Agathodaimon 10 | Agathodaimon | Agathodaimon 12 | Attis 18 | Attis | aedicula | altar | Archäologischer Park Xanten
Cairo | CG 27619 | CG 27573 | crown | corona | Caelestis Add 1 | cippus | club | Colonia Ulpia TraianaBrickworks of the Legio XXX
Horos 6 | Harpokrates | Horos | Herakles/Hercules (in per. occ.) Add 2 | Herakles/Hercules | Herakles/Hercules (in per. occ.) Add 10
MID45317 | MID45318 | MID31474 | Musée Archéologique | MID201248 | MID202159 | Musée de la Princerie | MID202167
SMID47702 | snake | SMID47704 | stele | stephane | SMID33079 | SMID98156 | sceptre | SMID99155 | SMID99163 | statuette | sculpture in the round