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Name: 34712X001.jpg
Keywords: MID33043, SMID34712, Botrys 1, Dionysos/Bacchus 268, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1519, wall painting, Campania, 69/79, Pompei IX 8.3 (Casa del Centenario), Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 112286, snake, panther, leopard, thyrsos, kantharos, libation, grapes, stemma, infula, band of wool, sacral-idyllic landscape, bird, altar: round altar, Botrys
Name: 34712X002.jpg
Keywords: MID33043, SMID34712, Botrys 1, Dionysos/Bacchus 268, V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 1519, wall painting, Campania, 69/79, Pompei IX 8.3 (Casa del Centenario), Italy, Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, 112286, snake, panther, leopard, thyrsos, kantharos, libation, grapes, stemma, infula, band of wool, sacral-idyllic landscape, bird, altar: round altar, Botrys
Name: 32904X201.jpg
Keywords: MID150, SMID32904, 42, Endymion 24, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei IX 8.3 (Casa del Centenario), Atrium, Italy, Pompei, IX 8.3.6, Casa del Centenario, club, column, temple, mask, statue, staff, roofed colonade (stoa, porticus), ketos, sea monster, Achilleus, Aleos, Andromeda I, Antigone, Auge, Herakles, Hesione, Perseus, Priamos
Name: 3698X205.jpg
Keywords: MID1362, SMID3698, 15, Ariadne (vol. III) 64, Artemis/Diana 342, Eros/Amor, Cupido 49, Gigantes 579, Horai/Horae 17, Kallisto 15a, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 430, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei VI 8.3–8 (Casa del Poeta Tragico), Italy, Pompei, VI 8.3-8, Casa del Poeta tragico, snake, shield, double-axe, bipennis, labrys, chariot, whip, dolphin, wedding, horse, trident, Amazon, Triton, ketos, sea monster, fight, battle, Achilleus, Agamemnon, Aithra I, Amphitrite, Athena/Minerva, Daphne, Cupido, Europe I, Poseidon/Neptunus, Amazones
Name: 3698X206.jpg
Keywords: MID1362, SMID3698, 15, Ariadne (vol. III) 64, Artemis/Diana 342, Eros/Amor, Cupido 49, Gigantes 579, Horai/Horae 17, Kallisto 15a, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 430, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei VI 8.3–8 (Casa del Poeta Tragico), Italy, Pompei, VI 8.3-8, Casa del Poeta tragico, snake, shield, double-axe, bipennis, labrys, chariot, whip, dolphin, wedding, horse, trident, Amazon, Triton, ketos, sea monster, fight, battle, Achilleus, Agamemnon, Aithra I, Amphitrite, Athena/Minerva, Daphne, Cupido, Europe I, Poseidon/Neptunus, Amazones
Name: 3698X207.jpg
Keywords: MID1362, SMID3698, 15, Ariadne (vol. III) 64, Artemis/Diana 342, Eros/Amor, Cupido 49, Gigantes 579, Horai/Horae 17, Kallisto 15a, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 430, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei VI 8.3–8 (Casa del Poeta Tragico), Italy, Pompei, VI 8.3-8, Casa del Poeta tragico, snake, shield, double-axe, bipennis, labrys, chariot, whip, dolphin, wedding, horse, trident, Amazon, Triton, ketos, sea monster, fight, battle, Achilleus, Agamemnon, Aithra I, Amphitrite, Athena/Minerva, Daphne, Cupido, Europe I, Poseidon/Neptunus, Amazones
Name: 3698X208.jpg
Keywords: MID1362, SMID3698, 15, Ariadne (vol. III) 64, Artemis/Diana 342, Eros/Amor, Cupido 49, Gigantes 579, Horai/Horae 17, Kallisto 15a, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 430, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei VI 8.3–8 (Casa del Poeta Tragico), Italy, Pompei, VI 8.3-8, Casa del Poeta tragico, snake, shield, double-axe, bipennis, labrys, chariot, whip, dolphin, wedding, horse, trident, Amazon, Triton, ketos, sea monster, fight, battle, Achilleus, Agamemnon, Aithra I, Amphitrite, Athena/Minerva, Daphne, Cupido, Europe I, Poseidon/Neptunus, Amazones
Name: 3698X209.jpg
Keywords: MID1362, SMID3698, 15, Ariadne (vol. III) 64, Artemis/Diana 342, Eros/Amor, Cupido 49, Gigantes 579, Horai/Horae 17, Kallisto 15a, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 430, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei VI 8.3–8 (Casa del Poeta Tragico), Italy, Pompei, VI 8.3-8, Casa del Poeta tragico, snake, shield, double-axe, bipennis, labrys, chariot, whip, dolphin, wedding, horse, trident, Amazon, Triton, ketos, sea monster, fight, battle, Achilleus, Agamemnon, Aithra I, Amphitrite, Athena/Minerva, Daphne, Cupido, Europe I, Poseidon/Neptunus, Amazones
Name: 3698X211.jpg
Keywords: MID1362, SMID3698, 15, Ariadne (vol. III) 64, Artemis/Diana 342, Eros/Amor, Cupido 49, Gigantes 579, Horai/Horae 17, Kallisto 15a, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 430, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei VI 8.3–8 (Casa del Poeta Tragico), Italy, Pompei, VI 8.3-8, Casa del Poeta tragico, snake, shield, double-axe, bipennis, labrys, chariot, whip, dolphin, wedding, horse, trident, Amazon, Triton, ketos, sea monster, fight, battle, Achilleus, Agamemnon, Aithra I, Amphitrite, Athena/Minerva, Daphne, Cupido, Europe I, Poseidon/Neptunus, Amazones
Name: 49187X004.jpg
Keywords: MID1362, SMID49187, 3, Achilleus 431, Aithra I 18, Amphitrite 68, Tritones 70, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei VI 8.3–8 (Casa del Poeta Tragico), Italy, Pompei, VI 8.3-8, Casa del Poeta tragico, snake, whip, dolphin, wedding, trident, Triton, ketos, sea monster, Achilleus, Agamemnon, Aithra I, Amphitrite, Athena, Eros/Amor, Cupido, Poseidon/Neptunus
Name: 49506X002.jpg
Keywords: MID150, SMID49506, 9, Andromeda I 131, Hesione (S) 49, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei IX 8.3 (Casa del Centenario), Atrium- Description (detail): Peristyl, Ostporticus, Ostwand: Herakles befreit Hesione vor Hintergrund einer Stadtarchitektur mit Tempeln, Säulenhallen und Säulen mit Statuen., Italy, Pompei, IX 8.3.6, Casa del Centenario, ketos, sea monster, Andromeda I, Perseus
Name: 49506X203.jpg
Keywords: MID150, SMID49506, 9, Andromeda I 131, Hesione (S) 49, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei IX 8.3 (Casa del Centenario), Atrium- Description (detail): Peristyl, Ostporticus, Ostwand: Herakles befreit Hesione vor Hintergrund einer Stadtarchitektur mit Tempeln, Säulenhallen und Säulen mit Statuen., Italy, Pompei, IX 8.3.6, Casa del Centenario, ketos, sea monster, Andromeda I, Perseus
Name: 49507X001.jpg
Keywords: MID150, SMID49507, 2, Aleos 5, Antigone 26, Auge 31, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei IX 8.3 (Casa del Centenario), Atrium, Italy, Pompei, IX 8.3.6, Casa del Centenario, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, club, mask, pedagogue, staff, old man, captive, Aleos, Antigone, Auge, Herakles
Name: 49508X203.jpg
Keywords: MID150, SMID49508, 61, Achilleus 673, Hekabe 29, Iphigeneia 60, Medeia 13, Priamos 68, wall painting, Roman, 69/79, Pompei IX 8.3 (Casa del Centenario), Atrium, Italy, Pompei, IX 8.3.6, Casa del Centenario, club, column, temple, mask, statue, staff, roofed colonade (stoa, porticus), ketos, sea monster, Achilleus, Aleos, Andromeda I, Antigone, Auge, Herakles, Hesione, Perseus, Priamos
Name: 25384X001.jpg
Keywords: MID24191, SMID25384, Hermaphroditos 12c, sculpture in the round of metal, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1848.8-3.44
Name: 37746X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35908, SMID37746, Eros/Amor, Cupido 614, lamp, United Kingdom, London, British Museum, 1847.11-8.3, Q 838, 617
Name: 11766X101.jpg
Keywords: MID11488, SMID11766, Poseidon 143, vase painting, United States, Berkeley, Phoebe Apperson Hearst Museum of Anthropology, 8.3
Name: 11712X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11436, SMID11712, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 26, vase painting, United States, New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 98.8.3