Overview: 35 images on › Italy › Pompei › Antiquarium
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Name: 14135X001.jpg
Keywords: MID13778, SMID14135, Sarapis 112a, gem, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 2159/4
Name: 34204X001.jpg
Keywords: MID32563, SMID34204, Bes 20b, lamp, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium
Name: 37806X001.jpg
Keywords: MID35967, SMID37806, Eros/Amor, Cupido 635, lamp, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 10999
Name: 3690X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3653, SMID3690, Venus 353, relief, marble, -100/-1, Pompei VI 16.7.38 (Casa degli Amorini dorati), Peristyl (F), Südwand, ehem. eingemauert, 1978 entfernt., Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 20469, incense, thymiaterion, turibulum, incense-burner, cave, incense box, libanotis, acerra, Aphrodite/Venus
Name: 99427X001.jpg
Keywords: MID202428, SMID99427, Dionysos/Bacchus Add 33, relief, Greece, volcanic stone, Pompei, Italy, Antiquarium, unknown
Name: 14442X001.jpg
Keywords: MID14050, SMID14442, Harpokrates 379, Isis 167, Sarapis 158, relief metal, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 1090/4
Name: 35059X001.jpg
Keywords: MID4783, SMID35059, Ixion 4, Vulcanus 79, relief, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium
Name: 35059X102.jpg
Keywords: MID4783, SMID35059, Ixion 4, Vulcanus 79, relief, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium
Name: 35059X202.jpg
Keywords: MID4783, SMID35059, Ixion 4, Vulcanus 79, relief, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium
Name: 3668X001.jpg
Keywords: MID3631, SMID3668, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 425, relief, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 2951
Name: 3668X002.jpg
Keywords: MID3631, SMID3668, Kentauroi et Kentaurides (S) 425, relief, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 2951
Name: 24729X001.jpg
Keywords: MID23560, SMID24729, Herakles/Hercle 5ad, relief terracotta, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium
Name: 8959X001.jpg
Keywords: MID8758, SMID8959, Olympos I 29, relief terracotta, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 40632
Name: 17440X001.jpg
Keywords: MID16776, SMID17440, Omphale 23ad, sculpture in the round, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 1187/4
Name: 25432X001.jpg
Keywords: MID24238, SMID25432, Hermaphroditos 53, sculpture in the round, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium
Name: 29156X001.jpg
Keywords: MID27751, SMID29156, Herakles 615, sculpture in the round, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 10138
Name: 5379X001.jpg
Keywords: MID5287, SMID5379, Pan (S) 99, sculpture in the round, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 3685
Name: 6426X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6301, SMID6426, Priapos (S) 88, sculpture in the round, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium
Name: 6573X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6440, SMID6573, Priapos (S) 183, sculpture in the round, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 20363
Name: 700X001.jpg
Keywords: MID782, SMID700, Oceanus (S) 81, sculpture in the round, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 20362
Name: 22634X001.jpg
Keywords: MID21645, SMID22634, Isis 305h, sculpture in the round of metal, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 430/4
Name: 28340X001.jpg
Keywords: MID26976, SMID28340, Harpokrates 119, sculpture in the round of metal, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 899/4
Name: 38877X001.jpg
Keywords: MID36981, SMID38877, Dionysos/Bacchus 3, sculpture in the round of metal, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 11864
Name: 32285X001.jpg
Keywords: MID30774, SMID32285, Demeter/Ceres (vol. IV) 25, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 8008
Name: 34263X001.jpg
Keywords: MID32621, SMID34263, Bes 29b, sculpture in the round of terracotta, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 5332
Name: 21416X001.jpg
Keywords: MID20505, SMID21416, Iphigeneia 46, Kalchas 17, vase painting, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 10901
Name: 6848X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6708, SMID6848, Sabazios (S) 2, crater, vase painting, Roman, terracotta, 79/- Discovery: (not specified), Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 10529, syrinx, snake, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, ladder, turtle, tortoise, lizard, frog, bukranion, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, grapes, keras, drinking horn, bread, kymbalon, kymbala, cymbala, cymbals, Sabazios
Name: 6849X001.jpg
Keywords: MID6709, SMID6849, Sabazios (S) 2a, vase painting, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 10528
Name: 11610X001.jpg
Keywords: MID11336, SMID11610, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 123, wall painting, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 1174/4
Name: 11610X202.jpg
Keywords: MID11336, SMID11610, Pegasos (Pegasos, Bellerophon) 123, wall painting, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 1174/4
Name: 37916X001.jpg
Keywords: MID36067, SMID37916, Eros/Amor, Cupido 688b, wall painting, Campania, Pompei VII 4.59 (Casa della Parete nera/Casa dei Bronzi), Exedra f, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 20879
Name: 4755X001.jpg
Keywords: MID4688, SMID4755, Vulcanus 10, wall painting, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 21631
Name: 4755X202.jpg
Keywords: MID4688, SMID4755, Vulcanus 10, wall painting, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 21631
Name: 8897X001.jpg
Keywords: MID8699, SMID8897, Eurykleia 12, Eurynome II 2, Penelope 24, wall painting, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 14231
Name: 8897X204.jpg
Keywords: MID8699, SMID8897, Eurykleia 12, Eurynome II 2, Penelope 24, wall painting, Italy, Pompei, Antiquarium, 14231