Overview: 2 images comply with your query "Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 298"
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Name: 3189X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3162, SMID3189, Herakles 1428, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 298, pyxis, vase painting, black figured, clay, -575/-550, AthensAgora, Greece, Athens, Museum of the Ancient Agora, P 1257, sword, lion, club, bull, chariot, lionskin, centaur, Herakles
Name: 3189X102.jpg
Keywords: MID3162, SMID3189, Herakles 1428, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 298, pyxis, vase painting, black figured, clay, -575/-550, AthensAgora, Greece, Athens, Museum of the Ancient Agora, P 1257, sword, lion, club, bull, chariot, lionskin, centaur, Herakles