Achilleus 376 | Aigisthos 2 | altar | Achilleus | Aigisthos | AthensAcropolis | Athens | Acropolis Museum | Aias II 48 | Athena 85 | Aias II | Athena | Attis 376 | Artemis 376 | Aphrodite
MID2624 | Musée Archéologique | MID6155 | marble | MID10969 | MID10970 | MID10972 | MID19118 | Mégare | MID32181 | Museum of the Ancient Agora | MID40958
SMID2647 | shieldband | sceptre | sword | spear | SMID6277 | Sanctuary of Athena Ergane | SMID11217 | shield | suppliant | supplication | SMID11218 | SMID11220 | SMID19996 | SMID33799 | SMID43052 | sculpture in the round