Slideshow: 2 images comply with your query "Kleopatra III"
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Store item
Name: 2606X001.jpg
Keywords: MID2585, SMID2606, Herakles 3515ad, Kleopatra III 1, Klytaimestra 2, Leda 28, Peirithoos 70, Phylonoe I 2, Timandra 4, Tyndareos 1, cup, vase painting, red figured, Attica, terracotta, Xenotimos Painter, -430/-425, Sorrento, United States, Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, 99.539, altar, bird (undetermined), egg, ashes, altar with fire protection, altar: volute altar, altar: monolithic block, Klytaimestra, Leda, Peirithoos, Tyndareos