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Name: 93X201.jpg
Keywords: MID301, SMID93, Althaia 3, Meleagros 138, Meleagros 155, Moirai 51, Nemesis 307, Thestiadai 2, sarcophagus, relief, Rome, 180/190, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, MA 539, MR 879, chiton, fire (on altar), torch, dog, writing-tablet, wheel, tablet, pinax, log, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, altar: monolithic block, Althaia, Erinys, Meleagros, Moirai, Nemesis, Thestiadai
Name: 9465X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9263, SMID9465, Ismene I 3, Klytos II 1, Periklymenos 1, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 640
Name: 9465X002.jpg
Keywords: MID9263, SMID9465, Ismene I 3, Klytos II 1, Periklymenos 1, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 640
Name: 9465X102.jpg
Keywords: MID9263, SMID9465, Ismene I 3, Klytos II 1, Periklymenos 1, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 640
Name: 9465X103.jpg
Keywords: MID9263, SMID9465, Ismene I 3, Klytos II 1, Periklymenos 1, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 640
Name: 9465X104.jpg
Keywords: MID9263, SMID9465, Ismene I 3, Klytos II 1, Periklymenos 1, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 640
Name: 9655X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9451, SMID9655, Artemis 1382, Erinys 63, Orestes 48, Proitides 524p, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 354a, II. 3.a. Reinigung gr 69b, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Eumenides Painter, -390/-380, Armento, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Cp 710, altar, sword, spear, piglet, blood, purification, animal (its blood) as means of purification, Apollon, Artemis, Erinys, Klytaimestra, Orestes, Proitides
Name: 9655X002.jpg
Keywords: MID9451, SMID9655, Artemis 1382, Erinys 63, Orestes 48, Proitides 524p, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 354a, II. 3.a. Reinigung gr 69b, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Eumenides Painter, -390/-380, Armento, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Cp 710, altar, sword, spear, piglet, blood, purification, animal (its blood) as means of purification, Apollon, Artemis, Erinys, Klytaimestra, Orestes, Proitides
Name: 9764X201.jpg
Keywords: MID9559, SMID9764, Terpon I 3, cup, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, -510/-490, Etruria, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 34, snake, thyrsos, vine, kantharos, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, quadriga, satyr, silen, maenad, Dionysos, Terpon I, Satyros
Name: 982X001.jpg
Keywords: MID1073, SMID982, Eumolpos 4, Hermes 571, Hippothoon 9, Keleos 3, Persephone (S) 105, Triptolemos 93, stamnos, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -475/-450, unknown, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 371, kerykeion, caduceus, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, jug, torch, libation, winged chariot, Demeter, Eleusis, Eumolpos, Hekate, Hermes, Hippothoon, Keleos, Metaneira, Persephone, Triptolemos, Kore
Name: 982X002.jpg
Keywords: MID1073, SMID982, Eumolpos 4, Hermes 571, Hippothoon 9, Keleos 3, Persephone (S) 105, Triptolemos 93, stamnos, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -475/-450, unknown, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 371, kerykeion, caduceus, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, jug, torch, libation, winged chariot, Demeter, Eleusis, Eumolpos, Hekate, Hermes, Hippothoon, Keleos, Metaneira, Persephone, Triptolemos, Kore
Name: 982X204.jpg
Keywords: MID1073, SMID982, Eumolpos 4, Hermes 571, Hippothoon 9, Keleos 3, Persephone (S) 105, Triptolemos 93, stamnos, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -475/-450, unknown, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 371, kerykeion, caduceus, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, jug, torch, libation, winged chariot, Demeter, Eleusis, Eumolpos, Hekate, Hermes, Hippothoon, Keleos, Metaneira, Persephone, Triptolemos, Kore
Name: 982X205.jpg
Keywords: MID1073, SMID982, Eumolpos 4, Hermes 571, Hippothoon 9, Keleos 3, Persephone (S) 105, Triptolemos 93, stamnos, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -475/-450, unknown, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 371, kerykeion, caduceus, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, jug, torch, libation, winged chariot, Demeter, Eleusis, Eumolpos, Hekate, Hermes, Hippothoon, Keleos, Metaneira, Persephone, Triptolemos, Kore
Name: 35337X001.jpg
Keywords: MID33609, SMID35337, Daidalos et Ikaros 3, gem, France, Péronne, Collection A. Danicourt
Name: 3088X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3065, SMID3088, Zeus/Iuppiter (in per. occ.) 3, relief, France, Reims, Musée Saint-Remi, Espérandieu 3666
Name: 100585X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203482, SMID100585, kalpis, vase painting red figured, Attica, terracotta, Kleophrades Painter, -510/-490, Vulci, France, Rouen, Musée Départemental des Antiquités, 538.3, 9820050, thyrsos, satyr, silen, maenad, Satyros
Name: 9495X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9292, SMID9495, Alkestis 10, Alkestis 19a, Perimele 3, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, France, Saint-Aignan, Château, kline, bed, child, Admetos I, Alkestis, Herakles, Perimele
Name: 9495X303.jpg
Keywords: MID9292, SMID9495, Alkestis 10, Alkestis 19a, Perimele 3, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, France, Saint-Aignan, Château, kline, bed, child, Admetos I, Alkestis, Herakles, Perimele
Name: 9495X398.jpg
Keywords: MID9292, SMID9495, Alkestis 10, Alkestis 19a, Perimele 3, sarcophagus, relief, Roman, marble, France, Saint-Aignan, Château, kline, bed, child, Admetos I, Alkestis, Herakles, Perimele
Name: 32124X001.jpg
Keywords: MID30650, SMID32124, Erriapus 3, relief, France, Saint-Béat, Espérandieu 8123
Name: 98999X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202011, SMID98999, Ageion (Suppl. 2009) 3, altar, relief, Greece, 100/300, Coume des Arés, France, Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges, Musée Archéologique Départemental, ND 85.CA.84.13, Ageion
Name: 3720X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3682, SMID3720, Horai/Horae 80, Horai/Horae 107, Kairoi/Tempora anni 57, Kairoi/Tempora anni 193, Menses 43, Taranis 3, Venus (in Gallia) 12, I. 2.c. Rauchopfer 61, II. 5. Kultbilder 398, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 100b, VI. 1.e. Tod röm 18, VI. 2.a. Ackerbau röm 1, VI. 2.a. Ackerbau röm 3, VII. 3. Feste und Spiele röm 5, mosaic, polychrome, Roman, opus tessellatum, 200/210, France, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Musée des Antiquités Nationales, 83116, tree, column, vase, cult image, cult statue, wheel, cista, kiste, incense offering, altar: monolithic block, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?), Taranis
Name: 100352X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203303, SMID100352, VI. 1.f. Gesundheit, Krankheit, Medizin röm 18, statuette, sculpture in the round, Roman, limestone, France, Senlis, Musée d’Art et d’Archéologie, A 99.3.13
Name: 21422X001.jpg
Keywords: MID20511, SMID21422, Iphigeneia 54, II. 3.a. Reinigung gr 120, relief, Roman, stone, 80/150, France, Sens, Musée, J 98-99-100, altar, branch, human sacrifice, priestess, rope, sprinkling, altar: monolithic block, Orestes, Pylades, Thoas II
Name: 34783X001.jpg
Keywords: MID33114, SMID34783, Candida 3, relief, France, Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, Espérandieu 5642
Name: 4211X001.jpg
Keywords: MID4167, SMID4211, Erge (S) 3, relief, France, Tarbes, Musée Massey, Espérandieu 851
Name: 85X302.jpg
Keywords: MID293, SMID85, Borios 1, Doto, Doso 2, Glaukos I 1, Ino 22, Leukas II 1, Melikertes 3, Nymphogenes 1, Oceanus (S) 27, Panope 2, Tritones 74, Xanthippe II 1, mosaic, France, Toulouse, Musée Saint-Raymond, Cat. 20
Name: 85X399.jpg
Keywords: MID293, SMID85, Borios 1, Doto, Doso 2, Glaukos I 1, Ino 22, Leukas II 1, Melikertes 3, Nymphogenes 1, Oceanus (S) 27, Panope 2, Tritones 74, Xanthippe II 1, mosaic, France, Toulouse, Musée Saint-Raymond, Cat. 20
Name: 60218X001.jpg
Keywords: MID54782, SMID60218, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 3, odeum, architecture, France, Vienne, Odeum
Name: 6939X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6796, SMID6939, Dionysos/Bacchus (in per. occ.) (vol. IV) 3, Nymphai (S) 80, vase painting, France, Yzeure (région), collection privée
Name: 18267X001.jpg
Keywords: MID17541, SMID18267, Ma 3, relief metal, FYROM ( Macedonia), Resen, Musée, 55
Name: 9278X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9076, SMID9278, Telesphoros 3, sculpture in the round of terracotta, FYROM ( Macedonia), Stobi, Musée, MF-70-35
Name: 7296X005.jpg
Keywords: MID7148, SMID7296, Aktorione 18, Bousiris 13ad, Hades 144, Herakles 2570, Herakles 2811, Kerberos 3, Persephone (S) 268, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Aktorione Painter, -510, Vulci, Germany, Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, 233, club, kantharos, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, sacrificial assistant, lionskin, roofed colonade (stoa, porticus), ivy, flowers of ivy, youth, satyr, silen, animal, flute case, palace, monster, Aktorione, Athena, Bousiris, Hades, Herakles, Kerberos, Kerkopes, Persephone, Kore
Name: 7296X007.jpg
Keywords: MID7148, SMID7296, Aktorione 18, Bousiris 13ad, Hades 144, Herakles 2570, Herakles 2811, Kerberos 3, Persephone (S) 268, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Aktorione Painter, -510, Vulci, Germany, Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, 233, club, kantharos, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, sacrificial assistant, lionskin, roofed colonade (stoa, porticus), ivy, flowers of ivy, youth, satyr, silen, animal, flute case, palace, monster, Aktorione, Athena, Bousiris, Hades, Herakles, Kerberos, Kerkopes, Persephone, Kore
Name: 318X001.jpg
Keywords: MID504, SMID318, Tithoes 3, relief, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, 20840
Name: 10027X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9820, SMID10027, Gorgo, Gorgones 317, Perseus 146, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 118, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 447, II. 4.a. Bankett gr 173, II. 4.c. Musik gr 216, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1274a, VII. 3. Feste und Spiele gr 2, exaleiptron, vase painting, black figured, Boetia, terracotta, Boeotian Dancers (B.D. Group), -570/-560, Tanagra (Boeotia), Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 1727, palm branch, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, krater, jug, tankard, skyphos, kotyle, scyphus, fire (on altar), table, mensa, trapeza, kantharos, kline, bed, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, sacrificial animal, fillet, taenia, tainia, pig, kanoun, offering basket, skaphe (big basin), musician (man), altar built of square stones, festival (diverse, undetermined), Gorgones, Perseus, Medousa
Name: 10027X101.jpg
Keywords: MID9820, SMID10027, Gorgo, Gorgones 317, Perseus 146, I. 1. Prozessionen gr 118, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 447, II. 4.a. Bankett gr 173, II. 4.c. Musik gr 216, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1274a, VII. 3. Feste und Spiele gr 2, exaleiptron, vase painting, black figured, Boetia, terracotta, Boeotian Dancers (B.D. Group), -570/-560, Tanagra (Boeotia), Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 1727, palm branch, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, krater, jug, tankard, skyphos, kotyle, scyphus, fire (on altar), table, mensa, trapeza, kantharos, kline, bed, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, sacrificial animal, fillet, taenia, tainia, pig, kanoun, offering basket, skaphe (big basin), musician (man), altar built of square stones, festival (diverse, undetermined), Gorgones, Perseus, Medousa
Name: 10040X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9834, SMID10040, Athena 6, Boreadai 3, Harpyiai 1, Perseus 152, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 1682
Name: 10040X002.jpg
Keywords: MID9834, SMID10040, Athena 6, Boreadai 3, Harpyiai 1, Perseus 152, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 1682
Name: 10040X003.jpg
Keywords: MID9834, SMID10040, Athena 6, Boreadai 3, Harpyiai 1, Perseus 152, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 1682
Name: 10040X101.jpg
Keywords: MID9834, SMID10040, Athena 6, Boreadai 3, Harpyiai 1, Perseus 152, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 1682
Name: 10040X102.jpg
Keywords: MID9834, SMID10040, Athena 6, Boreadai 3, Harpyiai 1, Perseus 152, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 1682
Name: 10538X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10314, SMID10538, Adonis Add 1, Eukleia 1, Eunomia 3, Opora 57p, Phaon 6, lekythos, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 2705, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, Adonis, Eros, Eukleia, Eunomia, Opora, Phaon
Name: 10538X002.jpg
Keywords: MID10314, SMID10538, Adonis Add 1, Eukleia 1, Eunomia 3, Opora 57p, Phaon 6, lekythos, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 2705, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, Adonis, Eros, Eukleia, Eunomia, Opora, Phaon
Name: 10538X003.jpg
Keywords: MID10314, SMID10538, Adonis Add 1, Eukleia 1, Eunomia 3, Opora 57p, Phaon 6, lekythos, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 2705, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, Adonis, Eros, Eukleia, Eunomia, Opora, Phaon
Name: 10538X201.jpg
Keywords: MID10314, SMID10538, Adonis Add 1, Eukleia 1, Eunomia 3, Opora 57p, Phaon 6, lekythos, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 2705, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, Adonis, Eros, Eukleia, Eunomia, Opora, Phaon
Name: 10538X204.jpg
Keywords: MID10314, SMID10538, Adonis Add 1, Eukleia 1, Eunomia 3, Opora 57p, Phaon 6, lekythos, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 2705, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, Adonis, Eros, Eukleia, Eunomia, Opora, Phaon
Name: 10870X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10635, SMID10870, Aglauros, Herse, Pandrosos 7, Aigeus 39, Athena 478, Eos 274, Erechtheus (vol. IV) 7, Ge 17, Hephaistos 218, Kekrops (vol. VI) 7, Pallas I 3, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Codrus Painter, -440/-430, Tarquinia, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 2537, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, sceptre, fillet, taenia, tainia, stick, cane, child, aegis, Aglauros (Agraulos), Aigai, Aigeus, Athena, Eos, Erechtheus, Ge, Kekrops, Pallas I, Hephaistion
Name: 10870X002.jpg
Keywords: MID10635, SMID10870, Aglauros, Herse, Pandrosos 7, Aigeus 39, Athena 478, Eos 274, Erechtheus (vol. IV) 7, Ge 17, Hephaistos 218, Kekrops (vol. VI) 7, Pallas I 3, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Codrus Painter, -440/-430, Tarquinia, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 2537, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, sceptre, fillet, taenia, tainia, stick, cane, child, aegis, Aglauros (Agraulos), Aigai, Aigeus, Athena, Eos, Erechtheus, Ge, Kekrops, Pallas I, Hephaistion
Name: 10870X003.jpg
Keywords: MID10635, SMID10870, Aglauros, Herse, Pandrosos 7, Aigeus 39, Athena 478, Eos 274, Erechtheus (vol. IV) 7, Ge 17, Hephaistos 218, Kekrops (vol. VI) 7, Pallas I 3, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Codrus Painter, -440/-430, Tarquinia, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 2537, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, sceptre, fillet, taenia, tainia, stick, cane, child, aegis, Aglauros (Agraulos), Aigai, Aigeus, Athena, Eos, Erechtheus, Ge, Kekrops, Pallas I, Hephaistion