MID1422 | mirrors | Musei Vaticani | MID10232 | Museo Gregoriano Egizio | MID15730 | Menoites 2 | MID17103 | MID22505 | Medizin gr 3 | marble | MID24862 | MID26005 | MID44565 | MID4096 | manuscript | MID9448 | Medagliere Vaticano
SMID1330 | SMID10457 | sculpture in the round | stephane | SMID16261 | SMID17791 | sculpture in the round of terracotta | SMID23579 | statue group | SMID26093 | SMID27307 | SMID46864 | statue | snake | SMID14194 | Sibyllae 39 | Sibyllae | SMID9652