Overview: 3 images on › Italy › Altino
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Name: 22374X001.jpg
Keywords: MID21418, SMID22374, Anubis 50, Isis 185, impression, relief, terracotta, Altino (Venetien), Italy, Altino, Museo Archeologico Nazionale d’Altino, 2631, sistrum, bust, Anubis, Isis, Sarapis
Name: 100170X001.jpg
Keywords: MID203132, SMID100170, B. M., urn, sculpture in the round, Roman, röm. 16, Italy, Altino, Museo Archeologico Nazionale d’Altino, Kolloquium Rom 1998 (2001) 243-256 fig.3; Scarfi
Name: 99258X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202261, SMID99258, Gigantes Add 21, statue, sculpture in the round, Greece, Italy, Altino, Museo Archeologico Nazionale d’Altino, AL. 132