Slideshow: 4 images on › Italy › Orvieto › Museo Etrusco Claudio Faina › sculpture in the round
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Name: 9556X002.jpg
Keywords: MID9353, SMID9556, Aphrodite 368, Aphrodite/Turan 6, Persephone/Phersipnai 16, IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 2, VI. 1.e. Tod etr 38, statuette, sculpture in the round, marble, -600/-500, OrvietoSanctuary of Cannicella, from a small temple, Italy, Orvieto, Museo Etrusco Claudio Faina, 1307, base, diadem, pomegranate, jewellery, Aphrodite