Aphrodite 503 | AB 694 | apple | Aphrodite | Asklepios 39 | Antikensammlung | Austria | Athena 247 | Athena | Apollon 66a | Apollon/Apollo 310 | Auktion 22 | Apollon | Aphrodite 393 | AciliaVia Ostiense | Aphrodite 409 | Aphrodite 476 | Aphrodite 490 | Aphrodite 495 | Athena 171 | Athena (Suppl. 2009) 171 | Athena/Minerva 222 | Athena 257 | Athena (Suppl. 2009) 257 | Apollon 115 | Apollon 117 | Apollon 142 | Aphrodisias | Agathodaimon 40 | Agathodaimon | Anubis 873p | Alexandrie | Anubis | Aphrodite 328 | Aphrodite 741 | Aphrodite (in per. or.) 35 | Apollon 114 | Africa 20 | Africa | Ammon 146 | Ammon | Archäologischer Park Xanten | Athena Add 42 | aegis
bronze | Berlin | Basel | Br 699 | between the Viminal and the Quirinal; near S. Vitale | bust | Budapest | Bois-le-Duc (’s-Hertogenbosch)
candelabrum | cup | Cyzicus (Kyzikos) | Cleveland | Cleveland Museum of Art | column | club | Collections privées | Collections privées non spécifiées | Collection de Clercq | Cherchel | Caesaria | Caesarea | Colonia Claudia Caesarea | Collection P. Gautier | Colonia Ulpia TraianaBrickworks of the Legio XXX
Eros | Ercolano | Erechtheus (vol. IV) 39 | E 26920 | Egypt | Elephantine | Eléphantine | EmpelSanctuary of Hercules Magusanus
Hygieia 22 | Hermaphroditos 5 | Hermaphroditos (Suppl. 2009) 5 | Hermaphroditos | Hermaphroditos 5a | Hermaphroditos (Suppl. 2009) 5a | Hermaphroditos 5c | Hermaphroditos (Suppl. 2009) 5c | Hermaphroditos 6 | Hermaphroditos (Suppl. 2009) 6 | Herculaneum | Herculanumtheatre | Herrmann 326 | hydria | Herculanum | Hermanubis 21 | head | horn | horns | Hungary | Herakles/Hercules (in per. occ.) Add 10 | Herakles/Hercules | Herakles/Hercules (in per. occ.) Add 11 | helmet
Krankheit | Kunsthistorisches Museum | kithara | Kasr Daoud (Egypt) | kalathos | Kozani | kalathos (container)
MID3387 | MID16260 | Mercurius 49 | Museo Civico Luigi Bailo | MID17155 | Musée du Louvre | MYR 641 | MNC 533 | MID22505 | Medizin gr 3 | marble | Musei Vaticani | MID24180 | MID24181 | MID24183 | Museo Archeologico | MID24184 | Madrid | Museo Nacional del Prado | MID30343 | Mousa | Mousai | MID31311 | MA 464 | MID38524 | Münzen und Medaillen AG | MID39137 | Museo Nazionale Romano | MID39160 | Musei Capitolini | MID39309 | Mora | MID39335 | Marseille | Musée d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne | MID39353 | MID41652 | Museo Archeologico Nazionale | MID41986 | MID42060 | Musée Archéologique | MID42062 | MID42081 | Musée | MID45344 | MID24177 | Musée Gréco-Romain | MID38983 | MID39671 | MID42059 | MID45026 | MID46033 | MID201024 | Musée National Hongrois (Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum) | MID202167 | MID202168 | MID202210 | Museum zu Allerheiligen
SMID3421 | statuette | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen | Skulpturensammlung | SMID16893 | sculpture in the round of metal | SMID17844 | sculpture in the round of terracotta | SMID23579 | statue group | SMID25372 | statue | Staatliche Museen zu Berlin | Sk 193 | SMID25373 | SMID25376 | SMID25377 | Spain | SMID31804 | scena; niche | SMID32834 | spear | SMID40511 | Switzerland | SMID41172 | SMID41195 | SMID41347 | Sweden | SMID41375 | SMID41393 | SMID43761 | SMID44166 | Sk 73 | SMID44242 | SMID44244 | Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Wörlitz | SMID44263 | SMID47731 | Sarapis | SMID25369 | SMID41017 | SMID41719 | SMID44240 | SMID47374 | SMID48455 | stone | SMID97864 | SMID99163 | SMID99164 | SMID99207 | Schaffhausen | snake