Overview: 12 images on › Syria › Alep
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Name: 28083X001.jpg
Keywords: MID26730, SMID28083, Euphrates 11, mosaic, Syria, Alep, Musée National
Name: 6346X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6222, SMID6346, Mystis (S) 3, mosaic, Syria, Alep, Musée National
Name: 98321X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201393, SMID98321, Atalante Add 8, mosaic, Greece, opus tessellatum, 500/600, Sarrîn (Osrhoene), Syria, Alep, Musée National, unknown, spear, horse, hunt, Aineias, Atalante, Dido, Meleagros
Name: 98522X001.jpg
Keywords: MID201550, SMID98522, Aphros Add 2, Artemis Add 2, Tritones Add 12, mosaic, Greece, opus tessellatum, 540/560, Sarrîn (Osrhoene), Syria, Alep, Musée National, unknown, lion, spear, diadem, stag, dog, bow, arrow, hunt, jewellery, centaur, Aphros, Artemis, Triton, Potnia
Name: 48070X103.jpg
Keywords: MID45667, SMID48070, Allath 37, stele, relief, basalt, 100/300, Aleppo, Syria, Alep, Musée National, helmet, shield, spear, camel, Allath
Name: 2757X001.jpg
Keywords: MID2736, SMID2757, Zeus/Iuppiter Dolichenus 12, relief, Syria, Alep, Musée National
Name: 5705X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5609, SMID5705, Melqart (S) 1, relief, Syria, Alep, Musée National
Name: 24682X001.jpg
Keywords: MID23513, SMID24682, Herakles (Cypri) 4ad, sculpture in the round, Syria, Alep, Musée National
Name: 35548X001.jpg
Keywords: MID33808, SMID35548, Dea Syria 2, sculpture in the round, Syria, Alep, Musée National
Name: 5780X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5680, SMID5780, Herakles (Cypri) 12, Melqart (S) 40, sculpture in the round, Syria, Alep, Musée National, 225
Name: 10250X001.jpg
Keywords: MID10032, SMID10250, Theseus 77, vase painting, Syria, Alep, Musée National
Name: 38594X001.jpg
Keywords: MID36708, SMID38594, Dionysos 841, vase painting, Syria, Alep, Musée National