Overview: 23 images comply with your query "691"
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Name: 35765X001.jpg
Keywords: MID34015, SMID35765, Diomedes I 84, gem, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IX B 691
Name: 26881X001.jpg
Keywords: MID25609, SMID26881, Epona (vol. V) 114, sculpture in the round of metal, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Br 691
Name: 43639X001.jpg
Keywords: MID41537, SMID43639, Artemis 691, gem, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, VII 2798, de Clercq 2798
Name: 44732X001.jpg
Keywords: MID42541, SMID44732, Apollon 599p, sculpture in the round, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, MA 691, MNC 1721
Name: 4497X002.jpg
Keywords: MID4439, SMID4497, Hekate (vol. VI) 273, Kybele (S) 47a, relief, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Sk 691
Name: 46975X001.jpg
Keywords: MID44658, SMID46975, Amazones 691, intaglio, gem, Roman, cornelian, -100/-1, Germany, Hannover, Museum August Kestner, AGD IV 334, K 692, sword, shield, Amazon, Amazones
Name: 46975X002.jpg
Keywords: MID44658, SMID46975, Amazones 691, intaglio, gem, Roman, cornelian, -100/-1, Germany, Hannover, Museum August Kestner, AGD IV 334, K 692, sword, shield, Amazon, Amazones
Name: 35047X001.jpg
Keywords: MID33365, SMID35047, Cheiron 63a, relief terracotta, Germany, Köln, Römisch-Germanisches Museum, KL 691
Name: 41779X001.jpg
Keywords: MID39727, SMID41779, Aphrodite 783, intaglio, gem, glass(-paste), -325/-50, Germany, München, Staatliche Münzsammlung, AGD I 2, 1282, A 691, tree, goose, Aphrodite
Name: 16820X001.jpg
Keywords: MID16188, SMID16820, Nike 18, sculpture in the round, Greece, Athens, Acropolis Museum, 691
Name: 38389X101.jpg
Keywords: MID36509, SMID38389, Eros 691, vase painting, Greece, Athens, Kerameikos Museum, 4589
Name: 37926X001.jpg
Keywords: MID36074, SMID37926, Eros/Amor, Cupido 691, wall painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 9342
Name: 37926X202.jpg
Keywords: MID36074, SMID37926, Eros/Amor, Cupido 691, wall painting, Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 9342
Name: 59304X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53898, SMID59304, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 691, vase, varia, -510/-500, Santa Marinella, Pyrgi south sanctuary, Italy, Pyrgi, area sacra meridionale, unknown, amphora, basin, dedication, aryballos, lekythos, alabastron
Name: 59304X001.jpg
Keywords: MID53898, SMID59304, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 691, vase, varia, -500/-450, Santa Marinella, Pyrgi south sanctuary, Italy, Pyrgi, area sacra meridionale, unknown, amphora, basin, dedication, aryballos, lekythos, alabastron
Name: 34766X002.jpg
Keywords: MID33096, SMID34766, Achilleus 691, Briseis 39, sarcophagus, relief, Attica, Turkey, Antalya, Musée Régional, A 118, Achilleus, Briseis, Hermes, Priamos
Name: 44506X001.jpg
Keywords: MID42321, SMID44506, Apollon 309, gem, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 27.691
Name: 18136X001.jpg
Keywords: MID17418, SMID18136, Herakles 2936, Nike 691, vase painting, United States, Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Art, 26.515
Name: 18136X101.jpg
Keywords: MID17418, SMID18136, Herakles 2936, Nike 691, vase painting, United States, Cleveland, Cleveland Museum of Art, 26.515
Name: 26588X001.jpg
Keywords: MID25321, SMID26588, Apollon 736, Hermes 691, oinochoe, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Vatican G 49, United States, New York, market
Name: 38200X001.jpg
Keywords: MID36328, SMID38200, Dionysos 691, Dionysos 696, vase painting, United States, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, X.313.1
Name: 38200X101.jpg
Keywords: MID36328, SMID38200, Dionysos 691, Dionysos 696, vase painting, United States, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, X.313.1
Name: 41652X201.jpg
Keywords: MID39603, SMID41652, Aphrodite 691, statuette, sculpture in the round, marble, -150/-50, Rhodes (Dodecanese, United States, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 24.97.88A, Aphrodite