Overview: 47 images comply with your query "484"
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Name: 17856X001.jpg
Keywords: MID17166, SMID17856, Nike 484, sculpture in the round of metal, Algeria, Constantine, Musée National Cirta
Name: 36533X001.jpg
Keywords: MID34723, SMID36533, Eros/Amor, Cupido 281ad, lamp, Algeria, Constantine, Musée National Cirta, 484 B
Name: 38254X101.jpg
Keywords: MID36381, SMID38254, Eros 628, vase painting, Denmark, Copenhague, Musée National, Chr VIII 484
Name: 12997X003.jpg
Keywords: MID12688, SMID12997, Achilleus 484, Achilleus 688, Athena/Minerva 247, Diomedes I 45, Hektor 124, Nestor (vol. VII) 25, oinochoe, toreutics, Roman, silver, -100/200, Berthouville (Eure), France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Berthouville Cat. 4, altar, sword, Palladion, temple, vessel, rock, cliff, balance, scales, mourning, old man, corpse, Achilleus, Athena/Minerva, Diomedes I, Hektor, Nestor, Odysseus, Patroklos, Phoinix II, Priamos
Name: 12997X202.jpg
Keywords: MID12688, SMID12997, Achilleus 484, Achilleus 688, Athena/Minerva 247, Diomedes I 45, Hektor 124, Nestor (vol. VII) 25, oinochoe, toreutics, Roman, silver, -100/200, Berthouville (Eure), France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Berthouville Cat. 4, altar, sword, Palladion, temple, vessel, rock, cliff, balance, scales, mourning, old man, corpse, Achilleus, Athena/Minerva, Diomedes I, Hektor, Nestor, Odysseus, Patroklos, Phoinix II, Priamos
Name: 12997X205.jpg
Keywords: MID12688, SMID12997, Achilleus 484, Achilleus 688, Athena/Minerva 247, Diomedes I 45, Hektor 124, Nestor (vol. VII) 25, oinochoe, toreutics, Roman, silver, -100/200, Berthouville (Eure), France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Berthouville Cat. 4, altar, sword, Palladion, temple, vessel, rock, cliff, balance, scales, mourning, old man, corpse, Achilleus, Athena/Minerva, Diomedes I, Hektor, Nestor, Odysseus, Patroklos, Phoinix II, Priamos
Name: 12997X206.jpg
Keywords: MID12688, SMID12997, Achilleus 484, Achilleus 688, Athena/Minerva 247, Diomedes I 45, Hektor 124, Nestor (vol. VII) 25, oinochoe, toreutics, Roman, silver, -100/200, Berthouville (Eure), France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Berthouville Cat. 4, altar, sword, Palladion, temple, vessel, rock, cliff, balance, scales, mourning, old man, corpse, Achilleus, Athena/Minerva, Diomedes I, Hektor, Nestor, Odysseus, Patroklos, Phoinix II, Priamos
Name: 12997X301.jpg
Keywords: MID12688, SMID12997, Achilleus 484, Achilleus 688, Athena/Minerva 247, Diomedes I 45, Hektor 124, Nestor (vol. VII) 25, oinochoe, toreutics, Roman, silver, -100/200, Berthouville (Eure), France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Berthouville Cat. 4, altar, sword, Palladion, temple, vessel, rock, cliff, balance, scales, mourning, old man, corpse, Achilleus, Athena/Minerva, Diomedes I, Hektor, Nestor, Odysseus, Patroklos, Phoinix II, Priamos
Name: 43931X201.jpg
Keywords: MID41810, SMID43931, Artemis 1016, relief, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, MA 484, MR 333
Name: 46544X001.jpg
Keywords: MID44260, SMID46544, Amazones 484, wall painting, Roman, Cologne, Germany, Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, shield, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, horse, Amazon, fight, battle, rider, Amazones
Name: 9794X001.jpg
Keywords: MID9589, SMID9794, Perseus 77, gem, Germany, Göttingen, Archäologische und Numismatische Sammlung der Universität, AGD III 306, G 484
Name: 9794X102.jpg
Keywords: MID9589, SMID9794, Perseus 77, gem, Germany, Göttingen, Archäologische und Numismatische Sammlung der Universität, AGD III 306, G 484
Name: 16279X001.jpg
Keywords: MID15748, SMID16279, Aurai 16a, Nereides 484, sculpture in the round, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 156
Name: 16279X102.jpg
Keywords: MID15748, SMID16279, Aurai 16a, Nereides 484, sculpture in the round, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 156
Name: 16280X101.jpg
Keywords: MID15749, SMID16280, Aurai 16b, Nereides 484, sculpture in the round, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 157
Name: 24741X001.jpg
Keywords: MID23572, SMID24741, Herakles/Hercle 13, Herakles/Hercle (Suppl. 2009) 13, statuette, sculpture in the round, -530/-520, Sant’Apollinare, Italy, Fiesole, Museo Civico Archeologico, 484, lionskin, Herakles/Hercle
Name: 19051X001.jpg
Keywords: MID18232, SMID19051, Mithras 138, Mithras 484, Mithras 585, gem, Italy, Firenze (Florentia), Museo Archeologico, 2962
Name: 19051X101.jpg
Keywords: MID18232, SMID19051, Mithras 138, Mithras 484, Mithras 585, gem, Italy, Firenze (Florentia), Museo Archeologico, 2962
Name: 19051X102.jpg
Keywords: MID18232, SMID19051, Mithras 138, Mithras 484, Mithras 585, gem, Italy, Firenze (Florentia), Museo Archeologico, 2962
Name: 29031X001.jpg
Keywords: MID27647, SMID29031, Herakles 484, sculpture in the round, Italy, Milano, Museo Civico Archeologico, A 4040
Name: 12708X002.jpg
Keywords: MID12408, SMID12708, Apollon/Apollo 484, Laomedon I 1, Poseidon/Neptunus 134, wall painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 111472
Name: 12708X202.jpg
Keywords: MID12408, SMID12708, Apollon/Apollo 484, Laomedon I 1, Poseidon/Neptunus 134, wall painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 111472
Name: 12708X299.jpg
Keywords: MID12408, SMID12708, Apollon/Apollo 484, Laomedon I 1, Poseidon/Neptunus 134, wall painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 111472
Name: 29697X001.jpg
Keywords: MID28293, SMID29697, Ganymedes 78, vase painting, Italy, Roma, Basseggio, ARV² 484, 19
Name: 37593X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35757, SMID37593, Eros 484, Eros 488, vase painting, Italy, Taranto, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 127609
Name: 2543X001.jpg
Keywords: MID2524, SMID2543, Abundantia 19, Apollon/Apollo 430, Ares/Mars 293, Athena/Minerva 287, Helios/Sol 2, Iuno 42, Iuno 279, Leptis Magna 5, Leptis Magna 6, Roma (S) 239, Silvanus 111, Virtus 61, Zeus/Iuppiter 484, arch, relief, Roman, marble, 204, Lebda, Labda, Lepcis Magna, Leptis Magna- Description (detail): Scène de sacrifice en présence de la famille impériale et des dieux., Libya, Tripoli, Musée, Arc de Septime Sévère, altar, sceptre, victimarius, sacrifice, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, volumen, scroll, piper, fluteplayer, auletes, tibicen, popa (with ax or hammer), hammer, mallet, sphyra, malleus, incense box, libanotis, acerra, cow, globe, culter, secespita, Roma, Septimius Severus, Julia Domna
Name: 2543X002.jpg
Keywords: MID2524, SMID2543, Abundantia 19, Apollon/Apollo 430, Ares/Mars 293, Athena/Minerva 287, Helios/Sol 2, Iuno 42, Iuno 279, Leptis Magna 5, Leptis Magna 6, Roma (S) 239, Silvanus 111, Virtus 61, Zeus/Iuppiter 484, arch, relief, Roman, marble, 204, Lebda, Labda, Lepcis Magna, Leptis Magna- Description (detail): Scène de sacrifice en présence de la famille impériale et des dieux., Libya, Tripoli, Musée, Arc de Septime Sévère, altar, sceptre, victimarius, sacrifice, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, volumen, scroll, piper, fluteplayer, auletes, tibicen, popa (with ax or hammer), hammer, mallet, sphyra, malleus, incense box, libanotis, acerra, cow, globe, culter, secespita, Roma, Septimius Severus, Julia Domna
Name: 2543X012.jpg
Keywords: MID2524, SMID2543, Abundantia 19, Apollon/Apollo 430, Ares/Mars 293, Athena/Minerva 287, Helios/Sol 2, Iuno 42, Iuno 279, Leptis Magna 5, Leptis Magna 6, Roma (S) 239, Silvanus 111, Virtus 61, Zeus/Iuppiter 484, arch, relief, Roman, marble, 204, Lebda, Labda, Lepcis Magna, Leptis Magna- Description (detail): Scène de sacrifice en présence de la famille impériale et des dieux., Libya, Tripoli, Musée, Arc de Septime Sévère, altar, sceptre, victimarius, sacrifice, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, volumen, scroll, piper, fluteplayer, auletes, tibicen, popa (with ax or hammer), hammer, mallet, sphyra, malleus, incense box, libanotis, acerra, cow, globe, culter, secespita, Roma, Septimius Severus, Julia Domna
Name: 42208X001.jpg
Keywords: MID40123, SMID42208, Ares/Mars 484, relief metal, Netherlands, Leyde, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, E 1896/9.5
Name: 22409X101.jpg
Keywords: MID21451, SMID22409, Herakles 2417, vase painting, Switzerland, Basel, Sammlung Herbert A. Cahn, HC 484
Name: 29686X004.jpg
Keywords: MID28281, SMID29686, Apollon 778, Artemis 1012, Dionysos 484, Ganymedes 66, Hermes 700, Ion Add 2, lebes, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, United Kingdom, Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, GR P 13, X 13, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, Apollon, Artemis, Dionysos, Ganymedes, Hermes, Ion
Name: 29686X101.jpg
Keywords: MID28281, SMID29686, Apollon 778, Artemis 1012, Dionysos 484, Ganymedes 66, Hermes 700, Ion Add 2, lebes, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, United Kingdom, Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, GR P 13, X 13, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, Apollon, Artemis, Dionysos, Ganymedes, Hermes, Ion
Name: 29686X102.jpg
Keywords: MID28281, SMID29686, Apollon 778, Artemis 1012, Dionysos 484, Ganymedes 66, Hermes 700, Ion Add 2, lebes, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, United Kingdom, Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, GR P 13, X 13, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, Apollon, Artemis, Dionysos, Ganymedes, Hermes, Ion
Name: 29686X103.jpg
Keywords: MID28281, SMID29686, Apollon 778, Artemis 1012, Dionysos 484, Ganymedes 66, Hermes 700, Ion Add 2, lebes, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, United Kingdom, Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, GR P 13, X 13, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, Apollon, Artemis, Dionysos, Ganymedes, Hermes, Ion
Name: 31252X001.jpg
Keywords: MID29796, SMID31252, Gigantes 282, vase painting, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, B 484
Name: 39863X001.jpg
Keywords: MID37907, SMID39863, Aphrodite 19, statuette, sculpture in the round, terracotta, -325/-50, Knidos, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, C 484, herm, Aphrodite, Dionysos, Hermes
Name: 5980X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5876, SMID5980, Apollon/Aplu 41, Eros (in Etruria) 76, Mousa, Mousai (in Etruria) 5, Pan (S) 280, stamnos, vase painting, Vulci, terracotta, London F 484, -400/-300, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 484, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, fillet, taenia, tainia, woman, flower, rider, Eros
Name: 5980X002.jpg
Keywords: MID5876, SMID5980, Apollon/Aplu 41, Eros (in Etruria) 76, Mousa, Mousai (in Etruria) 5, Pan (S) 280, stamnos, vase painting, Vulci, terracotta, London F 484, -400/-300, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 484, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, fillet, taenia, tainia, woman, flower, rider, Eros
Name: 5980X004.jpg
Keywords: MID5876, SMID5980, Apollon/Aplu 41, Eros (in Etruria) 76, Mousa, Mousai (in Etruria) 5, Pan (S) 280, stamnos, vase painting, Vulci, terracotta, London F 484, -400/-300, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 484, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, fillet, taenia, tainia, woman, flower, rider, Eros
Name: 5980X101.jpg
Keywords: MID5876, SMID5980, Apollon/Aplu 41, Eros (in Etruria) 76, Mousa, Mousai (in Etruria) 5, Pan (S) 280, stamnos, vase painting, Vulci, terracotta, London F 484, -400/-300, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 484, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, fillet, taenia, tainia, woman, flower, rider, Eros
Name: 5980X102.jpg
Keywords: MID5876, SMID5980, Apollon/Aplu 41, Eros (in Etruria) 76, Mousa, Mousai (in Etruria) 5, Pan (S) 280, stamnos, vase painting, Vulci, terracotta, London F 484, -400/-300, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 484, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, fillet, taenia, tainia, woman, flower, rider, Eros
Name: 27573X001.jpg
Keywords: MID26262, SMID27573, Eros (in Etruria) 70, stamnos, vase painting, Etruria, terracotta, London F 484, -400/-300, United Kingdom, York, City Art Gallery, 559c/1949, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, Eros/Amor, Cupido
Name: 37031X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35200, SMID37031, Eros/Amor, Cupido 484, sarcophagus, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 237
Name: 37031X301.jpg
Keywords: MID35200, SMID37031, Eros/Amor, Cupido 484, sarcophagus, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 237
Name: 37031X302.jpg
Keywords: MID35200, SMID37031, Eros/Amor, Cupido 484, sarcophagus, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 237
Name: 37031X303.jpg
Keywords: MID35200, SMID37031, Eros/Amor, Cupido 484, sarcophagus, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 237
Name: 37031X304.jpg
Keywords: MID35200, SMID37031, Eros/Amor, Cupido 484, sarcophagus, Vatican City, Musei Vaticani, 237