Aphrodite 158 | Attica | Agorakritos | Athens | altar | Aphrodite | Athena 606 | Athena | Asklepios 317 | Asklepios | Antikensammlung
Copenhague | cornucopia | child | Charis | Charites/Gratiae 43 | Charites | club | Continental Greece
Denmark | Demeter (Suppl. 2009) 439 | Demeter (vol. IV) 439 | Daphni (Attica)Sanctuary of Aphrodite | Demeter | Demeter (vol. IV) 446 | Demos 42 | Demos | Dresden
Greece | Glyptothèque Ny Carlsberg | gesture: one forearm raised (worship | greeting?) | gesture: both arms raised (epiphany or?) | Germany | gesture of adorationXXX
II. 4.a. Bankett gr 43 | II. 5. Kultbilder 220 | III. 6.c. Verehrung 18 | I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke röm 473 | I. 2.d. Weihgeschenke gr 61 | III. 6.b. Gebet gr 67
MID827 | marble | MID7258 | MID7263 | Musée Archéologique | MID17484 | Mercurius 245 | Musei Vaticani | MID21098 | MID19117 | MID50645
phiale | phiale mesomphalos | patera | praying man | prayer | Peitho 43 | Persephone (S) 328 | praying woman | Peitho | Persephone | Persephone (S) 330
SMID741 | servant | SMID7407 | sceptre | SMID9670 | SMID18202 | SMID22033 | SMID19995 | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin | Sk 807 | SMID55804 | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen | Skulpturensammlung