A | AJA 7 (1903) 320-334; Baldwin | A. | AJA 7 (1903) 335-337; Bassett | AJA 7 (1903) 338-349; Beschi 35; Travlos
Gigantes 517 | Germany | grapes | Greece | Grotte de Pan | G. | G./Goette | Greece Vari (Anagyrous) Grotte de Pan
MID7574 | Mithras 78 | Mithras 81 | Mithras 118 | Mithras 257 | Mithras 337 | Mithras 339 | Mithras 368 | Mithras 440 | Mithras 448 | Mithras 513 | Mithras 619 | Mithraeum I | Museum Wiesbaden | mysteries of Mithras | Mithras | MID52569
Nida/Frankfurt-Heddernheim/Civitas TaunensiumMithraeum Aldobrandini | nimbus | Nürnberger Blätter zur Archäologie 15 (1998/99) 23-36; Schörner
Terracotta Statuettes | The Cave at Vari: The Coins | The Cave at Vari: The Terracotta Lamps | TopAttika 447-448 Abb. 581-586; Schörner