Overview: 8 images on › Italy › Siracusa › Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi › sculpture in the round of stone
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Name: 13811X201.jpg
Keywords: MID13465, SMID13811, Hades 6, Sarapis 24, statue, sculpture in the round, Sicily, marble, -200/-100, Syracuse, Syrakusai, Syrakus, Italy, Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, 21686, sceptre, cult image, cult statue, Hades, Kerberos
Name: 16830X301.jpg
Keywords: MID16199, SMID16830, Nike 24, sculpture in the round, Italy, Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, 34136
Name: 23934X001.jpg
Keywords: MID22829, SMID23934, Hygieia 124, sculpture in the round, Italy, Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, 21687
Name: 41721X301.jpg
Keywords: MID39673, SMID41721, Aphrodite 743, statue, sculpture in the round, marble, Syracuse, Syrakusai, SyrakusNymphaeum at the Di Bonavia garden, Italy, Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, Aphrodite
Name: 42122X301.jpg
Keywords: MID40053, SMID42122, Asklepios 171, sculpture in the round, Italy, Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, 696
Name: 42944X001.jpg
Keywords: MID40852, SMID42944, Aphrodite 1058, head, sculpture in the round, marble, Megara Hyblaea, Italy, Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, hair, sakkos, Aphrodite
Name: 42944X302.jpg
Keywords: MID40852, SMID42944, Aphrodite 1058, head, sculpture in the round, marble, Megara Hyblaea, Italy, Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, hair, sakkos, Aphrodite
Name: 42944X303.jpg
Keywords: MID40852, SMID42944, Aphrodite 1058, head, sculpture in the round, marble, Megara Hyblaea, Italy, Siracusa, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi, hair, sakkos, Aphrodite