 93, Latinus 6, Victoria 175, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 387, II. 5. Kultbilder 589, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 8, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 144, altar, relief, Roman, marble, -25/-1, RomePalatine, (Nach Helbig4 nicht vom Palatin, wie mehrmals im LIMC steht.), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 1115, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, jug, shield, fire (on altar), tree, garland, column, cult image, cult statue, quadriga, offering, Vestal, seer, soothsayer, sow, apotheosis, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), vici magister, vicomagister, Aineias, Helenos, Helios/Sol, Lares, Latinus, Victoria
Name: 3923X301.jpg
Keywords: MID3881, SMID3923, Aineias 164, Helenos (S) 6, Helios/Sol 168, Lar, Lares 93, Latinus 6, Victoria 175, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 387, II. 5. Kultbilder 589, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 8, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 144, altar, relief, Roman, marble, -25/-1, RomePalatine, (Nach Helbig4 nicht vom Palatin, wie mehrmals im LIMC steht.), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 1115, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, jug, shield, fire (on altar), tree, garland, column, cult image, cult statue, quadriga, offering, Vestal, seer, soothsayer, sow, apotheosis, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), vici magister, vicomagister, Aineias, Helenos, Helios/Sol, Lares, Latinus, Victoria
Name: 3923X302.jpg
Keywords: MID3881, SMID3923, Aineias 164, Helenos (S) 6, Helios/Sol 168, Lar, Lares 93, Latinus 6, Victoria 175, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 387, II. 5. Kultbilder 589, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 8, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 144, altar, relief, Roman, marble, -25/-1, RomePalatine, (Nach Helbig4 nicht vom Palatin, wie mehrmals im LIMC steht.), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 1115, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, jug, shield, fire (on altar), tree, garland, column, cult image, cult statue, quadriga, offering, Vestal, seer, soothsayer, sow, apotheosis, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), vici magister, vicomagister, Aineias, Helenos, Helios/Sol, Lares, Latinus, Victoria
Name: 3923X303.jpg
Keywords: MID3881, SMID3923, Aineias 164, Helenos (S) 6, Helios/Sol 168, Lar, Lares 93, Latinus 6, Victoria 175, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 387, II. 5. Kultbilder 589, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 8, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 144, altar, relief, Roman, marble, -25/-1, RomePalatine, (Nach Helbig4 nicht vom Palatin, wie mehrmals im LIMC steht.), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 1115, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, jug, shield, fire (on altar), tree, garland, column, cult image, cult statue, quadriga, offering, Vestal, seer, soothsayer, sow, apotheosis, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), vici magister, vicomagister, Aineias, Helenos, Helios/Sol, Lares, Latinus, Victoria
Name: 3923X304.jpg
Keywords: MID3881, SMID3923, Aineias 164, Helenos (S) 6, Helios/Sol 168, Lar, Lares 93, Latinus 6, Victoria 175, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 387, II. 5. Kultbilder 589, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 8, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 144, altar, relief, Roman, marble, -25/-1, RomePalatine, (Nach Helbig4 nicht vom Palatin, wie mehrmals im LIMC steht.), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 1115, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, jug, shield, fire (on altar), tree, garland, column, cult image, cult statue, quadriga, offering, Vestal, seer, soothsayer, sow, apotheosis, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), vici magister, vicomagister, Aineias, Helenos, Helios/Sol, Lares, Latinus, Victoria
Name: 45134X001.jpg
Keywords: MID42932, SMID45134, Athena/Minerva 3, mosaic, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 45750
Name: 45134X002.jpg
Keywords: MID42932, SMID45134, Athena/Minerva 3, mosaic, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 45750
Name: 45134X301.jpg
Keywords: MID42932, SMID45134, Athena/Minerva 3, mosaic, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 45750
Name: 4661X002.jpg
Keywords: MID4602, SMID4661, Ares/Mars 288, Athena/Minerva 408, Gorgones Romanae 78, Populus, Populus Romanus 21, Roma (S) 208, Victoria 330, Virtus 38, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 94, VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 3, relief, architectural relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 13389-13391, Rilievo della Cancelleria A
Name: 4661X003.jpg
Keywords: MID4602, SMID4661, Ares/Mars 288, Athena/Minerva 408, Gorgones Romanae 78, Populus, Populus Romanus 21, Roma (S) 208, Victoria 330, Virtus 38, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 94, VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 3, relief, architectural relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 13389-13391, Rilievo della Cancelleria A
Name: 4661X301.jpg
Keywords: MID4602, SMID4661, Ares/Mars 288, Athena/Minerva 408, Gorgones Romanae 78, Populus, Populus Romanus 21, Roma (S) 208, Victoria 330, Virtus 38, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 94, VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 3, relief, architectural relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 13389-13391, Rilievo della Cancelleria A
Name: 4661X302.jpg
Keywords: MID4602, SMID4661, Ares/Mars 288, Athena/Minerva 408, Gorgones Romanae 78, Populus, Populus Romanus 21, Roma (S) 208, Victoria 330, Virtus 38, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 94, VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 3, relief, architectural relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 13389-13391, Rilievo della Cancelleria A
Name: 4661X303.jpg
Keywords: MID4602, SMID4661, Ares/Mars 288, Athena/Minerva 408, Gorgones Romanae 78, Populus, Populus Romanus 21, Roma (S) 208, Victoria 330, Virtus 38, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 94, VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 3, relief, architectural relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 13389-13391, Rilievo della Cancelleria A
Name: 4661X306.jpg
Keywords: MID4602, SMID4661, Ares/Mars 288, Athena/Minerva 408, Gorgones Romanae 78, Populus, Populus Romanus 21, Roma (S) 208, Victoria 330, Virtus 38, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 94, VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 3, relief, architectural relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 13389-13391, Rilievo della Cancelleria A
Name: 4661X307.jpg
Keywords: MID4602, SMID4661, Ares/Mars 288, Athena/Minerva 408, Gorgones Romanae 78, Populus, Populus Romanus 21, Roma (S) 208, Victoria 330, Virtus 38, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 94, VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 3, relief, architectural relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 13389-13391, Rilievo della Cancelleria A
Name: 4661X308.jpg
Keywords: MID4602, SMID4661, Ares/Mars 288, Athena/Minerva 408, Gorgones Romanae 78, Populus, Populus Romanus 21, Roma (S) 208, Victoria 330, Virtus 38, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 94, VIII. 4.i. Krieg röm 3, relief, architectural relief, Roman, marble, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 13389-13391, Rilievo della Cancelleria A
Name: 49984X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3618, SMID49984, Homonoia/Concordia 78, Venus 335, VI. 1.c. Heirat röm 3, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, 190/200, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 1089
Name: 5957X002.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X003.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X006.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X008.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X101.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X102.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X103.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X104.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X105.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X398.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 5957X399.jpg
Keywords: MID5853, SMID5957, Dia 1, Eurymachos I 1, Glaukos VI 1, Harmatidas 1, Maloi 1, Menelaos (S) 9, Odysseus 43, Polyphamos (?) II (S) 1, Talthybios 3, Theano I 1, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 9, crater: column crater, vase painting, black figured, terracotta, Astarita Painter, -560/- Discovery: (not specified), Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, Astarita 565, 35525, horse, spindle, distaff, krater: column-krater, rider, Menelaos, Odysseus, Talthybios, Theano I
Name: 6184X301.jpg
Keywords: MID6062, SMID6184, Persephone (S) 6, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 370, statue, sculpture in the round, marble, Cerveteri, Caeretheatre, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 9952
Name: 6577X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6444, SMID6577, Nymphai (S) 3, sculpture in the round, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 2587
Name: 6827X002.jpg
Keywords: MID6687, SMID6827, Aion 19, Campus Martius 2, Lupa Romana 20, Roma (S) 221, Saeculum (S) 6, II. 3.a. Reinigung röm 82, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 392, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 7, relief, Roman, marble, Rome, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 5115, Colonna di Antonino Pio, sceptre, helmet, shield, greaves, weapon, apotheosis, quiver, obelisk, eagle, winged figure, Aion, Campus Martius, Lupa Romana, Roma, Saeculum, Antoninus Pius, Faustina
Name: 6827X003.jpg
Keywords: MID6687, SMID6827, Aion 19, Campus Martius 2, Lupa Romana 20, Roma (S) 221, Saeculum (S) 6, II. 3.a. Reinigung röm 82, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 392, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 7, relief, Roman, marble, Rome, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 5115, Colonna di Antonino Pio, sceptre, helmet, shield, greaves, weapon, apotheosis, quiver, obelisk, eagle, winged figure, Aion, Campus Martius, Lupa Romana, Roma, Saeculum, Antoninus Pius, Faustina
Name: 6827X004.jpg
Keywords: MID6687, SMID6827, Aion 19, Campus Martius 2, Lupa Romana 20, Roma (S) 221, Saeculum (S) 6, II. 3.a. Reinigung röm 82, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 392, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 7, relief, Roman, marble, Rome, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 5115, Colonna di Antonino Pio, sceptre, helmet, shield, greaves, weapon, apotheosis, quiver, obelisk, eagle, winged figure, Aion, Campus Martius, Lupa Romana, Roma, Saeculum, Antoninus Pius, Faustina
Name: 6827X006.jpg
Keywords: MID6687, SMID6827, Aion 19, Campus Martius 2, Lupa Romana 20, Roma (S) 221, Saeculum (S) 6, II. 3.a. Reinigung röm 82, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 392, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 7, relief, Roman, marble, Rome, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 5115, Colonna di Antonino Pio, sceptre, helmet, shield, greaves, weapon, apotheosis, quiver, obelisk, eagle, winged figure, Aion, Campus Martius, Lupa Romana, Roma, Saeculum, Antoninus Pius, Faustina
Name: 6827X301.jpg
Keywords: MID6687, SMID6827, Aion 19, Campus Martius 2, Lupa Romana 20, Roma (S) 221, Saeculum (S) 6, II. 3.a. Reinigung röm 82, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 392, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 7, relief, Roman, marble, Rome, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 5115, Colonna di Antonino Pio, sceptre, helmet, shield, greaves, weapon, apotheosis, quiver, obelisk, eagle, winged figure, Aion, Campus Martius, Lupa Romana, Roma, Saeculum, Antoninus Pius, Faustina
Name: 8576X003.jpg
Keywords: MID8385, SMID8576, Agamemnon 21, Agamemnon 40ad, Aigisthos 30, Erigone II 3, Erinys 30, Erinys 92, Eteokles 2, Eteokles 19, Iokaste 19, Klytaimestra 24a, Oidipous 95a, Orestes 58, Polyxene 42, Telephos 71, sarcophagus, relief, Etruria, nenfro, -300/-250, Tarquinia, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 14561, altar, sword, spear, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, youth, winged figure, Agamemnon, Aigisthos, Erigone I, Erinys, Eteokles, Iokaste, Klytaimestra, Oidipous, Orestes, Polyxene, Pylades, Telephos
Name: 8576X004.jpg
Keywords: MID8385, SMID8576, Agamemnon 21, Agamemnon 40ad, Aigisthos 30, Erigone II 3, Erinys 30, Erinys 92, Eteokles 2, Eteokles 19, Iokaste 19, Klytaimestra 24a, Oidipous 95a, Orestes 58, Polyxene 42, Telephos 71, sarcophagus, relief, Etruria, nenfro, -300/-250, Tarquinia, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 14561, altar, sword, spear, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, youth, winged figure, Agamemnon, Aigisthos, Erigone I, Erinys, Eteokles, Iokaste, Klytaimestra, Oidipous, Orestes, Polyxene, Pylades, Telephos
Name: 8576X005.jpg
Keywords: MID8385, SMID8576, Agamemnon 21, Agamemnon 40ad, Aigisthos 30, Erigone II 3, Erinys 30, Erinys 92, Eteokles 2, Eteokles 19, Iokaste 19, Klytaimestra 24a, Oidipous 95a, Orestes 58, Polyxene 42, Telephos 71, sarcophagus, relief, Etruria, nenfro, -300/-250, Tarquinia, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 14561, altar, sword, spear, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, youth, winged figure, Agamemnon, Aigisthos, Erigone I, Erinys, Eteokles, Iokaste, Klytaimestra, Oidipous, Orestes, Polyxene, Pylades, Telephos
Name: 8576X301.jpg
Keywords: MID8385, SMID8576, Agamemnon 21, Agamemnon 40ad, Aigisthos 30, Erigone II 3, Erinys 30, Erinys 92, Eteokles 2, Eteokles 19, Iokaste 19, Klytaimestra 24a, Oidipous 95a, Orestes 58, Polyxene 42, Telephos 71, sarcophagus, relief, Etruria, nenfro, -300/-250, Tarquinia, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 14561, altar, sword, spear, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, youth, winged figure, Agamemnon, Aigisthos, Erigone I, Erinys, Eteokles, Iokaste, Klytaimestra, Oidipous, Orestes, Polyxene, Pylades, Telephos
Name: 8576X302.jpg
Keywords: MID8385, SMID8576, Agamemnon 21, Agamemnon 40ad, Aigisthos 30, Erigone II 3, Erinys 30, Erinys 92, Eteokles 2, Eteokles 19, Iokaste 19, Klytaimestra 24a, Oidipous 95a, Orestes 58, Polyxene 42, Telephos 71, sarcophagus, relief, Etruria, nenfro, -300/-250, Tarquinia, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 14561, altar, sword, spear, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, youth, winged figure, Agamemnon, Aigisthos, Erigone I, Erinys, Eteokles, Iokaste, Klytaimestra, Oidipous, Orestes, Polyxene, Pylades, Telephos