Slideshow: 7 images comply with your query "Planetae (S) 14"
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Name: 3307X004.jpg
Keywords: MID3279, SMID3307, Ares/Mars 325, Ares/Mars 469, Helios/Sol 276, Planetae (S) 14, Saturnus (S) 52, Zeus/Iuppiter (in per. occ.) 57, Zodiacus 14, basin, cultual installations, Roman, bronze, 240/260, Augst (Augusta Raurica), Switzerland, Römermuseum, 21.78, kerykeion, caduceus, altar, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, thunderbolt, lightning, fire (on altar), column, priest, sacrifice, pipe, flute, aulos, tibiae, whip, toga, halo, nimbus, harpe, divinities of the week, tunic, capital: Corinthian, Ares/Mars, Helios/Sol, Hermes/Mercurius, Saturnus, Luna, Aphrodite/Venus, Zeus/Iuppiter