Index search: 784 keywords in the database
Selected keywords: 45 Pompei
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altar | altar: round altar | Artemis/Diana 47 | Attis 435 | amphora | Artemis | Aias II 85 | Aineias 127 | Aias II | Aineias | Anchises | Athena | Africa 51 | Aithiopia (Suppl. 2009) 1 | Alexandria (Alexandreia) 80 | Asia I 3 | Africa | Aigyptos | Alexandria (Alexandreia) | Asia I | Aithiopia | atrium | Alexandros | Aktaion 94a | Ares/Mars 376f | Aktaion | Ares/Mars | Aphrodite/Venus | architectural model | Athena/Minerva | altar: monolithic block | architrave | Andromeda I 69 | Andromeda I | Andromeda I 71 | Ariadne (vol. III) 61 | Andromeda I 103 | Antiope I | Achilleus 387 | Achilleus 428 | Achilleus 436 | Achilleus 465 | Achilleus 672 | Agamemnon 48 | Athena/Minerva 355 | Achilleus | Agamemnon | Apollon/Apollo 298 | Achilleus 429 | Agamemnon 48a | Athena/Minerva 354 | auletes | Adonis | Aphrodite | Adonis 3 | Arion 603p | Aineias 209 | Artemis/Diana 359 | Atalante 45 | Artemis/Diana | Atalante | Abundantia 2 | aulos | Apollon/Apollo 287 | Andromeda I 91 | Apollon/Apollo 420ad | Achilleus 55 | Achilleus 122 | Achilleus 432 | Agamemnon 49 | agrenon | Achilleus 53d | Adonis 35 | Amphion | Achilleus 458 | Achilleus 495 | Achilleus 536 | Achilleus 609 | Achilleus 671 | Aias I 51 | Aias I 68 | Antilochos I 21 | Automedon 26 | agon | Aias I | Antilochos I | Automedon | Abundantia 3 | Achilleus 471 | Amphion 15a | Apollon/Apollo 278 | Apollon/Apollo 442 | Ares/Mars 389 | Apollon/Apollo 273 | Apollon/Apollo 458 | Apollon/Apollo 444b | Apollon/Apollo 444c | Aktaion 98ad | Artemis/Diana 330 | Ares/Mars 389a | Ares/Mars 376e | ala [4] | Aias II 83 | am Boden Utensilien (Oinochoe | Aias ergreift sie am Arm. In der Mitte Priamos. Links im Mittelgrund ergreift Menelaos Helena am Haar. | aedicula | Andromeda I 106 | atriolo del bagno [46; Schefold a] | Atalante 35
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Campania | crown | corona | cult image | cult statue | cup | corselet | chair | cornucopia | crescent of the moon | candelabrum | cloak) | Casa dell’Orso | Casa di Sallustio | cave | Cupido 640 | Casa di M. Lucretius Fronto | Casa di Meleagro | chariot | c | Casa delle Pareti Rosse | Casa del Larario del Sarno | Casa dei Capitelli colorati | Casa di Arianna | Casa di P. Cornelius Teges | Casa dell’Efebo | Casa dei Dioscuri | child | Casa del Forno di ferro | Caserma dei Gladiatori | camillus | capite velato | catinus | Casa del Citarista | chest | Casa di Apollo | Cheiron | cock | Casa di Adone ferito | Cupido | Casa delle Nozze di Ercole | Casa di Marte e Venere | Casa di Loreius Tiburtinus | club | cliff | contest | charioteer | corpse | Cupido 289 | Cupido 133 | Cupido 613 | Casa del Menandro | captive | Cupido 271 | Cupido 5
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Domus Pinari Cerialis | double-axe | Dido (S) 13 | Dido | dog | Dido Add 2 | Daidalos | Danae 60 | d (già IX 9.17) | Diomedes I 46 | Diomedes I | Daidalos et Ikaros 43 | drinking horn | dorsuale (strap over the animal’s back) | Daidalos et Ikaros 41 | dagger | Deidameia II | das eine trägt ein Tuch auf einem Brett; zwei tunicati mit Traggestell | darauf Baum | darauf Gegenstände (galea); vier Träger mit rechteckigem Brett auf Schultern | darauf Gegenstände (das meiste zerstört); Opferstier mit Schlächter/popa (Beil); tunicatus mit Lamm auf den Schultern; zwei tunicati | die einen tragbaren | darauf eine Krone. | donkey | Daphne 32 | Danae 34 | Daphne 9 | Daphne 10 | Dionysos/Bacchus 208 | Demeter/Ceres (vol. IV) 152
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human sacrifice | Helene 227 | helmet | hikesia | Helene | Harpokrates 304 | horse | Harpokrates | horn | horns | Hekate (vol. VI) 60 | Hekate | Helle | Herakles | Hektor 103 | Hektor | Herakles 554 | Helios/Sol 182ad | Hermes | Herakles/Hercules | Hermaphroditos Add 34 | herm | Herakles 3337 | Hestia/Vesta 54 | h | Hektor 102 | Herakles 2791a | Herakles 2791b | Herakles 2791c | Herakles 2791d | Herakles 2791e | Herakles 2911 | Hesione (S) 14 | Hesione (S) 57 | Hesione (S) 58 | Hesione (S) 59 | Hesione | Horai/Horae | Hylas 8 | Hippolytos I 46 | Hypnos/Somnus 136 | Helene 368
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IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 83a | Italy | Iphigeneia 58 | II. 5. Kultbilder 72 | III. 6.c. Verehrung 80 | III 4.4 | Iphigeneia | Ilioupersis (S) 45 | Ilioupersis | Isis 210 | Isis | II. 5. Kultbilder 591 | Io I 45 | IX 9 | I. 2.a. Opfer röm 132 | I 14.6-7 | incense offering | I 7.10-12 | I 12.3 | I. 2.a. Opfer röm 76 | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 83b | infula | I 4.5.25 | I 3.25 | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 115c | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 39 | IX 2.24 | Iuno 216 | Idaios 5 | Idaios 10 | II 2.2-5 | Idaios | IV. 1.b. Kultorte (Darstellungen) 55a | IV. 1.a. Kultorte etr ital. röm. 9 | Iphigeneia 63 | Io I 49 | Ilioupersis (S) 41 | II. 5. Kultbilder 429 | I 10.4
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MID295 | MID409 | MID2109 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale | MID2448 | MID3552 | mosaic | MID4121 | MID6216 | Montes (S) 7 | mountain divinity | MID6468 | MID8136 | MID9249 | MID9329 | Mercurius 193 | mensa | MID9613 | MID9961 | MID9963 | MID9982 | MID3421 | maenad | MID12161 | MID12241 | MID6956 | Mousa | Mousai/Musae (vol. VII) 73 | MID12646 | MID13142 | MID13144 | music | MID3564 | m | MID13308 | MID1368 | Minos I 12 | Myrrha 4 | MID15036 | Meilanion 405p | Meleagros 157 | Meilanion | Melanion | Meleagros | MID15720 | MID16090 | MID16102 | MID33662 | MID6179 | Midas (S) 45 | MID3755 | MID43723 | mirror | MID44208 | MID2329 | Mercurius 250a | MID6347 | mitra (headband) | Marsyas I | MID3666 | mit Myrtenzweigen verzierten Thron tragen | MID16022 | mother-godess | MID117 | Machaireus 2 | Mercurius 271 | MID2085 | Menelaos | Marsyas I 38 | Minotauros 55 | Mercurius 302 | Meleagros 93
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phiale | phiale mesomphalos | patera | Pompei III 4.4 (Domus Pinari Cerialis) | Pylades | Priamos 113 | Palladion | Priamos | pallium (outer garment | Poseidon/Neptunus 84 | Pompei V 9 2 (Casa di Meleagro) | parasol | Pompei VI 16.7.38 (Casa degli Amorini dorati) | Phrixos et Helle 33 | Pompei VI 2.4 (Casa di Sallustio) | Phrixos | Pompei IX 5.14 | Perdix I 4 | procession | Pero II 5 | Pompei V 4.11 (House of M. Lucretius Fronto) | pediment | Perseus 86 | Pompei VII 2.45 (Casa dell’Orso) | Perseus 204a | Pompei VI 9.6 (House of the Dioskouroi) | Perseus 204c | Pompei IX 9.17 | Perseus 224d | Pompei VI 10.2 | Perseus | Pasiphae 12 | Phokos II | Prometheus 59 | Pompei VII 4.31.51 (Casa dei Capitelli colorati/Casa di Arianna) | Prometheus | Pompei VII 7.35 (Temple of Apollo) | Pompei VIII 5.37 (Casa delle Pareti rosse) | Pompei VI 15.1 (Casa del Larario del Sarno) | piper | plant | Pygmaioi 23 | Patroklos | p | Pygmaioi 47b | Pompei I 7.10–12 | Pompei VI 15.6 | Poseidon | pipe | pig | popa (with ax or hammer) | Priamos 26 | Perseus 219a | Pompei I 3.25 | piglet | Priapos (S) 122 | Pompei VI 7.18.11 (Casa di Adone fertilo) | Priapos | Priapos (S) 87 | Pompei VII 9.47 (House of the Wedding of Hercules)- Description (detail): Hercules und Hebe/Iuventus an tetrastyler Aedicula der Venus Pompei ana (nach PompPittMos 375 | PompPittMos 374 | Poseidon/Neptunus 83 | Phoinix II (S) 10 | Priamos 2 | Pompei II 2.2–5 (House of Loreius Tiburtinus) | priest | Phoinix II | Pompei V 4.11 (House of M. Lucretius Fronto)- Description (detail): Neoptolemos sur un autel est attaqué par Orestes et un jeune homme; une prêtresse est tombée à terre au milieu d’objets épars | Pyramos | Phrixos et Helle 34 | Polyphemos I (S) 59 | Psyche 24 | Priamos 84 | Pompei I 10.4 (Casa del Menandro) | Phialen | Pasiphae 2 | Paridis iudicium 73
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SMID86 | SMID194 | stephane | SMID2122 | suppliant | supplication | seat | sedes | sedile | soldier | SMID2467 | sistrum | SMID3587 | SMID4165 | sword | suicide | ship | sunshade | SMID6340 | Südwand | SMID6601 | SMID8322 | Stheneboia 4 | sceptre | spear | Stheneboia | SMID9451 | shield | saw | serra | SMID9531 | sacrificial animal | SMID9818 | SMID10175 | sea monster | SMID10177 | SMID10197 | SMID11206 | snake | satyr | silen | SMID12454 | statue | SMID12536 | SMID12555 | SMID12949 | SMID13473 | Sarnus 1 | SMID13475 | Sarnus 3 | sacrifice | SMID13586 | swan | SMID13648 | SMID14508 | Skylla II 1 | SMID15512 | Selene | SMID16251 | SMID16700 | situla | SMID16714 | sacrificial assistant | stemma | SMID35394 | SMID40474 | SMID40616 | small box | SMID45971 | SMID46491 | SMID49197 | SMID49461 | statuette | SMID49472 | sacellum | sistrum); zwei Träger mit quadratischem Brett auf Schultern | SMID49480 | SMID12375 | SMID12800 | staff | SMID15175 | SMID16715 | SMID17339 | SMID20148 | SMID20275 | SMID20279 | SMID20649 | SMID26537 | SMID26994 | SMID32240 | SMID35473 | SMID35474 | SMID48233 | SMID49182 | SMID49498 | SMID49538 | SMID49688 | Spiesse oder Holz?) | SMID49689 | SMID49690 | SMID49691 | SMID49697 | SMID49701
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VII 11.11.14 | Venus 308 | VII 2.45 | VI 2.4 | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 982 | V 4.11 | VI 9.2 | VII 7.35 (già VII 7.1) | VIII 5.37 | V 2 | VII 4.51.31 | VI 9.6-9 | VI 15.6 | V 5.3 | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 301 | Victoria 60 | VI 7.23 | V 4.3 | Victoria | VI 7.18 | Venus 366 | V. 2.a. Kultpersonal röm 257 | V. 2.b. Kultinstrumente 983 | von Schlange umwunden; vier tunicati die auf den Schultern ein Traggestell mit Tempel tragen; rechts von der Aedicula: Isispriesterin (? | VII 9.47 | vessel | VIII. 4.b. Hauskulte röm 4 | Venus 224 | vase | Venus 318
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