Overview: 11 images on › Georgia
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Name: 47762X001.jpg
Keywords: MID45374, SMID47762, Aktaion 58c, intaglio, gem, Roman, glass(-paste), Armasi, Georgia, Tbilissi, Musée d’Etat de Géorgie, 843, naiskos, aedicula, cult image, cult statue, dog, horn, horns, Aktaion
Name: 5994X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5890, SMID5994, Pan (S) 294, pottery, Georgia, Tbilissi, Musée d’Etat de Géorgie
Name: 5998X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5894, SMID5998, Venus 89, statue, sculpture in the round, marble, United States, New York, Christie’s, IV 15, 16.6.2006, 251
Name: 99117X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202123, SMID99117, Nike Add 4, statuette, sculpture in the round, Greece, bronze, -200/-1, Vani (Georgia), Georgia, Tbilissi, Musée d’Etat de Géorgie, 10-975:186, Nike
Name: 99136X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202141, SMID99136, Dionysos Add 1, bust, sculpture in the round, Greece, terracotta, -200/-1, Sarkinehouse, Georgia, Tbilissi, Musée d’Etat de Géorgie, 48-975:6, diadem, Dionysos
Name: 99576X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202558, SMID99576, Apollon, add. 18a, statuette, sculpture in the round, Greece, silver, Georgia, Tbilissi, Musée d’Etat de Géorgie, unknown
Name: 99675X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202656, SMID99675, Apollon, add. 18b, statuette, sculpture in the round, Greece, silver, Georgia, Tbilissi, Musée d’Etat de Géorgie, unknown
Name: 5416X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5325, SMID5416, Amaltheia Add 1, Mainades (S) 138, cup, toreutics, silver, Mzchetatomb, Tomb of a woman, Georgia, Tbilissi, Musée d’Etat de Géorgie, 18-55:85, goatskin, horn, horns, fruit, maenad, Amaltheia, Tyche/Fortuna
Name: 1010X302.jpg
Keywords: MID1101, SMID1010, Eos 155, Triptolemos 106, crater: calyx crater, vase painting, Attica, terracotta, Niobid Painter, -460/-450, Georgia, Tbilissi, Musée d’Etat de Géorgie, 19930, sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, oinochoe, jug, ear of corn, column, table, mensa, trapeza, torch, libation, kline, bed, banquet, symposium, wings, winged chariot, Demeter, Eos, Hekate, Persephone, Theseus, Tithonos, Triptolemos, Kore
Name: 21564X001.jpg
Keywords: MID4903, SMID21564, Mainades (S) 5, pottery, Georgia, Vani, Musée Archéologique
Name: 21564X302.jpg
Keywords: MID4903, SMID21564, Mainades (S) 5, pottery, Georgia, Vani, Musée Archéologique