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MID6317, SMID6444, Priapos (S) 108, relief, Austria, Petronell-Carnuntum
MID45665, SMID48072, Aktaion 108, mosaic, Roman, opus tessellatum, 125/150, Ivailograd, Bulgaria, Ivailovgrad, dog, Aktaion, Apollon/Apollo, Ariadne, Artemis/Diana, Dionysos/Bacchus
MID35117, SMID36938, Eros/Amor, Cupido 448ad, sarcophagus, Canada, Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, 925.13.108
MID5896, SMID6000, Venus 108, sculpture in the round of metal, Collections privées, Collection de Clercq, III 10
MID44265, SMID46652, Aineias 108, intaglio, gem, Roman, chalcedony, Collections privées, Collection Wyndham Francis Cook, 161, cista, kiste, youth, warrior, soldier, old man, Aineias, Anchises, Askanios
MID201203, SMID98086, coin, coinage, Roman, -108/-107, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, sword, ear of corn, trophy, galerus (fur cap), Ares/Mars, Victoria
MID35221, SMID37052, Dionysos 108, Dionysos 128b, sculpture in the round, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 2025
MID38899, SMID40920, Artemis 869, Artemis/Diana 108, sculpture in the round, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1517
MID22782, SMID23879, Asklepios 135, Hygieia 108, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 236
MID24448, SMID25650, I, Hermes 108, II. 5. Kultbilder 327, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 103a, VI. 1.b. Kindheit und Adoleszenz gr 137, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Dokimasia Painter, -480/- Discovery: (not specified), Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 6327, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, herm, column, herm cult
MID33458, SMID35178, Chimaira 108, vase painting, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 4813
MID16727, SMID17387, Leda 108, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 104
MID16727, SMID17387, Leda 108, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 104
MID23411, SMID24579, Herakles 3405, pelike, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Meleager Painter, Capua, Estonia, Tartu, Université de Tartu, Musée des Antiquités Classiques, 8 Gr (Tartu III/108), III/108
MID23411, SMID24579, Herakles 3405, pelike, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Meleager Painter, Capua, Estonia, Tartu, Université de Tartu, Musée des Antiquités Classiques, 8 Gr (Tartu III/108), III/108
MID25591, SMID26863, Epona (vol. V) 108, sculpture in the round of metal, France, Janville (Eure-et-Loire)
MID16756, SMID40961, Aias I 108, Dioskouroi/Tinas Cliniar 71, Helene/Elina 2, Leda 6, stamnos, vase painting, red figured, Etruria, terracotta, Settecamini Painter, -400/-390, Vulci, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 947, sword, spear, plant, Aias I, Dioskouroi/Tinas Cliniar, Helene/Elina, Leda, Tekmessa, Teukros I
MID27922, SMID29325, Evan 3, mirrors, France, Paris, marché de l’art, Gerhard V p. 107-108, 87a
MID20488, SMID21399, Herakles 1896, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, F 108
MID20488, SMID21399, Herakles 1896, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, F 108
MID20488, SMID21399, Herakles 1896, vase painting, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, F 108
MID26046, SMID27348, Hephaistos 108, psykter, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Antimenes Painter, -520/- Discovery: (not specified), France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Cp 12296, vine-branch, vine-foliage with grapes, satyr, silen, maenad, Dionysos
MID2767, SMID2788, Amazones 108, Herakles/Hercle 365a, Uni 76a, applique, relief, bronze, -400/-300, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Br 2788, sword, lionskin, quiver, Phrygian cap, fight, battle, Herakles/Hercle, Hera/Uni, Amazones
MID38024, SMID39991, Aphrodite 108, statuette, sculpture in the round, limestone, -500/-475, Pyrgos (Cyprus), France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, AM 1514, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, lotus, sphinx, Aphrodite
MID41988, SMID44168, Apollon 43, statuette, sculpture in the round of metal, bronze, -600/-500, Dodone, Dodona (Epirus), France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Br 108, arrow, Apollon
MID6827, SMID6972, Artemis/Diana 293a, Dionysos/Bacchus 123, Leto/Latona 26, Mercurius 338, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 226, Nymphai (S) 108, Olympos I 28b, Rhea 18, sarcophagus, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, MA 972, MR 704
MID6827, SMID6972, Artemis/Diana 293a, Dionysos/Bacchus 123, Leto/Latona 26, Mercurius 338, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 226, Nymphai (S) 108, Olympos I 28b, Rhea 18, sarcophagus, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, MA 972, MR 704
MID6827, SMID6972, Artemis/Diana 293a, Dionysos/Bacchus 123, Leto/Latona 26, Mercurius 338, Mousa, Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 226, Nymphai (S) 108, Olympos I 28b, Rhea 18, sarcophagus, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, MA 972, MR 704
MID3963, SMID4007, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 475, Selene, Luna 66, Tritones 108, ivory, bone, France, Sens, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 46
MID2812, SMID2833, Zeus 108, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Kunsthandel
MID11458, SMID11734, Gigantes 97, Poseidon 108, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 471 + Corinthe, Musée Archéologique C-63-354, C-63-354 + Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Antikensammlung F 471
MID11458, SMID11734, Gigantes 97, Poseidon 108, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 471 + Corinthe, Musée Archéologique C-63-354, C-63-354 + Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Antikensammlung F 471
MID11458, SMID11734, Gigantes 97, Poseidon 108, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 471 + Corinthe, Musée Archéologique C-63-354, C-63-354 + Berlin, Staatliche Museen, Antikensammlung F 471
MID18869, SMID19744, Mousa, Mousai 108, vase painting, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 3185
MID26320, SMID27632, Hera 108, sculpture in the round, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Sk 1725
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike
MID617, SMID469, grande frise, Agamestor (?) (S) 506p, Aither 1, Alkyoneus 33, Allektos (S) 517p, Aloadai 2, Amphitrite 62, Aphrodite 1284, Aphrodite 1311, Aphrodite 1400, Apollon 1063, Ares 108, Artemis 1338, Aster 1, Asteria I 1, Astra 14, Astra 34, Astraios I 1, Athena 395, Boreas 4, Bro[---] 1, Brontai (Suppl. 2009) 7, Brychon 1, Charadreus (?) 1, Chthonophylos 1, Demeter (vol. IV) 467, Dione 7, Dionysos 657, Dionysos 802, Eos 45, Erysichthon I 4, Eurybias 1, Eurynome I 3, Eurypylos I 4, Ge 7, Gigantes 24, Gorgo, Gorgones 216, Hekate (vol. VI) 191, Helios (vol. V) 71, Helios (vol. V) 104, Hera 371, Herakles 1813ad, Hyperion 3, Iapetos 1, Iris I 97, Keto 1, Klymene II 2, Kybele (S) 81, Leon III (S) 773p, Leto 46, Megaloi Theoi (S) 16, Mimas II, Mimos, Mimon 569p, Moirai 28, Molodros 1, Nereus 130, Nike 407, Nymphai (S) 26, Okeanos 7, Ouranos 17, Phaethon II 2, Phoibe I (S) 1, Poseidon 134, Rhea 21, Selene, Luna 44, Semele 38a, Silenoi (S) 139, Sthenaros 1, Styx 7, Tethys I (S) 2, Theia 1, Themis (S) 16, Tithonos 8, Tityos 36, Triton 30, Venti 24, Zephyros 5, Zeus Add 48, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, thunderbolt, lightning, shield, wings, winged figure, Giant, Aither, Alkyoneus, Aloadai, Athena, Ge, Nike