Overview: 21 images comply with your query "1931"
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Name: 21506X001.jpg
Keywords: MID20594, SMID21506, Herakles 1931, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 805
Name: 21506X102.jpg
Keywords: MID20594, SMID21506, Herakles 1931, gem, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée Thorvaldsen, I 805
Name: 8834X001.jpg
Keywords: MID8636, SMID8834, Telephos 13, relief, Italy, Palermo, Museo Archeologico Regionale A. Salinas, 6904, 1931
Name: 17098X001.jpg
Keywords: MID16467, SMID17098, Lasa 72, mirrors, Netherlands, Leyde, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, K 1931/2.15
Name: 3615X002.jpg
Keywords: MID3580, SMID3615, Arimaspoi (S) 3, Herakles 2840, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1931.2-16.22
Name: 3825X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3786, SMID3825, Arimaspoi (S) 57, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1931.1-13.1
Name: 3825X101.jpg
Keywords: MID3786, SMID3825, Arimaspoi (S) 57, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1931.1-13.1
Name: 3825X102.jpg
Keywords: MID3786, SMID3825, Arimaspoi (S) 57, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1931.1-13.1
Name: 46828X001.jpg
Keywords: MID44530, SMID46828, Amazones 548, intaglio, gem, Roman, sard, -27/476, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1931, sword, shield, horse, warrior, soldier, Amazon, fight, battle, Amazones
Name: 9490X002.jpg
Keywords: MID9287, SMID9490, Aphrodite 1386, Boreas 64, Oreithyia I 17, Praxithea 3, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 8, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 156, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Lycurgus Painter, -360/-350, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1931.5-11.1, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, basin with high foot: louterion, perirrhanterion, key, priestess, ashes, maenad, papposilenus, altar with protection against wind, Aphrodite, Boreas, Oreios I, Praxithea
Name: 9490X101.jpg
Keywords: MID9287, SMID9490, Aphrodite 1386, Boreas 64, Oreithyia I 17, Praxithea 3, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 8, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 156, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Lycurgus Painter, -360/-350, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1931.5-11.1, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, basin with high foot: louterion, perirrhanterion, key, priestess, ashes, maenad, papposilenus, altar with protection against wind, Aphrodite, Boreas, Oreios I, Praxithea
Name: 9490X203.jpg
Keywords: MID9287, SMID9490, Aphrodite 1386, Boreas 64, Oreithyia I 17, Praxithea 3, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal gr 8, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 156, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Lycurgus Painter, -360/-350, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1931.5-11.1, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, basin with high foot: louterion, perirrhanterion, key, priestess, ashes, maenad, papposilenus, altar with protection against wind, Aphrodite, Boreas, Oreios I, Praxithea
Name: 17176X201.jpg
Keywords: MID16541, SMID17176, Nike 168, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 437, cup, vase painting, red figured, United Kingdom, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1931.12
Name: 35571X001.jpg
Keywords: MID33828, SMID35571, Diomedes I 32, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, /-400, United Kingdom, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1931.39, altar, base, sword, fire (on altar), Palladion, theft of cult image, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, track (trace?) of blood, Diomedes I
Name: 35571X102.jpg
Keywords: MID33828, SMID35571, Diomedes I 32, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, /-400, United Kingdom, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1931.39, altar, base, sword, fire (on altar), Palladion, theft of cult image, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, track (trace?) of blood, Diomedes I
Name: 10881X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10646, SMID10881, Aglibol 2, Arsu 12, Doura 1, Euphrates 1, Iarhibol 19, Palmyra 1, wall painting, Roman, 200/210, Doura-Europostemple of the gods of Palmyra, United States, New Haven, Yale University, Art Gallery, 1931.386, helmet, fire (on altar), spear, vexillum, standard, cult image, cult statue, sacrifice, corselet, thymiaterion, turibulum, incense-burner, incense offering, paludamentum, tribune, Aglibol, Arsu, Doura, Euphrates, Iarhibol, Palmyra, Iulius Terentius
Name: 10881X002.jpg
Keywords: MID10646, SMID10881, Aglibol 2, Arsu 12, Doura 1, Euphrates 1, Iarhibol 19, Palmyra 1, wall painting, Roman, 200/210, Doura-Europostemple of the gods of Palmyra, United States, New Haven, Yale University, Art Gallery, 1931.386, helmet, fire (on altar), spear, vexillum, standard, cult image, cult statue, sacrifice, corselet, thymiaterion, turibulum, incense-burner, incense offering, paludamentum, tribune, Aglibol, Arsu, Doura, Euphrates, Iarhibol, Palmyra, Iulius Terentius
Name: 10881X003.jpg
Keywords: MID10646, SMID10881, Aglibol 2, Arsu 12, Doura 1, Euphrates 1, Iarhibol 19, Palmyra 1, wall painting, Roman, 200/210, Doura-Europostemple of the gods of Palmyra, United States, New Haven, Yale University, Art Gallery, 1931.386, helmet, fire (on altar), spear, vexillum, standard, cult image, cult statue, sacrifice, corselet, thymiaterion, turibulum, incense-burner, incense offering, paludamentum, tribune, Aglibol, Arsu, Doura, Euphrates, Iarhibol, Palmyra, Iulius Terentius
Name: 10881X004.jpg
Keywords: MID10646, SMID10881, Aglibol 2, Arsu 12, Doura 1, Euphrates 1, Iarhibol 19, Palmyra 1, wall painting, Roman, 200/210, Doura-Europostemple of the gods of Palmyra, United States, New Haven, Yale University, Art Gallery, 1931.386, helmet, fire (on altar), spear, vexillum, standard, cult image, cult statue, sacrifice, corselet, thymiaterion, turibulum, incense-burner, incense offering, paludamentum, tribune, Aglibol, Arsu, Doura, Euphrates, Iarhibol, Palmyra, Iulius Terentius
Name: 28901X001.jpg
Keywords: MID27518, SMID28901, Herakles 337, relief, United States, New Haven, Yale University, Art Gallery, 1931.416
Name: 59524X001.jpg
Keywords: MID54103, SMID59524, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1407, candelabrum, varia, Etruria, bronze, -400/-350, unknown, United States, Providence, Rhode Island School of Design, Museum of Art, 1931.364, palmette, lion paw