Overview: 124 images comply with your query "Antiope"
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Name: 1898X001.jpg
Keywords: MID1967, SMID1898, Antiope I 3b, Danae 21, Europe I 18, Leda 49, Zeus/Iuppiter 305, mosaic, opus tessellatum, 290/310, Ouled Agla, Algeria, Alger, Musée National des Antiquités, Dunbabin Ouled Agla 1, altar, helmet, tree, naiskos, aedicula, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, offering, horse, Amazon, Antiope I, Artemis, Zeus, Amazones
Name: 1898X003.jpg
Keywords: MID1967, SMID1898, Antiope I 3b, Danae 21, Europe I 18, Leda 49, Zeus/Iuppiter 305, mosaic, opus tessellatum, 290/310, Ouled Agla, Algeria, Alger, Musée National des Antiquités, Dunbabin Ouled Agla 1, altar, helmet, tree, naiskos, aedicula, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, offering, horse, Amazon, Antiope I, Artemis, Zeus, Amazones
Name: 1898X004.jpg
Keywords: MID1967, SMID1898, Antiope I 3b, Danae 21, Europe I 18, Leda 49, Zeus/Iuppiter 305, mosaic, opus tessellatum, 290/310, Ouled Agla, Algeria, Alger, Musée National des Antiquités, Dunbabin Ouled Agla 1, altar, helmet, tree, naiskos, aedicula, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, offering, horse, Amazon, Antiope I, Artemis, Zeus, Amazones
Name: 1898X006.jpg
Keywords: MID1967, SMID1898, Antiope I 3b, Danae 21, Europe I 18, Leda 49, Zeus/Iuppiter 305, mosaic, opus tessellatum, 290/310, Ouled Agla, Algeria, Alger, Musée National des Antiquités, Dunbabin Ouled Agla 1, altar, helmet, tree, naiskos, aedicula, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, offering, horse, Amazon, Antiope I, Artemis, Zeus, Amazones
Name: 1898X104.jpg
Keywords: MID1967, SMID1898, Antiope I 3b, Danae 21, Europe I 18, Leda 49, Zeus/Iuppiter 305, mosaic, opus tessellatum, 290/310, Ouled Agla, Algeria, Alger, Musée National des Antiquités, Dunbabin Ouled Agla 1, altar, helmet, tree, naiskos, aedicula, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, offering, horse, Amazon, Antiope I, Artemis, Zeus, Amazones
Name: 1898X207.jpg
Keywords: MID1967, SMID1898, Antiope I 3b, Danae 21, Europe I 18, Leda 49, Zeus/Iuppiter 305, mosaic, opus tessellatum, 290/310, Ouled Agla, Algeria, Alger, Musée National des Antiquités, Dunbabin Ouled Agla 1, altar, helmet, tree, naiskos, aedicula, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, offering, horse, Amazon, Antiope I, Artemis, Zeus, Amazones
Name: 10879X201.jpg
Keywords: MID10644, SMID10879, Antiope I 8, Epopeus 812p, Hermes 763, Phokos II 1, skyphos, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, -410/-400, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IV 382, kerykeion, caduceus, petasos, rock, cliff, jewellery, Antiope I, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Phokos II
Name: 10879X302.jpg
Keywords: MID10644, SMID10879, Antiope I 8, Epopeus 812p, Hermes 763, Phokos II 1, skyphos, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, -410/-400, Austria, Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, IV 382, kerykeion, caduceus, petasos, rock, cliff, jewellery, Antiope I, Aphrodite, Eros, Hermes, Phokos II
Name: 99433X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202434, SMID99433, Antiope I Add 4, mosaic, Greece, opus tessellatum, Bulgaria, Devnya, Musée des mosaïques, unknown
Name: 47555X001.jpg
Keywords: MID45193, SMID47555, Amphion 4, mirror, engraving, -300/-290, Collections privées, Collection E. Durand, 1962, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, lyre, sword, column, boots, architecture, Amphion, Antiope I, Zethos
Name: 7302X001.jpg
Keywords: MID7154, SMID7302, Herakles 2562, Persephone (S) 274, pelike, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Antiope Group, Leagros Group, -510/-500, unknown, France, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Château-Musée, 412, snake, sceptre, club, shield, diphros, lionskin, roofed colonade (stoa, porticus), quiver, donkey, satyr, silen, aegis, palace, Athena, Dionysos, Herakles, Kerberos, Persephone, Kore
Name: 47556X001.jpg
Keywords: MID45194, SMID47556, Amphion 5, mirror, engraving, bronze, -300/-290, France, Paris, Cabinet des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Br 1327, lyre, column, boots, architecture, Amphion, Antiope I, Zethos
Name: 12315X020.jpg
Keywords: MID12027, SMID12315, Antiope II 10, Peirithoos 66, amphora, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 197, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, warrior, soldier, Antiope II, Peirithoos, Theseus
Name: 12315X201.jpg
Keywords: MID12027, SMID12315, Antiope II 10, Peirithoos 66, amphora, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, France, Paris, Musée du Louvre, G 197, axe, hatchet, pelekys, sacena, securis, warrior, soldier, Antiope II, Peirithoos, Theseus
Name: 10882X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10647, SMID10882, Antiope I 10, Lyssa 20, Phokos II 3, Proitides 2, rhyton, pottery, Roman, bronze, -27/68, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Inv 30492, torch, demon, Antiope I, Dionysios, Phokos II
Name: 10882X002.jpg
Keywords: MID10647, SMID10882, Antiope I 10, Lyssa 20, Phokos II 3, Proitides 2, rhyton, pottery, Roman, bronze, -27/68, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Inv 30492, torch, demon, Antiope I, Dionysios, Phokos II
Name: 10882X003.jpg
Keywords: MID10647, SMID10882, Antiope I 10, Lyssa 20, Phokos II 3, Proitides 2, rhyton, pottery, Roman, bronze, -27/68, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Inv 30492, torch, demon, Antiope I, Dionysios, Phokos II
Name: 10882X004.jpg
Keywords: MID10647, SMID10882, Antiope I 10, Lyssa 20, Phokos II 3, Proitides 2, rhyton, pottery, Roman, bronze, -27/68, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Inv 30492, torch, demon, Antiope I, Dionysios, Phokos II
Name: 10882X202.jpg
Keywords: MID10647, SMID10882, Antiope I 10, Lyssa 20, Phokos II 3, Proitides 2, rhyton, pottery, Roman, bronze, -27/68, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, Inv 30492, torch, demon, Antiope I, Dionysios, Phokos II
Name: 17915X001.jpg
Keywords: MID17225, SMID17915, Antiope I 6, Antiope I (Suppl. 2009) 6, Dirke 5, Lykos I 1, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Greek, terracotta, -400/-390, Syracuse, Syrakusai, Syrakus, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 3296, panther, leopard, bull, skin, cave, death, corpse, Amphion, Antiope I, Dionysios, Dirke, Hermes, Lykos I, Zethos
Name: 17915X102.jpg
Keywords: MID17225, SMID17915, Antiope I 6, Antiope I (Suppl. 2009) 6, Dirke 5, Lykos I 1, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, red figured, Greek, terracotta, -400/-390, Syracuse, Syrakusai, Syrakus, Germany, Berlin, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Antikensammlung, F 3296, panther, leopard, bull, skin, cave, death, corpse, Amphion, Antiope I, Dionysios, Dirke, Hermes, Lykos I, Zethos
Name: 12311X001.jpg
Keywords: MID12024, SMID12311, Antiope II 12, Peirithoos 64, vase, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, -460/-440, Germany, Erlangen, Antikensammlung der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, I 852, spear, warrior, soldier, Antiope II, Theseus
Name: 12311X302.jpg
Keywords: MID12024, SMID12311, Antiope II 12, Peirithoos 64, vase, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, -460/-440, Germany, Erlangen, Antikensammlung der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, I 852, spear, warrior, soldier, Antiope II, Theseus
Name: 47001X001.jpg
Keywords: MID44676, SMID47001, Amazones 740, hydria, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Germany, München, Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, 2423, sword, helmet, shield, spear, trumpet, tuba, salpinx, weapon, Amazon, Andromache I, Antiope I, Amazones, Hypsopyle
Name: 47001X102.jpg
Keywords: MID44676, SMID47001, Amazones 740, hydria, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Germany, München, Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, 2423, sword, helmet, shield, spear, trumpet, tuba, salpinx, weapon, Amazon, Andromache I, Antiope I, Amazones, Hypsopyle
Name: 6791X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6652, SMID6791, Antiope II 4, Herakles 1854ad, Konnidas 1, Peirithoos 60ad, Phorbas I (S) 9, Poseidon 205, amphora, vase painting, black figured, Attica, terracotta, Germany, München, Staatliche Antikensammlungen und Glyptothek, 1414, quadriga, warrior, soldier, Antiope II, Poseidon, Theseus
Name: 47561X002.jpg
Keywords: MID45199, SMID47561, Amphion 9, Antiope I 2, Antiope I (Suppl. 2009) 2, Semele Add 2, tankard, pottery, terracotta, -160/-140, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 11798, thunderbolt, lightning, cave, wings, satyr, silen, herdsman, Amphion, Antiope I, Dirke, Semele, Zeus, Zethos
Name: 47561X003.jpg
Keywords: MID45199, SMID47561, Amphion 9, Antiope I 2, Antiope I (Suppl. 2009) 2, Semele Add 2, tankard, pottery, terracotta, -160/-140, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 11798, thunderbolt, lightning, cave, wings, satyr, silen, herdsman, Amphion, Antiope I, Dirke, Semele, Zeus, Zethos
Name: 47561X103.jpg
Keywords: MID45199, SMID47561, Amphion 9, Antiope I 2, Antiope I (Suppl. 2009) 2, Semele Add 2, tankard, pottery, terracotta, -160/-140, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 11798, thunderbolt, lightning, cave, wings, satyr, silen, herdsman, Amphion, Antiope I, Dirke, Semele, Zeus, Zethos
Name: 47561X104.jpg
Keywords: MID45199, SMID47561, Amphion 9, Antiope I 2, Antiope I (Suppl. 2009) 2, Semele Add 2, tankard, pottery, terracotta, -160/-140, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 11798, thunderbolt, lightning, cave, wings, satyr, silen, herdsman, Amphion, Antiope I, Dirke, Semele, Zeus, Zethos
Name: 47561X302.jpg
Keywords: MID45199, SMID47561, Amphion 9, Antiope I 2, Antiope I (Suppl. 2009) 2, Semele Add 2, tankard, pottery, terracotta, -160/-140, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 11798, thunderbolt, lightning, cave, wings, satyr, silen, herdsman, Amphion, Antiope I, Dirke, Semele, Zeus, Zethos
Name: 50379X001.jpg
Keywords: MID46728, SMID50379, Amazones 101, Antiope II 21, Herakles 2458, Herakles 3513, relief, Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, 3415 + London, British Museum 531-542, Frise de Bassai, Amazonomachie
Name: 48320X001.jpg
Keywords: MID45908, SMID48320, fronton ouest, Antiope II 2, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, -515, Eretria (Euboea)Temple of Apollon, Daphnephoros (Ostfront), Greece, Chalkis, Musée Archéologique, Temple d’Apollon Daphnéphoros (Erétrie), diadem, chariot, Antiope II, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 48320X002.jpg
Keywords: MID45908, SMID48320, fronton ouest, Antiope II 2, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, -515, Eretria (Euboea)Temple of Apollon, Daphnephoros (Ostfront), Greece, Chalkis, Musée Archéologique, Temple d’Apollon Daphnéphoros (Erétrie), diadem, chariot, Antiope II, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 48320X103.jpg
Keywords: MID45908, SMID48320, fronton ouest, Antiope II 2, statue group, sculpture in the round, marble, -515, Eretria (Euboea)Temple of Apollon, Daphnephoros (Ostfront), Greece, Chalkis, Musée Archéologique, Temple d’Apollon Daphnéphoros (Erétrie), diadem, chariot, Antiope II, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32921X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32921, métopes 1–4, Theseus 54, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32921X002.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32921, métopes 1–4, Theseus 54, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32921X003.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32921, métopes 1–4, Theseus 54, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32921X004.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32921, métopes 1–4, Theseus 54, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32922X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32922, métope 5, Athena 596, Theseus 54, Theseus 315, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32923X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32923, métope 6, Theseus 54, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32924X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32924, métope 7, Minotauros 26, Theseus 54, Theseus 244, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32924X002.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32924, métope 7, Minotauros 26, Theseus 54, Theseus 244, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32937X101.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32937, métope 20, Atlas 21, Herakles 1703, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32937X199.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32937, métope 20, Atlas 21, Herakles 1703, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32938X002.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32938, métope 21, Herakles 1703, Kyknos I (vol. VII) 28, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 32940X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3105, SMID32940, métopes 23–27, Eurytion II 52, Herakles 1703, Herakles 2506, Orthros I 5, metope, relief, Greek, marble, -500/-475, Delphi, Delphoi (Phokis)Treasury of the Athenians, Greece, Archaeological Museum, Trésor des Athéniens 2028, Giant, centaur, Amazon, female centaur, fight, battle, Antiope II, Atlas, Herakles, Kyknos I, Minotauros, Orthros I, Pallantidai, Pallas I, Theseus, Amazones
Name: 49804X001.jpg
Keywords: MID45910, SMID49804, Antiope II 3, acroterium, sculpture in the round, marble, -500/-490, Kea, Keos, Greece, Kéa, Musée Archéologique, Antiope II, Theseus
Name: 6750X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6614, SMID6750, Antiope I 4, Carthago 1, Constantinopolis 18, Nikomedeia 22, Roma (S) 134, Siscia 3, applique, relief, bronze, 300/400, Pécs, Fünfkirchen, Hungary, Budapest, Musée National Hongrois (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum), 5.1852.28, nymph, Phrygian cap, Antiope I, Attis, Eros, Kybele, Zeus, Ia
Name: 6750X203.jpg
Keywords: MID6614, SMID6750, Antiope I 4, Carthago 1, Constantinopolis 18, Nikomedeia 22, Roma (S) 134, Siscia 3, applique, relief, bronze, 300/400, Pécs, Fünfkirchen, Hungary, Budapest, Musée National Hongrois (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum), 5.1852.28, nymph, Phrygian cap, Antiope I, Attis, Eros, Kybele, Zeus, Ia