ID: f25d520e3aab4c528578682f1a532199
Name: 95X003.jpg
Size: 116 kb
Dimensions: 452x600 px
Resolution: 72x72 ppi
Title: MID303, SMID95
Description: cista, engraving, Praeneste – Material: bronze – Dating: -333/-300 – Discovery: Praeneste, Palestrina – Description: Xouthos, Laios oder Oidipous vor sitzendem Apollon. Apollon hält Phiale und grossen Lorbeerzweig. Vor ihm Omphalos, auf diesem Rabe.
Keywords: MID303, SMID95, Agon 15, Alexandros 15, Amazones Etruscae 11, AphrodIte/Turan 16, Apollon/Aplu
Creator: Institution or individual who owns the object
Copyright Notice: To order this picture, please apply to the institution or individual who owns the object
LIMC/ThesCRA ID: MID303, SMID95 – LIMC/ThesCRA: Agon 15, Alexandros 15, Amazones Etruscae 11, Aphrodite/Turan 16, Apollon/Aplu 48, Athena/Menerva 243, Chrysippos I 7, Eros (in Etruria) 33, Gorgones (in Etruria) 43, Gorgones (in Etruria) 76, Ion 3, Iris I 136, Mercurius 236, Nereides 362b, Paridis iudicium 44, Uni 33, Xouthos 4
LIMC/ThesCRA Keywords: sceptre, phiale, phiale mesomphalos, patera, helmet, tripod, oracle, corselet, raven, omphalos, stick, cane, laurel branch, seat, chair, sedes, sedile, horse, the dead, wings, winged figure, Amazon, bird, theft, Agon, Alexandros, Aphrodite/Turan, Apollon/Aplu, Athena/Menerva, Chrysippos I, Eros, Gorgo, Gorgones, Ion, Iris I, Hermes/Mercurius, Paridis iudicium, Hera/Uni, Xouthos, Nereides, Amazones
LIMC/ThesCRA Bibliography: Helbig(4) III no. 2954; Dohrn, T., RM 80, 1973, 12. 25–26 pl. 1–3; CP I 2, 226–232 no. 69 pl. 325–321; Giglioli, Taf. 291, 2.
LIMC/ThesCRA Place/Museum: Italy, Roma, Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia, Inventory: 13199 (1. Inv.), Cista Barberini (2. Inv.)