Overview: 12 images on › United Kingdom › Birmingham › Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
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Name: 25009X001.jpg
Keywords: MID23834, SMID25009, Herakles/Hercle 192, jewellery, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 1920A235
Name: 23110X001.jpg
Keywords: MID22094, SMID23110, Herakles 2761ad, lamp, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 20768
Name: 15955X101.jpg
Keywords: MID15460, SMID15955, Klytaimestra 53, mirrors, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 153.48
Name: 1851X001.jpg
Keywords: MID1939, SMID1851, Zeus/Iuppiter 279, sculpture in the round of metal, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 2953.64
Name: 1851X102.jpg
Keywords: MID1939, SMID1851, Zeus/Iuppiter 279, sculpture in the round of metal, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 2953.64
Name: 1851X103.jpg
Keywords: MID1939, SMID1851, Zeus/Iuppiter 279, sculpture in the round of metal, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 2953.64
Name: 1851X104.jpg
Keywords: MID1939, SMID1851, Zeus/Iuppiter 279, sculpture in the round of metal, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 2953.64
Name: 23545X101.jpg
Keywords: MID22473, SMID23545, Herakles 1418, Herakles 2932ad, Iolaos 7, vase painting, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 1620.85
Name: 26719X002.jpg
Keywords: MID25449, SMID26719, Eros 923b, Helios (vol. V) 289, vase painting, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 1617.85
Name: 26719X101.jpg
Keywords: MID25449, SMID26719, Eros 923b, Helios (vol. V) 289, vase painting, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 1617.85
Name: 36375X001.jpg
Keywords: MID34579, SMID36375, Eros 138b, vase painting, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 1606.85
Name: 43226X001.jpg
Keywords: MID41127, SMID43226, Aphrodite 1565, vase painting, United Kingdom, Birmingham, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 1610.85