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Name: 99728X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202709, SMID99728, Achilleus Add 63, base, basis of statue, Greece, -350/-300, Apollonia (Albania), Albania, Pojani (Apollonia)
Name: 5102X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5011, SMID5102, Mainades (S) 94, crater: bell crater, vase painting, Campania, terracotta, -350/-325, Australia, Melbourne, National Gallery of Victoria, D 27/1979, dolphin, ship, boat, satyr, silen, maenad
Name: 11427X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11156, SMID11427, Aias II 76, Kassandra I (vol. VII) 145, skyphos, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, -350, Australia, Sydney, Collection Alexander Cambitoglou, cult image, cult statue, suppliant, supplication, hikesia, Aias II, Athena, Kassandra I
Name: 21299X302.jpg
Keywords: MID20389, SMID21299, Iphigeneia 25, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1567a, neck amphora, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, Libation Painter, -350/-320, unknown, Australia, Sydney, University of Sydney, Nicholson Museum, 51.17, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), column, libation, key, letter, sanctuary, stemma, infula, band of wool, architecture, Iphigeneia, Pylades
Name: 21299X399.jpg
Keywords: MID20389, SMID21299, Iphigeneia 25, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1567a, neck amphora, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, Libation Painter, -350/-320, unknown, Australia, Sydney, University of Sydney, Nicholson Museum, 51.17, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, fire (on altar), column, libation, key, letter, sanctuary, stemma, infula, band of wool, architecture, Iphigeneia, Pylades
Name: 46279X304.jpg
Keywords: MID44000, SMID46279, Achilleus 272, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Campania, terracotta, -350, Australia, Sydney, University of Sydney, Nicholson Museum, 69.10, sword, helmet, basin, staff, fountain, fountain house, horse, architecture, Achilleus, Troilos
Name: 17563X001.jpg
Keywords: MID16893, SMID17563, Nike 340, I. 2.a. Opfer gr 469c, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, -400/-350, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IV 1050, altar, tripod, bull, sacrifice, torch-race (lampadedromia), Nike
Name: 34038X001.jpg
Keywords: MID32398, SMID34038, Baal-Hammon 25, relief, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, I 350
Name: 34038X002.jpg
Keywords: MID32398, SMID34038, Baal-Hammon 25, relief, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, I 350
Name: 34038X003.jpg
Keywords: MID32398, SMID34038, Baal-Hammon 25, relief, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, I 350
Name: 35155X001.jpg
Keywords: MID571, SMID35155, Ares/Mars 286ad, Artemis/Diana 275, Demokratia 10, Kairoi/Tempora anni 38, Oceanus (S) 16, Oikoumene 4, Ouranos 23, Roma (S) 246, Saturnus (S) 13, Tellus 72, Victoria 350, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 358a, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 133, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1542a, cameo, gem, Roman, sardonyx, -7/12, Rome, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX A 79, Gemma Augustea, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, throne, cornucopia, sceptre, sword, helmet, spear, corselet, star, bow, horse, trophy, quiver, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), eagle, war-chariot, harma, currus, captive, skorpion, Ares/Mars, Chronos, Dioskouroi, Oikoumene, Quirinus, Roma, Tellus, Victoria, Augustus, Tiberius
Name: 35155X002.jpg
Keywords: MID571, SMID35155, Ares/Mars 286ad, Artemis/Diana 275, Demokratia 10, Kairoi/Tempora anni 38, Oceanus (S) 16, Oikoumene 4, Ouranos 23, Roma (S) 246, Saturnus (S) 13, Tellus 72, Victoria 350, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 358a, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 133, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1542a, cameo, gem, Roman, sardonyx, -7/12, Rome, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX A 79, Gemma Augustea, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, throne, cornucopia, sceptre, sword, helmet, spear, corselet, star, bow, horse, trophy, quiver, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), eagle, war-chariot, harma, currus, captive, skorpion, Ares/Mars, Chronos, Dioskouroi, Oikoumene, Quirinus, Roma, Tellus, Victoria, Augustus, Tiberius
Name: 35155X003.jpg
Keywords: MID571, SMID35155, Ares/Mars 286ad, Artemis/Diana 275, Demokratia 10, Kairoi/Tempora anni 38, Oceanus (S) 16, Oikoumene 4, Ouranos 23, Roma (S) 246, Saturnus (S) 13, Tellus 72, Victoria 350, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 358a, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 133, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1542a, cameo, gem, Roman, sardonyx, -7/12, Rome, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX A 79, Gemma Augustea, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, throne, cornucopia, sceptre, sword, helmet, spear, corselet, star, bow, horse, trophy, quiver, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), eagle, war-chariot, harma, currus, captive, skorpion, Ares/Mars, Chronos, Dioskouroi, Oikoumene, Quirinus, Roma, Tellus, Victoria, Augustus, Tiberius
Name: 35155X309.jpg
Keywords: MID571, SMID35155, Ares/Mars 286ad, Artemis/Diana 275, Demokratia 10, Kairoi/Tempora anni 38, Oceanus (S) 16, Oikoumene 4, Ouranos 23, Roma (S) 246, Saturnus (S) 13, Tellus 72, Victoria 350, II. 3.d. Heroisierung, Apotheose 358a, V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 133, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1542a, cameo, gem, Roman, sardonyx, -7/12, Rome, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX A 79, Gemma Augustea, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, throne, cornucopia, sceptre, sword, helmet, spear, corselet, star, bow, horse, trophy, quiver, lituus (curved staff of the augurs), eagle, war-chariot, harma, currus, captive, skorpion, Ares/Mars, Chronos, Dioskouroi, Oikoumene, Quirinus, Roma, Tellus, Victoria, Augustus, Tiberius
Name: 45667X001.jpg
Keywords: MID, SMID45667, Acheloos 64, gem, cornelian, -400/-350, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX B 243, Acheloos
Name: 46509X002.jpg
Keywords: MID44226, SMID46509, Amazones 475, Amazones 674, mirror, relief, Greek, bronze, -350, Ionia, Belgium, Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier, 80, sword, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, Amazon, Phrygian cap, Amazones
Name: 42521X001.jpg
Keywords: MID40432, SMID42521, Asklepios 350, sculpture in the round, Belgium, Bruxelles, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, A 977
Name: 43029X101.jpg
Keywords: MID40936, SMID43029, Astra 87, Astra 92, VI. 2.d. Jagd und Fischerei etr 16, mirror, engraving, Etruria, bronze, -350/-300, Praeneste, Palestrina, Belgium, Bruxelles, Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, R 1277
Name: 98668X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201694, SMID98668, Sphinx Add 14, rhyton, toreutics, Greece, silver, -400/-350, Dalboki Borovonecropolis, Bulgaria, Rousse, Musée Historique Régional, II 358, sphinx
Name: 19120X001.jpg
Keywords: MID18296, SMID19120, Mithras 213, Mithras 350, Mithras 393, Mithras 473, Mithras 539, Mithras 660, relief, Bulgaria, Sofia (Serdica), National Archaeological Museum, 4959
Name: 42764X001.jpg
Keywords: MID40673, SMID42764, Aphrodite 943, relief, vase painting, terracotta, -375/-350, Bulgaria, Sofia (Serdica), National Archaeological Museum, 7731, Aphrodite
Name: 46841X001.jpg
Keywords: MID44541, SMID46841, Amazones 566, lekythos, vase painting, polychrom, terracotta, -375/-350, Bulgaria, Sofia (Serdica), National Archaeological Museum, 8477, sword, shield, griffin, Amazon, Amazones
Name: 100285X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203244, SMID100285, VIII. 6.e. Religiöse Interaktionen, Thrakia 4, applique, relief, Thrace, silver, -350/-300, Panagurichte, Bulgaria, Sofia (Serdica), National Institute of Archaeology with Museum, 3553
Name: 100288X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203247, SMID100288, VIII. 6.e. Religiöse Interaktionen, Thrakia 9, rhyton, toreutics, Thrace, silver, -400/-350, Bulgaria, Sofia (Serdica), National Institute of Archaeology with Museum, 38 bibl
Name: 100289X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203248, SMID100289, VIII. 6.e. Religiöse Interaktionen, Thrakia 10, applique, relief, Thrace, ebony, -350/-300, Panagurichte, Bulgaria, Sofia (Serdica), National Institute of Archaeology with Museum, 3555
Name: 100287X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203246, SMID100287, VIII. 6.e. Religiöse Interaktionen, Thrakia 8, jug, toreutics, Thrace, gold, -400/-350, Vratsa (Bulgaria), Bulgaria, Vratsa, Musée Historique Régional, B 391
Name: 40121X001.jpg
Keywords: MID38150, SMID40121, Aphrodite 218, hydria, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, B. M. F 336, -350/-325, Collections privées, Collection A. Dechter, RVAp I 375, 121, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, mirror, pillar, naiskos, aedicula, Aphrodite
Name: 99069X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202081, SMID99069, Lykourgos I Add 3, Lyssa Add 2, situla, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -375/-350, Collections privées, Collection de Peiresc, unknown, snake, column, torch, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, halo, nimbus, papposilenus, Dionysos, Lykourgos I, Lyssa
Name: 100394X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203320, SMID100394, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 996a, coin, coinage, Greece, -400/-350, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, lyre, thyrsos, tripod, amphora, kantharos, double-axe, bipennis, labrys, grapes, thymiaterion, turibulum, incense-burner
Name: 99788X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202768, SMID99788, Athena 79, coin, coinage, Greece, -350/-300, Collections privées, Collections privées non spécifiées, unknown, helmet, shield, spear, polos, kalathos, statue, stemma, infula, band of wool, Athena
Name: 37428X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35591, SMID37428, Dionysos 357, crater: bell crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -350/-340, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 2249, H 46, snake, kantharos, torch, cup, fillet, taenia, tainia, basket, staff, laurel branch, situla, kados, bucket, alabastron, satyr, silen, maenad, Dionysos
Name: 37428X102.jpg
Keywords: MID35591, SMID37428, Dionysos 357, crater: bell crater, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -350/-340, unknown, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 2249, H 46, snake, kantharos, torch, cup, fillet, taenia, tainia, basket, staff, laurel branch, situla, kados, bucket, alabastron, satyr, silen, maenad, Dionysos
Name: 741X002.jpg
Keywords: MID827, SMID741, Tyche 3, Zeus 210, II. 4.a. Bankett gr 43, II. 5. Kultbilder 220, votive relief, relief, Greece, marble, -350/-300, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1558, cornucopia, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, vase, libation, worshipper, praying man, servant, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?)
Name: 741X302.jpg
Keywords: MID827, SMID741, Tyche 3, Zeus 210, II. 4.a. Bankett gr 43, II. 5. Kultbilder 220, votive relief, relief, Greece, marble, -350/-300, Denmark, Copenhague, Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg, 1558, cornucopia, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, vase, libation, worshipper, praying man, servant, gesture: one forearm raised (worship, prayer, greeting?)
Name: 10517X201.jpg
Keywords: MID10292, SMID10517, Prometheus 20, crater: volute crater, vase painting, red figured, Lucania, terracotta, Choephoroi Painter, -350/-340, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 1, satyr, silen, Prometheus
Name: 28211X002.jpg
Keywords: MID26854, SMID28211, Agenor I 4, Europe I 71, fragment, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, -350, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 13433, bull, star, Agenor I, Europe I
Name: 28211X003.jpg
Keywords: MID26854, SMID28211, Agenor I 4, Europe I 71, fragment, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, -350, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 13433, bull, star, Agenor I, Europe I
Name: 41701X001.jpg
Keywords: MID39653, SMID41701, Aphrodite 727, statuette, sculpture in the round, terracotta, -350/-300, Athens, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 973, Aphrodite, Hermaphroditos
Name: 47678X201.jpg
Keywords: MID45295, SMID47678, Aktaion 34, vase, pottery, Greek, terracotta, -400/-350, Agrigento, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, 11469, dog, nymph, Aktaion, Artemis
Name: 45595X001.jpg
Keywords: MID43361, SMID45595, Agon 6, mirror, engraving, Greek, bronze, -350/-325, Corinth, Korinthos, Colonia Laus Iulia Corinthiensis, France, Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, A 2816, hen, Agon
Name: 6869X002.jpg
Keywords: MID6729, SMID6869, Demeter (vol. IV) 400, Dionysos 530, Eubouleus 12, Eumolpos 12, Persephone (S) 160, IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 108g, hydria, vase painting, red figured, terracotta, -375/-350, France, Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, E 388-a, 689, thyrsos, torch, omphalos, Demeter, Dionysos, Kore
Name: 22856X202.jpg
Keywords: MID21853, SMID22856, Aktaion 112, Artemis 1413, Gargaphia 1, Ismenos 5, stamnos, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Varrese Painter, -350, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 949, tree, pillar, cup, branch, dog, Aktaion, Artemis, Gargaphia, Ismenos, Lyssa, Pan
Name: 22856X299.jpg
Keywords: MID21853, SMID22856, Aktaion 112, Artemis 1413, Gargaphia 1, Ismenos 5, stamnos, vase painting, red figured, Apulia, terracotta, Varrese Painter, -350, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 949, tree, pillar, cup, branch, dog, Aktaion, Artemis, Gargaphia, Ismenos, Lyssa, Pan
Name: 42608X002.jpg
Keywords: MID40517, SMID42608, Aphrodite 861, Aphrodite 1241, oinochoe, vase painting, Campania, terracotta, -350, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 987, pillar, Aphrodite, Eros
Name: 46448X001.jpg
Keywords: MID44165, SMID46448, Amazones 446, hydria, pottery, Greek, terracotta, -375/-350, Attica, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, 482, helmet, tree, warrior, soldier, Amazon, fight, battle, Amazones
Name: 10533X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10309, SMID10533, Aigeus 13, Herakles 66p, Nike 289, Theseus 210, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Filottrano Painter, -350/-340, Naples (neighbourhood), France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 526, club, helmet, shield, spear, bull, fillet, taenia, tainia, staff, dorsuale (strap over the animal’s back), winged figure, Aigeus, Athena, Herakles, Nike, Theseus
Name: 10533X203.jpg
Keywords: MID10309, SMID10533, Aigeus 13, Herakles 66p, Nike 289, Theseus 210, crater: bell crater, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Filottrano Painter, -350/-340, Naples (neighbourhood), France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 526, club, helmet, shield, spear, bull, fillet, taenia, tainia, staff, dorsuale (strap over the animal’s back), winged figure, Aigeus, Athena, Herakles, Nike, Theseus
Name: 1748X001.jpg
Keywords: MID1836, SMID1748, Eros (in Etruria) 43, Turms 134, jug, vase painting, Caere, terracotta, -350/-325, Cerveteri, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Cp 1197, K 445, thyrsos, kantharos or krater in shape of kantharos, chest, small box, Dionysos/Fufluns, Eros
Name: 1748X002.jpg
Keywords: MID1836, SMID1748, Eros (in Etruria) 43, Turms 134, jug, vase painting, Caere, terracotta, -350/-325, Cerveteri, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, Cp 1197, K 445, thyrsos, kantharos or krater in shape of kantharos, chest, small box, Dionysos/Fufluns, Eros
Name: 21075X001.jpg
Keywords: MID20169, SMID21075, Amazones 394, Elektra I 7, Hermes 897b, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 276c, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 705, pelike, vase painting, red figured, Lucania, terracotta, Choephoroi Painter, -350/- Discovery: (not specified), France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, K 544, MNB 167, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, shield, spear, pillar, libation, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, hydria, funerary scene, fillet, taenia, tainia, aryballos, pilos, strigil, Amazon, krater: calyx-krater, funerary monument, lekythos: squat lekythos, fight, battle, Agamemnon, Elektra I, Hermes, Orestes, Pylades, Amazones