ID: 29ee79fa817a4385837747c209836baf
Name: 23567X002.jpg
Size: 68.9 kb
Dimensions: 600x582 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID22493, SMID23567
Description: crater, vase painting, red figured, Boetia – Material: terracotta – Dating: -410/-390 – Discovery: (not specified) – Description: Asklepios (?) auf einer Liege hält in der rechten Hand einen Kantharos, dem sich eine Schlange zuwendet.
Keywords: MID22493, SMID23567, AmphiArAos 83, Asklepios 41, HygieiA 7, II. 4.A. BAnkett gr 42, VI. 1.f. Gesundheit, KrAnkheit, Medizin gr 1, crAter, vAse pAinting, red figured, BoetiA, terrAcottA, -410/-390, Greece, Athens, NAtionAl ArchAeologicAl Museum, 1393, wreAth, crown, stephAne, coronA, snAke, sceptre, thyrsos, jug, kAnthAros, kline, bed, brAnch, egg, cAke, offering cAke, pelAnos, servAnt, fruit, body pArt, lAurel wreAth, goddess, AmphiArAos, Trophonios
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID22493, SMID23567 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Amphiaraos 83, Asklepios 41, Hygieia 7, II. 4.a. Bankett, gr. 42, VI. 1.f. Gesundheit, Krankheit, Medizin, gr. 1
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: wreath, crown, stephane, corona, snake, sceptre, thyrsos, jug, kantharos, kline, bed, branch, egg, cake, offering cake, pelanos, servant, fruit, body part, laurel wreath, goddess, Amphiaraos, Trophonios
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Kern, O., ArchEphem (1890) 131–142 pl. 7; Lullies, R., Zur boötisch-rotfigurigen Vasenmalerei, AM 65 (1940) 21–22 pl. 26, 1–2; Kern, O., AA (1937) 472.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Greece, Athens, National Archaeological Museum, Inventory: 1393 (1. Inv.)