Overview: 4 images comply with your query "Beltis"
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Name: 50184X001.jpg
Keywords: MID46560, SMID50184, Beltis 5, Palmyra 158p, relief terracotta, Switzerland, unknown, RTP 129
Name: 25136X002.jpg
Keywords: MID23957, SMID25136, Aglibol 19, Bel 2, Beltis 3, Iarhibol 14, relief, Palmyrene, Syria, Damas, Musée National, sceptre, sword, temple, naiskos, aedicula, corselet, crescent of the moon, polos, kalathos, halo, nimbus, paludamentum, bust, Aglibol, Bel, Beltis, Iarhibol
Name: 34116X001.jpg
Keywords: MID32475, SMID34116, Beltis 1, relief, Syria, Palmyre, Musée Archéologique, B 1864
Name: 25183X001.jpg
Keywords: MID24003, SMID25183, Aglibol 3, Beltis 2, Iarhibol 21, relief, 32, Palmyra, Tadmurtemple of Bêl, Syria, Palmyre, Temple de Bêl, spear, corselet, crescent of the moon, eagle, paludamentum, Aglibol, Bel, Beltis, Iarhibol