Overview: 50 images comply with your query "1978"
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Name: 43385X001.jpg
Keywords: MID41283, SMID43385, Aphrodite (in per. or.) 24, sculpture in the round of metal, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 1978
Name: 31624X001.jpg
Keywords: MID30165, SMID31624, Herakles 1493post, vase painting, France, Paris, Hôtel Drouot, 24.11.1978
Name: 11883X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11605, SMID11883, Poseidon 190a, vase painting, Germany, Hamburg, Holger Termer, Kat. 1, 1978, 26
Name: 34155X001.jpg
Keywords: MID32514, SMID34155, Elektra I 19, Erinys 38, vase painting, Germany, Hamburg, Holger Termer, Kat. 1, 1978, 25
Name: 37517X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35680, SMID37517, Eros 470b, vase painting, Germany, Hamburg, Holger Termer, Kat. 1, 1978, 20
Name: 29082X001.jpg
Keywords: MID27683, SMID29082, Herakles 516, relief metal, Germany, München, Archäologische Staatssammlung, Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 1978.125
Name: 3945X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3902, SMID3945, Victoria 210, relief metal, Germany, München, Archäologische Staatssammlung, Museum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, 1978.122
Name: 58562X001.jpg
Keywords: Auf dem felsigen Plateau nördlich unterhalb der Akropolis verteilen sich über ein Areal von ca. 130 x 130 m etwa 40 Felsabarbeitungen Schrammen, J., Der grosse Altar, in: Pergamon III, 1 (1896) 7–90; Brückner, A., Wann ist der Altar von Pergamon errichtet worden?, AA (1904) 218–224; Napp, A.E. (Hrsg.), Der Altar von Pergamon (1936); Bruns, G., Der grosse Altar von Pergamon (1949); Bruns 101–111; Rohde, E. (Hrsg.), Pergamon. Burgberg und Altar (1961); Schmidt, E., Der grosse Altar zu Pergamon (1961); Simon, Pergamon und Hesiod (1975); Stähler, K., Untersuchungen zur architektonischen Gestalt des Pergamonaltars, in: Studien zur Religion und Kultur Kleinasiens. (Festschrift für F.K. Dörner) (1978) 838–867; Callaghan, P.J., On the date of the Great Altar of Zeus at Pergamon, BICS 28 (1981) 115–121; Schalles, H.J., Der Pergamonaltar. Zwischen Bewertung und Verwertbarkeit (1986); Hoepfner, W., Zu den grossen Altären von Magnesia und Pergamon, AA (1989) 601–634 (= Hoepfner 1); Andreae, B. (Hrsg.), Phyromachos-Probleme. Mit einem Anhang zur Datierung des Grossen Altars von Pergamon (1990); Börker, C., Zur Datierung des Pergamon-Altars, in: Akten des 13. Internationalen Kongresses für Klassische Archäologie Berlin 1988 (1990) 591–592; Kunze, M./Kästner, V. (Hrsg.), Der Altar von Pergamon, hellenistische und römische Architektur (21990); Kunze, M., Neue Forschungen zum Pergamonaltar, in: Etienne/Le Dinahet, L’espace sacrificiel 135–140 (Kunze 1); Hoepfner, Bauliche Details am Pergamonaltar, AA (1991) 189–202 (= Hoepfner 2); id., Siegestempel und Siegesaltäre. Der Pergamonaltar als Siegesmonument, in: Hoepfner, W./Zimmer, G. (Hrsg.), Die griechische Polis. Architektur und Politik (1993) 111–125 (= Hoepfner 3); Kästner, V., Gigantennamen, IstanbMitt 44 (1994) 125–134 (= Kaestner 1); Gates, M.H., Archaeology in Turkey, AJA 100 (1996) 322–324; Kunze, Parthenon und Pergamonaltar. Das Bildprogramm am Pergamonaltar als Rückgriff auf den Parthenon?, Thetis 3 (1996) 71–80 (= Kunze 2); Hoepfner, Der vollendete Pergamonaltar, AA (1996) 115–134 (= Hoepfner 4); id., Zum Pergamon-Altar, Anadolou Anatolia 23 (1984–1997) 187–193 (= Hoepfner 5); Seiterle, Rückgabe des Zeusaltars – an Athena, AntW 28 (1997) 201–208; Heilmeyer, W.D., Der Pergamonaltar. Die neue Präsentation nach der Restaurierung des Telephosfrieses (1997); Kästner, The architecture of the Great Altar of Pergamon, in: Pergamon. Citadel of the goda. Archaeological record, literary description, and religious development (1998) 137–161 (= Kästner 2); Webb, P.A., The Functions of the Sanctuary of Athena and the Pergamon Altar (the Heroon of Telephos) in the Attalid Building Programm, in: Stephanos (Festschrift B.S. Ridgway) (1998) 244–254; Radt, Pergamon, Geschichte und Bauten einer antiken Metropole (1999) 168–180; De Luca, G./Radt, Sondagen im Fundament des grossen Altars. Pergamenische Forschungen 12 (1999); Kästner, Vorläufiger Bericht zu den Ergebnissen der Untersuchungen am Oberbau des Pergamonaltars, in: Bericht über die 40. Tagung für Ausgrabungswissenschaft und Bauforschung (Kongress Wien 1998) (2000) 64–78 (= Kästner 3); Stewart, Pergamo ara marmorea magna. On the date, altar, MID53203, SMID58562 – LIMC/ThesCRA: -175/-150
Name: 9704X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9499, SMID9704, Mousa, Mousai 90, Orpheus 17, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 82347, H 1978
Name: 9704X002.jpg
Keywords: MID9499, SMID9704, Mousa, Mousai 90, Orpheus 17, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 82347, H 1978
Name: 9704X202.jpg
Keywords: MID9499, SMID9704, Mousa, Mousai 90, Orpheus 17, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 82347, H 1978
Name: 9704X203-2.jpg
Keywords: MID9499, SMID9704, Mousa, Mousai 90, Orpheus 17, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 82347, H 1978
Name: 9704X203.jpg
Keywords: MID9499, SMID9704, Mousa, Mousai 90, Orpheus 17, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 82347, H 1978
Name: 9704X302.jpg
Keywords: MID9499, SMID9704, Mousa, Mousai 90, Orpheus 17, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 82347, H 1978
Name: 9704X303.jpg
Keywords: MID9499, SMID9704, Mousa, Mousai 90, Orpheus 17, vase painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 82347, H 1978
Name: 3690X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3653, SMID3690, Venus 353, relief, marble, -100/-1, Pompei VI 16.7.38 (Casa degli Amorini dorati), Peristyl (F), Südwand, ehem. eingemauert, 1978 entfernt., Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 20469, incense, thymiaterion, turibulum, incense-burner, cave, incense box, libanotis, acerra, Aphrodite/Venus
Name: 15176X001.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X002.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X003.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X103.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X304.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X305.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X306.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X307.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X308.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X309.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 15176X399.jpg
Keywords: MID14714, SMID15176, Herakles 1724, Herakles 1978, Herakles 2634, Herakles 2746, Kerberos 69c, Ladon I 24, sarcophagus, Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Romano, 154592
Name: 26633X001.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X002.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X003.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X004.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X005.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X102.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X105.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X106.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X107.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X108.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X109.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X110.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X111.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X112.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X113.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X114.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 26633X115.jpg
Keywords: MID25363, SMID26633, Apollon 860, Artemis 1011a, Hermes 744, kalpis, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Berlin Painter, -500/-480, unknown, Switzerland, Basel, Münzen und Medaillen AG, Auktion 51, 1975, 155, 1978.45, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, kithara, branch, flower, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, Apollon, Artemis, Athena, Hermes, Iris I, Leto, Nike
Name: 12931X101.jpg
Keywords: MID12627, SMID12931, Peleus 130, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1978.1-12.2, 2663
Name: 28758X001.jpg
Keywords: MID27375, SMID28758, Herakles 94, gem, United Kingdom, London, Sotheby’s, 10.4.1978, 416
Name: 43183X001.jpg
Keywords: MID41084, SMID43183, Atalante 67, vase painting, United Kingdom, Oxford, Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1978.49
Name: 41282X001.jpg
Keywords: MID39247, SMID41282, Aphrodite 452, mirror, relief, bronze, unknown, -27/395, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 1978.158, column, cult image, cult statue, hydria, basin with high foot: louterion, perirrhanterion, bath, Aphrodite
Name: 21175X001.jpg
Keywords: MID20267, SMID21175, Herakles 1831, vase painting, United States, Chicago, Art Institute of Chicago, 1978.114
Name: 6268X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6145, SMID6268, Midas (S) 28, vase painting, United States, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1978.11.9