Amazones 574 | Antakya | Antiocheia on the Orontes | Antiochia ad Orontem | Amazon | animal | Amazones | Achilleus 1a | Achilleus 49 | Achilleus 74 | Achilleus 75ad | Achilleus 91 | Achilleus 716d | Achilleus | Automedon | Achilleus Add 60 | arrow | Aias II | altar: monolithic block
kithara | kline | Kouklia | Kouvouklia (Cyprus)Kato Alonia | krateriskos | krater | krateriskos in the cult of Artemis Brauronia
MID44552 | mosaic | Musée Archéologique du Hatay | MID43668 | MID201939 | Musée de Palaipafos | MID202867 | Mounichia (Attica)Sanctuary of Artemis | Musée Archéologique
panther | pillar | Priamos | Polyphemos I Add 2 | Palaipaphos | Palaepaphos | Polyphemos I | palm tree
SMID46852 | spear | SMID49547 | slab | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin | shield | SMID98926 | sarcophagus | skin | SMID99893