Achilleus 194p | Achilleus Add 62 | Achilleus | Andromeda I Add 1 | Apulia | Andromeda I | Aphrodite 156 | Aphrodite | A | Attica | Athens | Attike 5 | Arrephoria | Athena | Attike | A panse | altar | Achilleus Add 33
Boston | balance | boat | basket for funerary offerings | birth of a divinty | Beverly Hills | bed | B panse
crater: volute crater | crown | corona | crater: calyx crater | clay | column | capital: Ionic | Charon I 27 | child | Charon I | Cleveland | Cleveland Museum of Art | cliff | crater: bell crater | chariot | corpse
Eros 397 | Erotostasia | Eros | Erechtheus (vol. IV) 8 | Erechtheus | Erichthonios | each nude from the hips up and wearing a wreath (white paint) | eidolon
Hermes 817 | herm | he-goat | Hermes | helmet | his right hand held up | his left hand is lowered. Behind him is a low altar on a pedestal. | Hektor
MID395 | marble | Malibu | MID9863 | MID19994 | Museum of Fine Arts | MID20005 | MID25026 | Metropolitan Museum of Art | MID31289 | Meidias Painter | MID50055 | mensa | MID201883
relief | ram | red figured | ring | round lekythos | rock | recline on klinai under which are low tables holding food (white paint). They probably conversing.
SMID183 | sacrifice | sacrificial animal | soldier | SMID10070 | Sisyphus Group | stephane | SMID20894 | scales | SMID20905 | statuette | SMID26261 | ship | SMID32813 | SMID55036 | Summa Galleries | SMID55037 | stand confronted. Between them Eros | SMID98870 | Sotheby’s
unknown | unknown- Description (detail): Scene of banquet: Two pairs of youths | unknown- Description (detail): Two youths wearing himation and wreath (white paint)