Aphrodite 503 | AB 694 | apple | Aphrodite | Apollon 66a | Apollon/Apollo 310 | Auktion 22 | Apollon | Aphrodite 490 | Aphrodite 495 | Apollon 115 | Apollon 117 | Agathodaimon 40 | Agathodaimon | Anubis 873p | Alexandrie | Anubis | Aphrodite 328 | Aphrodite 741 | Aphrodite (in per. or.) 35 | Archäologischer Park Xanten | Athena Add 42 | aegis | Athena
Cyzicus (Kyzikos) | Cleveland | Cleveland Museum of Art | club | Collections privées | Collections privées non spécifiées | Collection de Clercq | Colonia Ulpia TraianaBrickworks of the Legio XXX
Hermanubis 21 | Herakles/Hercules (in per. occ.) Add 10 | Herakles/Hercules | Herakles/Hercules (in per. occ.) Add 11 | helmet
MID3387 | MID38524 | Münzen und Medaillen AG | MID39335 | marble | Marseille | Musée d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne | MID39353 | MID42060 | Musée Archéologique | MID42062 | MID45344 | Musée du Louvre | MID24177 | Musée Gréco-Romain | MID38983 | MID39671 | MID202167 | MID202168 | MID202210 | Museum zu Allerheiligen
SMID3421 | sculpture in the round | Staatliche Kunstsammlungen | Skulpturensammlung | SMID40511 | sculpture in the round of metal | Switzerland | SMID41375 | SMID41393 | SMID44242 | SMID44244 | Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Wörlitz | SMID47731 | Sarapis | SMID25369 | SMID41017 | SMID41719 | SMID99163 | SMID99164 | SMID99207 | Schaffhausen | snake