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MID3443, SMID3478, Venus 190, Venus 206, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX B 389
MID3443, SMID3478, Venus 190, Venus 206, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX B 389
MID3443, SMID3478, Venus 190, Venus 206, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX B 389
MID16191, SMID16823, Athena/Menerva 189, Eris 5, Ethis 1, Herakles/Hercle 120, Lasa 21, Lasa 50, mirrors, Belgium, Mariemont, Musée Royal de Mariemont, B 206
MID31510, SMID33115, Helios/Sol 206, relief metal, Bulgaria, Sofia (Serdica), National Archaeological Museum
MID202751, SMID99771, coin, coinage, Greece, 206/210, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, sceptre, temple, cult image, cult statue, polos, kalathos, Zeus/Iuppiter, Septimius Severus, Caracalla
MID22899, SMID24018, Asklepios 206, Hygieia 144, relief, Cuba, Havana, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Collection Condes de Lagunillas, ex Lord Melchett 6, 6
MID37119, SMID39017, Dionysos/Bacchus 206, Eros/Amor, Cupido 634ad, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 825, sarcophagus with lid, sarcophagus, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 843
MID37119, SMID39017, Dionysos/Bacchus 206, Eros/Amor, Cupido 634ad, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 825, sarcophagus with lid, sarcophagus, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 843
MID38914, SMID49213, Artemis 732, Artemis/Diana 110, I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke röm 206, statue, sculpture in the round, -480/- Discovery: Ariccia, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1624, H 216 B
MID31171, SMID32689, Dionysos/Bacchus (in per. occ.) (vol. IV) 206, Dionysos/Bacchus Add 2, relief, limestone, France, Amiens, Musée de Picardie, 1876.101
MID20287, SMID21194, Herakles 1837, vase painting, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 206
MID38424, SMID40408, Apollon/Apollo 206, gem, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Lu 27
MID9098, SMID9299, Amazones 791, Helene 206, Penthesileia 68ad, intaglio, gem, Roman, chalcedony, -27/476, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 154, throne, horse, woman, man, Amazon, Helene, Penthesileia, Amazones
MID22140, SMID23159, Iuno 206, sculpture in the round of metal, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Br 746
MID31785, SMID33399, Attis 206, statuette, sculpture in the round, terracotta, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, CA 4349, syrinx, rock, cliff, Attis
MID3744, SMID3784, Clementia 16a, Victoria 47, I. 1. Prozessionen röm 47, I. 2.a. Opfer röm 206, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 22, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 965, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1069, tankard, toreutics, Roman, silver, 14/37, Boscoreale, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Bj 2367, MNE 956, sceptre, shield, garland, column, temple, pillar, bull, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, victimarius, branch, sacrificial animal, podium, lictor, slave, torque, eagle, foculus, folding table, fasces, globe, warrior, soldier, capital, architecture, culter, secespita, frontale, lamina, pediment, architrave, gesture: crowning with wreath, triumph, Victoria, Zeus/Iuppiter, Tiberius
MID6995, SMID48667, Demeter (vol. IV) 324, Hades 105, Okeanides 7ad, Persephone (S) 206, relief terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, TC 7059-7066
MID6995, SMID48667, Demeter (vol. IV) 324, Hades 105, Okeanides 7ad, Persephone (S) 206, relief terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, TC 7059-7066
MID6995, SMID48667, Demeter (vol. IV) 324, Hades 105, Okeanides 7ad, Persephone (S) 206, relief terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, TC 7059-7066
MID6995, SMID48667, Demeter (vol. IV) 324, Hades 105, Okeanides 7ad, Persephone (S) 206, relief terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, TC 7059-7066
MID6995, SMID48667, Demeter (vol. IV) 324, Hades 105, Okeanides 7ad, Persephone (S) 206, relief terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, TC 7059-7066
MID6995, SMID48667, Demeter (vol. IV) 324, Hades 105, Okeanides 7ad, Persephone (S) 206, relief terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, TC 7059-7066
MID6995, SMID48667, Demeter (vol. IV) 324, Hades 105, Okeanides 7ad, Persephone (S) 206, relief terracotta, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, TC 7059-7066
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras
MID617, SMID6961, frise de Télèphe, Aktaios II 1, Aleos 2, Aleos 3, Apollon 592, Arkadia 2, Athena 117, Athena 594, Auge 7, Auge 25, Auge 27, Auge 28, Hiera 1, Hiera 2, Keteios 4, Nireus 929p, Nymphai (S) 94, Selinous II 3, Telephos 1, Telephos (Suppl. 2009) 1, Teuthras (S) 1, III. 3.b. Konsekration 206, slab, relief, Asia Minor, marble, -160/-150, Pergamon, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Pergamonaltar, lion, column, cult image, cult statue, oracle, branch, fillet, taenia, tainia, statue, horse, ship, boat, Aktaios II, Aleos, Apollon, Apollon Agyieus, Arkadia, Athena, Auge, Herakles, Hiera, Keteios, Klytaimestra, Kybele, Nireus, Orestes, Rhea, Selinous II, Telephos, Teuthras