Overview: 4 images on › Italy › Ischia di Castro
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Name: 10727X003.jpg
Keywords: MID10499, SMID10727, Palamedes 20, Philoktetes 55, Turms 89, mirror, mirrors, Etruria, bronze, Italy, Ischia di Castro, Museo Civico Pietro Lotti
Name: 34973X101.jpg
Keywords: MID33291, SMID34973, Charon I/Charu(n) 30, statue, sculpture in the round, Greece, nenfro, Ischia, Italy, Ischia di Castro, Museo Civico Pietro Lotti, 81264, 192
Name: 34973X102.jpg
Keywords: MID33291, SMID34973, Charon I/Charu(n) 30, statue, sculpture in the round, Greece, nenfro, Ischia, Italy, Ischia di Castro, Museo Civico Pietro Lotti, 81264, 192
Name: 5125X101.jpg
Keywords: MID5036, SMID5125, Mainades (S) 110, oinochoe, vase painting, Faliscan, terracotta, Italy, Ischia di Castro, Museo Civico Pietro Lotti