Overview: 1 images comply with your query "F 322"
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Name: 7345X001.jpg
Keywords: MID7196, SMID7345, Hades 149, Persephone (S) 311, amphora, vase painting, Apulia, terracotta, -320, Basilicata (Italy), United Kingdom, London, British Museum, F 322, kerykeion, caduceus, wreath, crown, stephane, corona, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, tympanon (tambourine), torch: cross-shaped torch, basin with high foot: louterion, perirrhanterion, diphros, stele, thymiaterion, turibulum, incense-burner, cista, kiste, sunshade, parasol, vine-branch, vine-foliage with grapes, winged boots, capital: Ionic, flower, Eros, Hades, Hermes, Persephone